The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 57: Rattling chains

Chapter 57: Rattling chains

Esdeath seemed intent on making him pause every thought process and process everything with a piercing beeping noise resounding throughout his mind as he continued staring up at Esdeath pale breasts, deeply contrasted with the bright pink nipples on their tips.

"By any means necessary?" once he was done processing the input his lips began to tilt up.

Esdeath nodded, the action sending a small bounce through her chest, "indeed. Either through combat, or simply as a woman. I do not care how. Just prove you are stronger than me, and I will submit myself to you willingly and become a 'mother'." She opened her hand letting her top fall to the ground besides her.

This was an opportunity, a big one. One he would not get again. Pushing himself up to his feet, Parc gripped the bottom of his shirt and straightened it out, "you? Are just going to let me have my way with your body?"

Esdeath threw her head back and began to laugh uproariously under Parc's confused stare. "Of course not. Sex is just as much a battle of two wills as true combat is. You have to utterly dominate me. Push my body to the brink. Make me dependant on your touch."

Esdeath pressed up against him, pushing her chest onto his while his hand roamed to her lower back. Her head up to meet his eyes.

"And while you do that," Esdeath lightly traced her finger in a figure eight across his left pectoral, "I will be doing the same. I will force you to find pleasure only with my body. If I lose, I become yours. If you lose, you become mine forever. Never looking back at that whorish Night Raid hussy."

Parc's cheek twitched. Calling Sheele a hussy and whorish irked him to no end. Not that he would dare utter such grievances before Esdeath for fear of angering her.

"That's quite the challenge. And you think you'll be able to do that?" He smirked his own hands coming to stroke up and down her lower back.

While he had no doubts Esdeath would tear him a new one in combat. Challenging him to a bout of nightly fun put them on about as even a field as he could hope for. Add that in with his teigu which he could only predict would inevitably get a new subject from this. Well, that only boosted his chances even more.

"Certainly. I never challenge something I do not know I will win," Esdeath began to unbutton his shirt, her lips pressing against the newly freed skin before separating to speak some more. "I may be a soldier. But I am also a woman versed in bedly manners."

Parc frowned, Esdeath having a history of sexual endeavours seemed just infeasible for this woman. "Didn't think you were the type to hop between partners."

"Is that jealousy I feel?" She uncharacteristically teased him. Smirking when she saw his bobb his head to the side a little. "If it alleviates your worry. I'm not." She bluntly responded, "I rarely deal with the manners of flesh. While I have had few partners in the past. They were simply a means to an end. You are the only one to truly gain my interest enough to allow you this chance."

Should he feel honoured? He felt he should. "I guess I'm thankful then. Any rules to this challenge?"

"None. You can use anything you wish to bend me to your will. Just as I will do the same."

"Then using our teigus is game then?"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Esdeath smirked recalling the chains Parc summoned during his stay and their initial reunion. "Anything."

That was all he needed to hear, lifting his left hand from her hip he activated his teigu, a light burst of light bursting from the bracelet soon replaced by a clawed gauntlet. Two chains firing out of the orbs snaking to the ceiling, piercing it before returning down just a bit away from where they entered, the spear tips rocketing towards Esdeath who Parc pushed away from himself.

She didn't panic as the razor-sharp spear tips whizzed past her body. In fact, she didn't even react as they wrapped around her wrists, tightening enough that when they jerked her arms up her body was dragged just a little into the air, bringing her feet off the ground, leaving her hanging in the air.

Esdeath raised her eyes up, looking to her chain wrapped wrists with a hint of amusement to her expression. "Interesting, so you enjoy tying up women and having your way with their bodies." She grinned. The creaking of metal coming from the chains as she flexed and moved her arms, testing how much give they were giving, which she swiftly learned was not much.

But of course, she was not using all her strength. If she did that would just remove the enjoyment she got from learning what got Parc off.

And he knew that.

She could just as easily freeze his chains to the point they would shatter from just a light tap. He was banking on her not putting up much of a fight initially. Hopefully for long enough that he could start pumping her full of the mind controlling energies in his teigu.

Parc recalled his little session with a tied-up Mine with a chuckle, "guess so." He said approaching her hanging body. Her breasts flattening just slightly as her muscles were stretched out along with her arms, pulling them to pointing up just slightly.

Esdeath certainly had an alluring body now that he got such a close inspection of it. Her curves plump and soft, faint musculature across her thin body. The small window between her skirt and thigh-high boots.

She was so beautiful that Parc almost forgot her heinous crimes against humanity and the numerous scars on his body.

"Can't say I've really tied many women up," Parc lifted his hand, pressing it into the bottom of Esdeath's breast, letting his thumb stroke over the icy flesh.

"Pity, you have talent," he chains rattled, "while not an overly complex binding it provides good resistance to my movements. Which I presume has to do with your teigu, with how you control it. Perhaps I will teach you some bindings in the future."

"Can't say that's not an exciting proposition. Who'd I practice it on then? You? Or someone else?" He firmly clenched his hand tight, her flesh spilling between his fingers while her nipple hardened against his finger.

"Hmm" Esdeath hummed in thought, "perhaps." She bobbed her head to the side, "if you make me bow myself I may allow you a mistress or two we could use for practice. If not you will simply have to do with prisoners."

He could already feel a premonition coming along, "and how many would be girls?"

Esdeath grew a sadistic grin, "none."

'Gods no, I am not tying up a dude.' He shivered, "motivation to win?"

She nodded to his question.

"haa, guess I can't afford to lose then." He sighed, his caresses growing stronger but not strong enough to earn any type of reaction from Esdeath apart from a light, almost unnoticeable increase in how fast she was breathing.

Sucking in a deep breath, Parc shut his eyes, flickering them open not a few seconds later with a newfound determination to win buried deep within their confines. He locked his eyes with Esdeath's seeing her arrogant look as if she didn't fear him winning.

He didn't need to say anything to her, he didn't need to ask for her permission to start his assault upon her body. And so he didn't.

His hand squeezed Esdeath's breast, moving it and lifting the rosy nipple up in the gap between his index and thumb all whilst bringing his head down, lips parting to let his tongue snake free and send a small stroke from the bottom of her areolae, across her nipple and circled it once he reached the top.

Continuing to do so while he watched Esdeath's face for any reaction. Yet all that he got was her usual sadistic look that all was going how she envisioned it.

He wouldn't allow it for long.

If a gentle approach was not what earned a reaction from her, then he just had to be rougher.

Flaring his lips, Parc suddenly bit down onto Esdeath's nipple, slowly grinding his teeth left and right with the squishy, but firm protuberance between them with enough force that Esdeath could certainly feel a twinge of pain but not enough to cut the skin.

"Ah," she exclaimed with a lick of her lips, "so violent," she mewled. "Anymore and you may get me excited to lose."

He didn't say anything back to her, just letting his teeth abuse her nipple while his hand dropped to her ass, his gauntleted hand gripping the top of her skirt, the sharpened tips of his fingers cutting into the fabric enough to form small holes that acted as a point of weakness when he suddenly ripped the skirt from her body, leaving her now hanging with only a pair of sheer lace panties that showed her slit off in full and two thigh-high boots.

With her garments out of the way, Parcs right hand gripped a handful of plump ass flesh while his left hooked under her thigh, pulling her leg up and onto his hip. Bending at the knee to just barely find its way behind his back. The chains shifting a little to move out of the way of his assault.

As his abuse of her chest continued, his hand burrowed deeper into her ass, soon finding its way to the crack of her ass where he swiftly pushed his hand beneath the fabric, pushing his fingers into the crack he was all to familiar with.

Trailing down it, lower and lower until finally it stopped right at the tightly shut sphincter of her asshole. Pressing the tip of his finger against the puckered hole he felt a slight shiver course through Esdeath's body that drew a pause to his grinding teeth and exploratory hand.

'does she like anal?' if so that would make the second he suspected of finding interest in that. Leone being the first after his little tease a few months back. 'I can use that,' he smirked fully intent on using any weakness he discovered against her, just as she would for him.

But before that, he'd need to loosen her up.




I've noticed this a bit now, but I like my sex scenes in double portions. No Idea why, but it just happens. Like the first half of this chapter is chatter and lead up. While the later half is foreplay and preparation.

Then Next chapter arrives and its getting to fun fun sexy time likely with the last half being more talking between them.

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