The Constellation Returned From Hell

Chapter 283

Chapter 283

“Who are you to act so arrogantly?”

“That’s right. You are the lowliest bastard here, so why are you interrupting us?”


The nameless lich became furious upon being disregarded by the humans in such a fashion. How dare these insignificant beings treat him like this?

-How dare you who asked me about magic speak to me in such a tone?

“Did I do that? I don’t remember doing that.”

“Neither do I.”

Odaigon nodded as he agreed with Hwang Gyeongryong. Making a fool of someone was as easy as flipping over a palm.

The lich had grandiose titles like ‘destroyer,’ ‘corruptor of kingdoms,’ ‘the nightmare of many heroes’ and ‘the master of the immortal legion,’ but in his current situation, he was completely powerless.

-You despicable scumbags! You have less honor than skeletons! You are worse than maggots!

“Ah, he seems like a noisy guy.”

Odaigon grabbed the scarecrow that the lich was bound to and slammed it upside down into the ground.

“Reflect on yourself.”

-Oooooof! Oof!

The lich groaned. Being stuck in the ground like this and only being able to listen to the orcs rambling on was truly a terrible punishment.

-I was wrong! I’ll apologize for saying you have no honor, so get me out!

“What is he saying?”

“I don’t know, so let’s wait a bit longer before releasing him.”

Odaigon and Hwang Gyeongryong were unforgiving toward the lich. After all, their circumstances were different from those of the lich. The two of them were household members, whereas the lich, in his current state, was more like a warrior turned into a slave after losing a fight.

Choi Yeonseung said, “...I’m glad you’re doing well.”

“I always do well.”

Choi Yeonseung looked surprised upon seeing how well Hwang Gyeongryong had adapted. He had been worried about what would happen if Hwang Gyeongryong couldn’t adapt to the Abyss, but he was adjusting unexpectedly well.

“Hey. Honestly, Abyss magic is amazing. It’s on a different level than the magic from Earth,” said Hwang Gyeongryong with an expression of admiration.

Given that he was entrapped in ice, he wasn’t in the best condition, but he was nonetheless serious about Abyssal magic.

The history of Earth’s magic was like a baby compared to the Abyss. Even so, it was actually amazing that Earth’s magic had even managed to rise to that level in such a short period of time.

Hwang Gyeongryong had managed to learn a lot of valuable information about various kinds of magic from Odaigon and the lich.

The world was so vast, and there were so many kinds of magic!

-You admitted that you learned magic from me! Then get me out quickly! Get me out!

“Why is the lich yelling, Odaigon?”

“I left him with the orcs in the farming area. It was so painful for him that he quickly became obedient, Master.”


Choi Yeonseung was dumbfounded hearing that the lich, who had shouted that he would never give in to any type of torture, had become so compliant after casually being thrown somewhere without much thought.

He had expected the lich to be more resilient.

“Take him out. I’m curious about something.”

Odaigon walked back and pulled out the lich in one go, and Choi Yeonseung proceeded to question the lich.

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“Are you ready to tell us everything you know?”

-Bah. Don’t underestimate me. I...

“Alright, stick him into the ground again.”

-Wait! Wait! Give me some time to think about it! In a quiet and secluded place! I can’t make a decision with these orcs making noise...

It occurred to Choi Yeonseung that making the lich cave would be surprisingly easy.


Hwang Gyeongryong asked, “So is Earth running well?”

“There was a procession to commemorate Hyung.”


Hwang Gyeongryong seemed moved. He never disregarded such things as he always cared about them and enjoyed them.

After all, the first thing he would do when going to work was to search for his name on websites. He had started with American sites, then went on South Korean sites and even had a translator search the sites in Southeast Asia. It was admirable.

“Heh, people still know what to do.”

Hwang Gyeongryong watched the screen from his ice prison, his eyes glinting with satisfaction. His voice was playful, but tears were welling up in his eyes.

What did a hunter gain from fighting? Some people would say money, but in Hwang Gyeongryong’s opinion, it was respect.

“Did South Korea do anything?”

Choi Yeonseung was confused. “I thought you didn’t like South Korea.”

“Well, it doesn’t mean I can’t at least ask about it... And also, I don’t necessarily hate South Korea...” Hwang Gyeongryong muttered to himself while making excuses.

“The Korean government sent someone, and Changsik hyung came to see me and ask how you’re doing.”

“What an annoying guy he is. He should come here and ask himself,” complained Hwang Gyeongryong. He knew that Lee Changsik couldn’t come here in person. He was just saying it out of pride.

“Uh, wait… You said the South Korean government has sent someone?”


“Oh… I’m honestly surprised. I didn’t think they’d send someone.”

“Is there any country who wouldn’t send someone when an S-grade hunter gets injured during a raid?”

Hunters rated A-grade and higher were usually treated as treasures of the whole world, not just the property of one country. If such a hunter was seriously injured in a fight, all countries would offer their condolences.

“No, I thought they might not send anyone because of the animosity between us.”

“China and Japan didn’t send anyone.”

“I didn’t even expect anything from them, and frankly I don’t care. We’ve been on bad terms for a long time.”

Hwang Gyeongryong wasn’t disappointed as he hadn’t expected anything from those two countries.

“Even if you don’t have a good relationship with China, haven’t you invested a ton of money in them? To think they’re still acting like this…”

“It’s okay. This way, I can rip them off without feeling bad. I would’ve felt bad if they had sent someone, so this is good.”

Choi Yeonseung thought, ‘Oh, an interesting approach…’

Hwang Gyeongryong continued asking, “What about the company?” Have the CEOs been bothering you?”

"Everyone is surprisingly friendly, but there are some crazy people as well.”

“Who? There are so many possibilities that I don’t know.”


If that was the case, why had Hwang Gyeongryong made them CEOs?

“Ah, right. I’m working on a new business.”

“Ohh... What is it?”

“An Abyss farm with state-of-the-art facilities...”

“W-what?! Why would you do that?!”

Hwang Gyeongryong was shocked. That was a doom business that many companies had tried before and had gone bankrupt because of it!

“Didn’t anyone try to stop you?”

“Hyung, calm down. I’ve already thought of everything.”


Hwang Gyeongryong quickly calmed down. After all, Choi Yeonseung wasn’t like those who had tried it in the past. He was a constellation, so his abilities were naturally different.

Hwang Gyeongryong realized he was too hasty in his judgment and apologized, “Hey, I’m sorry. I’m sure you’re not like those failures. How do you plan to grow it? Do you have any innovative technology?”

Hwang Gyeongryong expected some amazing technology like the artificial artifact from last time.

Talking to Odaigon, he had found that the skills of the Abyssal races were peculiar. The Abyss hadn’t developed in a strange way like Earth had without magic, but there were aspects of magic technology that surprised the humans on Earth.

-What?! You have no vehicles? Goblins can move from place to place just by using the teleportation circle?

-Hehe, that’s right. Are you surprised? That’s not all. It’s only in the development state due to the huge amount of magic stones involved, but we’ve also created an artificial magic spirit that answers questions when asked. It’s a great achievement that is capable of doing double digit calculations in 54 seconds!


Therefore, Hwang Gyeongryong was looking forward to the technology that Choi Yeonseung, a constellation, would bring out. What kind of advanced technology did he have under his belt?

“I’m going to let the orcs plow and farm.”


Hwang Gyeongryong was flustered as he heard Choi Yeonseung’s planned method, which was more rural than he had expected.

“T-that’s all?”

“I mean it with all my heart…?”

“What difference does it make if you mean it sincerely?!”

Hwang Gyeongryong was dumbfounded, but on second thoughts, he had learnt that the orcs here were great farmers. They were so skilled that they could plow the barren land of the Abyss like cows and turn it into fertile soil.

‘Thinking about it again, this could actually be a good way to go about it...’

“Groan. You can do well on your own. I believe in you. Don’t be fooled by what the weirdos say... Don’t invest the company’s money in strange businesses. Don’t buy Bitcoin.”

There was a peculiar seriousness in Hwang Gyeongryong’s words, as if he had experienced those things himself. Choi Yeonseung tried to ask about what had happened, but he was afraid that Hwang Gyeongryong would get upset.

-Let’s... Let’s talk.


Choi Yeonseung was about to leave, only to be stopped by the lich’s call.

The lich was awfully stubborn and arrogant, but the orcs had harassed him so much that his spirit was now broken.

-Think about it carefully. My abilities are never lacking. The goblin and the human actually learned my magic!

“I didn’t learn it from you…?”

“What did I learn? Do you want me to put you upside down again?”

-...No matter what, if you treat me fairly, I promise to repay you accordingly! Don’t you want to get your hands on the most evil magic in the Abyss?

The lich was trying to tempt them, but Choi Yeonseung answered in a disinterested manner, “Not really.”

“How dare you brazenly say that you will teach Master? I can’t forgive you!” Odaigon cried out in anger.

The lich hurriedly made an excuse.

-I didn’t mean to teach him, I mean to teach the orcs! I’m teaching the orcs! How can I teach a constellation?

Constellations didn’t master all kinds of magic. They only learned magic that they were interested in.

However, it was clear that the lich was under the illusion that since Choi Yeonseung was a constellation, there was no need for him to learn his magic.

‘...He must be aware that I don’t know much magic.’

“Now, do you have anything to say before you go deep into the ground?”

-Stop! Stop it! Kuock...! What the hell do you want from me? My magic is great!

“I don’t want anything from the undead!”

-I understand! I’ll give you the name of my master.

“No... I’m not interested.”

-In addition to the name of my master, I will tell you his weakness! It’s a really great weakness. Aiming at this weakness will benefit your realm! Really!!!

The lich was shouting desperately as he was about to be stuck into the ground again.

Choi Yeonseung was amazed by the sight.

‘How noisy were the orcs during farming for the lich to end up like this?’


-That’s right. I’m sure you won’t regret it!

“Okay. I’m listening.”

“Just know that if your words are worthless, you will go back into the ground!”

“That’s right. In addition, show respect to Yeonseung! Why are you speaking informally like that?”


The lich hated these two household members more than the constellation.


It was revealed that the lich’s name was Ganonvial and that he had made a contract with the Demon of Contract and Order.

At first, the lich had lived arrogantly and hadn’t served anyone. However, after being brutally defeated by the evil god constellation, Ganonvial had become the constellation’s dog.

The lich had been loyal to the constellation only because of how powerful and fearsome his master was. Naturally, Ganonvial had harbored feelings of resentment and had been desperately trying to find the weaknesses of the Demon of Contract and Order.

-I’m saying that I will give you that information now.

“So what? Are you the only one who struggled? I was the leader of a goblin kingdom for a thousand years, but I left to serve Master.”

“That’s right. I used to be the owner of one of the largest companies on the planet, but I left all of that behind and came here. Will you stop showing off your pride?”

-...Can you please tell them to be quiet?

Lich Ganonvial spoke those words in a pitiful voice.

Choi Yeonseung nodded in understanding.

‘The Demon of Contract and Order... He’s a surprisingly strong opponent.’

The Demon of Contract and Order. This evil god constellation currently occupied part of the African continent and controlled the next realm of the Abyss Gate raid. Contrary to his name, he was rather reserved, but by no means was he a weak constellation.

-The fact that he isn’t a warlike constellation is surprising.

The goddess of sloth was also puzzled.

Not all evil god constellations were necessarily warlike. The Demon of Contract and Order was a prime example of that.

-What is he like?

-He enjoys binding souls with intricate and detailed contracts. He’s similar to the classic demons imagined by the humans on Earth hundreds of years ago.

The goddess had wandered around Earth so she drew an image that was easy to understand. The Demon of Contract and Order had the appearance of a demon with red skin and two horns.

-He’s so famous that there’s even a book about it. The name given to him on Earth... Was it Der Zahlenteufel, the number demon? Devil?

-...No. That’s a demon. It’s a bit different... In any case, I know what you mean.

The fact that the constellation wasn’t bloodthirsty made all of this even more strange.

Why did he target Choi Yeonseung?

[The ‘Cat of Lava and Magma’ says it’s because the incarnation is attracting aggro like crazy...?]

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