The Constellation Returned From Hell

Chapter 345

Chapter 345

Choi Yeonseung was taken aback by Aine’s words. It was hard to believe that Adaquaniel’s idea could actually work.

Was the stock market the den of lunatics?

However, Aine was serious. She seemed to have noticed that Choi Yeonseung looked at her as though she were crazy, so she quickly explained, “In fact, there are theme stocks in the stock market.”

As the name suggested, theme stocks were stocks grouped under a particular theme. For example, if the prices for grains rose globally due to climate change, demand for fertilizers and farm machinery would increase and subsequently drive up the prices of the stocks related to that field.

“It’s all connected this way, so the stock market can fluctuate at the slightest change.”

“...I understand, but what does that have to do with the S-grade promotion and Hanseong Group’s stock price?”

“O-of course, it’s a bit absurd, but markets don’t always make sense. You’ve seen a lot of people behaving unreasonably, right?”

“Yeah, you’re right.”

At Aine’s argument, Choi Yeonseung remembered how the people of Paris had come out of their houses to watch the monsters during the raid. They had said all sorts of absurd things like “You’re violating the legitimate rights of the citizens of France by forcing us to evacuate. This is completely unacceptable in a democratic socie... Cough... Why are you hitting me?!”

The world was full of irrational people.

‘...No, I don’t think this is really the case.’

-Successor, it’s not your money, so leave it alone. Even if Adaquaniel loses the money, it wouldn’t be that big of a loss for a constellation. The goddess of balance could quickly recover her wealth if she put her mind to it.

-How can you be so cold, goddess of sloth? Do you even have a heart?


If this had been any other constellation, such as the cat constellation, Choi Yeonseung would’ve said, “Alright, good luck,” and yet he acted like this with Adaquaniel. The goddess of sloth found it absurd.

Wasn’t he giving her too much special treatment?

[The ‘Cat of Lava and Magma’ says you learn by losing. Besides, it is just a penny for a constellation.]

-But Adaquaniel would be disappointed.

[The ‘Cat of Lava and Magma’ says to stop it.]

However, even if he thought it was a bad idea, Choi Yeonseung didn’t try to persuade them any further. After all, it was Adaquaniel’s choice that mattered the most. Besides, since she was so determined...

“How about this? This is the Korean clan Sondol. It’s located in the same area where Choi Yeonseung was active when he used to live in South Korea.”

“It’s not bad.”


However, no matter how hard he tried to let this go, Choi Yeonseung couldn’t help being worried. Was it really okay to do this?


“I think there are two hunters missing? Why are there only fifteen people when there were seventeen on the list?”


This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com


The team leaders of the clan started sweating as they listened to Han Seha’s reproachful words.

Hunters had been summoned to defeat the monsters that had escaped to a nearby mountain. At first, it had been declared to be an emergency, but the hunters weren’t too alarmed because they found out that the monster was some kind of wild boar, which was only E-grade.

Naturally, the hunters who had been summoned to deal with it took their sweet time to get there, saying things like “Why all this fuss for this lame ass monster...?”

Meanwhile, Han Seha had gotten to the scene first.

“Can anyone explain why there are only fifteen people here when I need to confirm seventeen? Did they get killed by monsters? Should we search again to find them?”

“That... Hunter Han Seha... Uhm... One member of the clan... he’s feeling sick, so...”

“I’ll go look for him in the hospital, so don’t bullshit me!”

“...I’m sorry. He didn’t think it was important, so he just skipped this mission...”

“And you’re only saying this now? Hunter Choi Yeonseung went to China to save people, and that bastard can’t even bother to show up for a simple mission?! Are you all scumbags?!”

‘It has nothing to do with that...!’

The hunters felt indignant as they were being criticized for something that had nothing to do with them. However, they were all members of the same clan, so it was natural for them to take responsibility for their colleague. They vowed to grab him by the collar and kick his ass after they were done with this mission.

Nevertheless, Han Seha didn’t hit the hunters because they weren’t the ones neglecting their responsibilities.

The hunters were relieved.

“Then we’ll see you next time, Hunter Han Seha.”

“Where are you going? I’m not done talking!”

“Ah... I-Is that so? I’m sorry. Please go on.”

“So now...”

The hunters at the table were slightly apprehensive. Was she planning to keep them there and talk for another hour?

‘I was supposed to go on a date with my girlfriend...’

‘I have a dinner party planned...’

“Does anybody here want to leave sooner?”


“Then I’ll continue...”

Han Seha continued talking, but she was interrupted by a phone call.

‘We’re saved!’

“Yeah, what is it? I don’t wanna... It’s not my problem. Tell them to do as they want.”

‘Who is it?’

‘Is it from the government?’

‘She’s being too rude for it to be the government.’

Han Seha frowned before finally nodding.

“Fine! I’ll go, so don’t cry.”

“Who were you talking to?”

“Hanseong Group,” Han Seha replied curtly before walking away.

The hunters were astonished by the sight. Wasn’t that the most powerful company in South Korea? Even the most arrogant and unscrupulous hunters would speak respectfully if they received a call from that company

‘How can she talk so rudely to them??’

‘Can she talk to them this way because she’s A-grade?’

‘The other A-grade hunter, Jeong Wonuk, couldn’t act like this back then...’


“If there are monsters in the factory, pay hunters to deal with them. Why call someone as busy as myself?”

“What’s with the attitude?! Aren’t you from Hanseong Group?”

Han Hyeokrim, an executive of Hanseong Group and one of the direct descendants of the chairman, glared at Han Seha. Among the many people under the chairman, he was particularly cautious about Han Seha.

Even though she had more influential uncles and aunts at the top and wasn’t interested in taking over the group, Han Hyeokrim was wary of Han Seha because she was an A-grade hunter and because the chairman favored her.

All his relatives were worried that Han Seha would receive the group subsidiaries.

“How many times have I told you that I’m not from Hanseong Group? Have you forgotten your earplugs in?”

“Ho-how dare you...!”

“Whatever, just move. I didn’t come here because you called me.”

Han Seha walked past Han Hyeokrim, already sick of him. She wouldn’t listen to the criticism of someone she didn’t get along with.

“There was quite a bit of noise outside... Did you fight again?”

“It wasn’t a fight. It was just a one-sided exchange of opinions,” Han Seha replied bluntly as she closed the door of the chairman’s office and sat down.

The chairman of Hanseong Group, Han Seonggu, was a short, old man. At first glance, he seemed to be a gentle and warm person, but...

Han Seha knew very well how cold her grandfather could be.

“Is it Hyeokrim again? That guy is really...”

“If you know how he acts, just kick him out of the company already.”

“I can’t do that. What will the people within the company think if I fire someone who hasn’t done anything wrong?”

“They’d actually be quite happy to see him gone.”


Han Seonggu smiled at his granddaughter’s words.

“I’ve heard that you’re leading the hunters to efficiently wipe out the monsters. You really have grown up. You’ve come to understand how important reputation is, right?”

“...That isn’t the case?!?!” yelled Han Seha. Her grandfather’s comments caught her off guard and she instantly denied them.

[The ‘Hound of Instinct and Liberation’ is disappointed.]


“Even if you say that, I’ve already contacted the media and published a lot of articles,” replied Han Seonggu as he nodded with a satisfied expression.

It was actually quite easy to remedy someone’s reputation, especially if that person was an A-grade hunter.

Han Seha was hot-headed and belligerent, but if they spread a few good stories in a dangerous situation and the media reported on it, her image would change in an instant.

-She might be foul-mouthed, but deep down, she’s actually a really nice person...!

-Yes, other hunters were caught running people over with their cars and trying to bury their bodies with magic, but Hunter Han Seha hasn’t killed anyone.


Han Seha regretted that she didn’t pay attention to the media on a regular basis.

“Seha, the reason I called you...”

“I’ll leave if you keep saying weird things. I’m not going to take care of anything. I don’t film corporate commercials. If a monster appears in the factory, hire hunters to kill them. Stop taking shortcuts.”

“...I haven’t even said anything yet, Seha. I called you here to tell you to get involved in management...”

Hearing that, Han Seha covered her ears with both hands, but Han Seonggu ignored her and continued, “I’ve seen many hunters in the past, and those who relied solely on their own strength always ended up destroyed by the world. The real strong hunters are those willing to bow down in order to get stronger. Those kinds of hunters might’ve been laughed at in the past, but look at them now. Who does the world remember now?”

“I don’t care if what you say makes sense. I won’t listen.”

“Really? Let me give you an example. You’ve been hanging out with Hunter Choi Yeonseung lately, right? Let’s say that Hunter Choi Yeonseung was falsely accused of some crime during a raid and was criticized in South Korea.”

“What type of nonsense... Hunter Choi Yeonseung also has a company, right? Isn’t it bigger than your group, Grandfather?”

Han Seha’s words stung a bit, but Han Seonggu didn’t show it.

“Indeed. Of course, it won’t hurt Hunter Choi Yeonseung. After all, who’s going to mess with an A-grade hunter? In that case, they can just go to another country. In his case, the US government would certainly not punish him.”

“That's right.” Han Seha nodded with a proud expression.

“But you know that there’s a difference between that and public opinion in South Korea, right? If people with influence put their minds to it, they can bury even A-grade hunters in the eyes of the public. What if, let’s say, the media, politicians, and companies all worked together to bury a single person?”

“Hunter Choi Yeonseung can also mobilize the media...”

Han Seonggu shook his head slowly.

“He might be able to mobilize one or two reporters. However, in South Korea, media outlets collaborate with companies, and so do politicians. Choi Yeonseung might be Korean, but he’s practically a foreigner, given his sphere of activity. On this note, you know how all countries are eager to criticize injustice when it comes from another country, so Choi Yeonseung realistically wouldn’t stand a chance against the Korean media.”

“Those pieces of shit... Give me their names and I’ll kill them! Let’s see what they’ll cover on the news if their boss plunges ten stories to his death!”

“I don’t think Hunter Choi Yeonseung would allow that, would he?”

“If I just break their backs without killing them, he’ll allow... Actually, no... Fine, then I’ll just rip off their fingernails...”

Han Seonggu saw his granddaughter muttering in a more faint voice, so he tried to rephrase his explanation.

“What I want to say is that at the end of the day, there are areas where not even Hunter Choi Yeonseung can do anything. He might be able to beat up the son of a politician abroad, but what do you think would happen to him if he did that here, in South Korea?”


“To counter that, we need to have other powers than just pure strength! Seha, you happen to have that opportunity!”


Han Seha looked dumbfounded, but at the same time, she couldn’t deny what her grandfather was saying.

Certainly, companies in South Korea had a lot of influence over many areas, the media included. It wouldn’t be surprising if they slandered outsiders like Choi Yeonseung just because they wanted to. Of course, in response to something like that, he would go to those companies and beat up the chairmen, but it wasn’t certain if he could actually do something like that; it could backfire really badly.

Above all, such a benevolent person like Choi Yeonseung would be devastated if the public suddenly turned on him.

[The ‘Hound of Instinct and Liberation’ cocks its head because this seems unlikely...]

-Shut up. What do you know?

[’The Hound of Instinct and Liberation’ whines and lowers its tail.]

‘This absolutely cannot be allowed to happen.’

After all, the ones that could operate most effectively in South Korea were the large Korean companies, not the foreign ones.

Han Seha made up her mind. Even if she had a bad temper, she would take responsibility and protect the good people of this world! Perhaps she had been born to do that.

“Okay. I’ll do it.”

“Wise decision.”

However, seeing her grandfather smile with satisfaction, Han Seha still felt like she needed to punch someone in the face.

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