The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 164: Summers Return

Chapter 164: Summers Return

Summer jolted, her head tilting Parc's way sending from beneath her cloak a question in silence, 'do I do it now?'

Parc's head gave a single downwards bob before realigning to Ozpin, his lips now tilting up in anticipatory amusement. "This is Well, I think it'd be better if she introduced herself," Parc spoke before giving Summer another go ahead.

Summer sucked in a sharp breath, slowly letting it out in a slight hiss. Her hands rose to her hood clasping each side with a light pinch and began to draw it back until she could let it go and cascade off her long red tipped, raven hair. Her silver eyes peering at Ozpin who initially went through confusion and rapidly into surprise.

Glynda's mouth collapsed, hanging wide as she too comprehended who it was stood before them while she turned a shade of white as if she was staring at a ghost.

"Summer?" they uttered in near perfect unison.

Summer didn't lift her head to Glynda, remaining solely on Ozpin with lips trembling, wishing to not show her disappointment and anger for being left alone for so long.

"Thanks for finding me." they were sour the words that spilled forth.

Ozpin visibly flinched though his shocked expression never faltering. "I-Summer, how are you-"

"I'm not so easy to kill Ozpin. You should have known that. But you didn't." within her cloak Summer's fists were clenched into white balls.

"We searched everywhere for you, all Qrow could find were shreds of your cloak-" Ozpin's eyes widened, his hands reaching out as if to pacify her with his reasoning.

"And you decided to just write me off like that? Because the only thing birdbrain could find was my cloak? Come on Ozpin. I've I've had long enough to figure things out on my own. I spent ten, years trapped on a grimm infested island. The only reason I wasn't found is because you called off the search early." With every word her cheek's twitched forming her expression into an angry scowl.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"I-" Ozpin tried to speak but was interrupted by Summer.

"Ten. Years. I have spent not watching either of my daughters grow up. I have missed birthdays, Christmases, maybe even a boyfriend or two. I didn't even get to teach my daughter how to fight or hold them when boys broke their hearts." She breathed in a powerful breath, a bright, fire like glint raising from the depths of her eyes was threatening to spill out at any moment.

"Ten years I have spent scrounging fish from the ocean and fruit from the trees. Ten years I have been surrounded by grimm. Ten years I have had to protect a little girl who was in exactly the same position as I was. Every day I prayed Ozpin. I prayed you would appear on the horizon to bring me home. For ten years I waited Ozpin. Ten. Years." By now her face had contorted into a vicious glare as all her anger spilled out of her. But alongside that anger, came tears.

"And you know what I find out when I get back? When I finally get rescued? You trying to poach my daughter. What? Because she's like me? She has silver eyes? She's this 'elite grimm slaying warrior that can kill Salem' once and for all? Know this Ozpin. That's not going to happen. I'm not going to let you have your way with Ruby like you did with me. I'm not going to let you trick her into this shadow war of yours. My daughter is way too kind to refuse."

Ozpin progressively shrunk into his seat, growing paler by the second of Summer's ranting. "I don't int-"

"Don't you even try and refute me Ozpin!" Summer bellowed, her voice as loud as Lili's when she's called a child, from her eyes a spark had ignited and, in her rage, a brilliant silver flame billowed forth from her orbs raising a soft silver light across the room. "I know you well enough! There are too few silver eyes now. Even less now that Salem's had ten more years to hunt us down. So don't tell me you weren't intending on turning Ruby into your latest failed project."

At that point Parc was tempted to mention that Ruby would be the second latest failed project, right after Amber and Pyrrha, both of which die in future events on the same day, by the same person. The very same person who kills Ozpin on that exact same day.

'I am realizing how pathetic this millenia old warrior actually is,' Parc's eyes grew blank. How was it possible for Ozpin, in all his years. To fuck up so badly that he couldn't even challenge a woman who had just moments prior gotten the last of the Maidens power from Amber. 'Seriously for the guy who gifted the magic to the maidens you couldn't even go against someone who barely had the full thing'

Shock even worse than before coursed through Ozpin as he stared up at the two ignited orbs. "You're a maiden?" he muttered gaping.

Summer's rage gave way for a second with her hand slowly raising to her cheek as if to feel the flames of her power, forcing them to retract and flicker away returning the room to its usual colouration. "You would have figure that out if you'd found me ten years ago." She growled.

"Summer. I didn't know, if I did I would never have-"

"You didn't know what Ozpin? Because right now, it sounds like your talking about my maidenhood-"

In silence Parc snorted, noting the various connotations behind Summer's 'maidenhood' one of which he had experienced first hand not long ago.

"-and not about me being alive."

"Summer, that's not what I-"

"Just shut up Ozpin. I don't care about what you think. Not anymore." Summer was growing restless with her entire body shaking. Turning her head to Parc, she said, "I'm going to wait downstairs. I need to calm down." Stomping off, Summer stepped into the elevator, her eyes shut not wanting to look at the rage inducing figure of Ozpin.

With her gone, Ozpin slumped into his seat, his gaze blank staring past Parc. Glynda in much a similar state of befuddlement.

Both of which Parc found incomprehensibly perfect. One because it was amusing and the other because he deserved it. "As you can see. You've really fucked up."

That much was obvious. "Anyways," Parc began to back away from the table with sly smile, ready to leave the two to fester for a bit. "I should make sure she's doing alright. Send the students to the cliff tomorrow. I'll be starting my lessons then." Turning around, Parc made quick steps towards the lift, flicking the button to call it up.

Neither had the will to respond nor the capacity to understand what he said so they remained silent.

"Glynda" Ozpin's voice came out hoarse, worse so than when he had gotten that initial letter from Parc. "I I need some time to think. Please go with him."

Glynda didn't say anything in response and simply began to walk her way to Parc, entering into the lift when it arrived. Leaving Ozpin to think on his lonesome.

Inside the elevator everything had remained silent up until the halfway point of their descent down the shaft when Glynda spoke. "Do does her family know?"

"Not yet. Planning on setting something up for her daughters soon. Tai on the other hand, she has no interest in seeing him or even letting him know she's alive." He answered.

"Why?" her stern tone had been severed away to confusion.

"You haven't heard?" Parc quirked a brow her way, "he's gotten himself a fianc. Summer doesn't want to be a homewrecker, so for now, she only wants Ruby and Yang knowing she's alive."

Glynda's lips pursed like she'd bitten something sour. Her mind wandering across thoughts creasing her mind, "this girl Summer raised is she Ferry?"

Parc nodded his head, "Yessir, if you can, take it easy on her. Or at least make sure she doesn't kill anyone. She's only really fought Grimm till now so I can imagine how lethal she can be. Especially with personal training beneath Summer of all people," he chuckled. He hadn't fought her directly, but he could imagine the damage she could do. "Oh, and if possible, could you get her a tutor? Her knowledge on other things is lacking."

Glynda had noticed, in speaking with Bartholowmew and port she had learned that both Ferry and Lili were quite lacking in general knowledge. Ferry especially, in the lessons they had had till now both those professors commented about how blank in the eyes Ferry was.

"I can do that. I have an idea as to who I can ask." Though her sentences were clean, they were slow.

"Thanks, those two can really do with a bit of help"

The elevator soon came to dinging open on the bottom floor letting the two exit, finding Summer sat on a bench not far away wiping away tears from her eyes after hearing the elevator arrive. Seeing Glynda stood besides Parc, Summer slowly rose, a weak smile on her face as she met the two halfway.

Parc stepped to the side letting the old friends have their reunion. The distance he made giving him a clear and surprising revelation about their heights. 'Jesus christ Glynda is tall.' He thought comprehending how Glynda stood nearly a head taller than himself and multiple taller than Summer.

The two stared at eachother, Glynda's eyes still a strange hue of incomprehension while Summer's were soft to her junior. When finally they did speak, Summer was the one to start, "H-hey Glynda. You've uh, gotten older."

Parc practically stumbled, 'out of everything you could choose to mention. You pick her age?' and watched as Glynda simply snorted and shook her head. A true smile taking to her features as she stepped forwards and brought Summer into a tight hug.

'Well that's a sight I thought I'd never see.' He though jealously looking at Summer whose face was buried between Glynda's two ample breasts. Her own arms lifting to hug Glynda back.

"It's good to see you Summer. Things haven't been the same since you" she didn't know what to say after that.

"I know. It's good to be back."



Heyo, quick reminder to Patrons, Devin Burklowe and Ray Brown, you two are entitled to a monster girl for the Almanac of Monster shaped girls. Please tell me if you don't wish to use it, want to put it off to another day, or toss me whatever idea you'd like me to make an entry about.

I have sent you both a message on Patr-eon.

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