The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Chapter 16

Chapter 16


Oh Jong-yeop was speechless at the horrific scene in front of him. He was always cheerful and had already established himself as a mood maker at the National Security Agency, but he was in no mood to talk right now.

Jung Ju-ho, who had approached close by, looked around the area where the interns were being trained and said, Have you never seen such a sight before?


Youll see it often from now on. This is what it means to fight villains and demons.

More than that, I didnt know Jun-hos skills were this good.

You didnt know even though he was your friend?

I only knew that he was amazing.

I see.

He recalled Jun-ho hunting the Shavel Tiger with an indifferent expression. Perhaps Jun-ho was even more amazing than he thought.

He was declared as level 5, but a level 5 Awakened could not hunt a Shavel Tiger alone. That meant hes at least level 6. He had even withstood Jung Ju-hos attack a little while ago.

Jung Ju-ho was a Level 7 Awakened, someone who had a level close to a Level 8 Superhuman, people who was said to be the strongest in existence. Choi Jun-ho withstood the attack of someone who was the most likely candidate to become the next Level 8. His level was probably at Level 7.

Level 7 at 25? Did I really try to commit suicide?

Instead, Jong-su who called Choi Jun-ho older brother and treated him familiarly was one step ahead of him.

It was then. Jung Ju-ho lost his grip on the sheath in his right hand and caught it again.



Without changing his expression, he held the sword with his left hand and walked away.



Jung Ju-ho still stared at his numb right hand, which had not recovered from the impact of blocking Choi Jun-hos attack head-on.

The reason was clear. The aftermath of the collision had not yet dissipated. It was just one collision, but Choi Jun-hos blow lingered stubbornly like the aftertaste of first love.

Hes a level 7.

The measurement clearly showed that the numerical value from the level measurement was 7. Jung Ju-ho remembered the collision he had with Choi Jun-ho.

His Gift was landmines that used lightning energy, the same as Germanys Grandmaster Franz. But Jung Ju-ho, who had seen Franz, did not know that landmines were so persistent and powerful.

The same goes for the boss who died earlier. His head exploded from the slightest touch. One would have thought he had a bomb planted in his head.

At this point, he had to accept reality.

Could he be Level 8?

Jung Da-hyuns words came to mind when Choi Jun-hos level was measured. The level measurement machine might have given a verdict of level 7 because of its limitations.

Twenty-five. Level 8. Does this make sense?

Since the emergence of awakened individuals, the youngest person to reach level 8 was 29 years old. Even then, it was achieved with the full support of the government.

In contrast, Choi Jun-ho was unemployed until earlier this year. There was an incomprehensible gap.

Did he do 100 push-ups, sit-ups, squats, and run 10km every day?

Anyway, if Choi Jun-ho was really Level 8, the situation would be different.

Level 8 was classified as a superhuman and was the object of envy for all Awakened. They were also a major force and a measure of national power.

South Korea was a superpower of Awakened, one of the few countries in the world to have such a concentration of them.

However, whether it could fully exert that power was not certain.

Among the four Level 8, one was affiliated with the government and three were affiliated with large guilds. To borrow their power in times of need, a large amount of sacrifice had to be endured.

Right now, there was a fierce dispute over dominance between the large guilds.

If Choi Jun-ho became a Level 8 superhuman with the National Security Agency, the balance of power would change.

As a member of the government, Jung Ju-ho had been keeping the big guilds in check for a long time, so the idea of a new Level 8 Superhuman was appealing to him.

There was no doubt that he would not be unhappy with the treatment. But there was a part that bothered him.

He didnt know what Choi Junho wanted. His past is unclear.

Above all, could this guy be controlled?

Honestly, if Jung Da-hyun hadnt brought him in, I would have mistaken him for a spy sent by a rival department to sabotage a promotion.

I need to hear the opinion of the party involved first.

Jung Ju-ho, who returned to the National Securty Agency, called Choi Jun-ho.


We plan to extract information from the villain who was arrested outside the factory without fail. If we wait a little longer, we will be able to obtain information about the Eraser and the League.


Having already heard the necessary information, I nodded my head.

I apologize for sending you into what turned out to be a trap.

No, there was no danger.

Thats a relief.

After saying that, Jung Ju-ho closed his mouth and looked at me in silence. I felt like he had something to say, so I waited for him to speak up.

Have you thought about getting your level measured?

Didnt I already receive it?

I mean a measurement above it.

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Measurement above?

Choi Jun-ho, I think youre Level 8.


I was silent, neither confirming nor denying. Jung Ju-ho must have thought my reaction was not typical.

A Level 8 is a being so strong that we call them a Superhuman. It means you are one of the few really special people in Korea. Doesnt that impress you at all?

I havent really thought about levels.

Other people risk their lives to level up.

I thought I was good enough to be a government hunter.

To me, the level was equivalent to the number of lives taken to gain that power. Even though I possessed that power, the shadows of my past only grew darker.

The Director wants me to get my level measured?


Is it good to be a Level 8?

It is. You can gain wealth, fame, attention, and everything else.

Can you explain more about it?

Jung Ju-ho started explaining about Level 8. Called the pinnacle of national power, Level 8s were classified as Superhumans and were revered as the strongest Awakened.

In fact, there are places that evaluate a countrys strength based on the number of Level 8 awakened individuals they possessed, and the safety rank that ensured the countrys survival against the increasingly powerful demons also rose. This was a requirement for attracting foreign investment.

Therefore, countries were eager to have a Level 8 Superhuman. So, its a position of wealth, honor, and power.

I thought I knew what it meant to become Level 8.

You mean it would get annoying.

...Sort of.

My summary seemed appropriate and Jung Ju-ho smiled sadly.

My one-line summary was apt, and Jung Ju-ho smiled weakly.

And its good publicity for the National Security Agency.

You can also make astronomical money if you want.

To be honest, I didnt really care that much about Jung Ju-hos efforts to convince me. On the contrary, I also receive some benefits because of him, and even when something troublesome happened because of me, Jung Ju-ho had always been an excellent shield.

Jung Ju-ho honestly admitted that the National Security Agency could not provide as much financial security as other large guilds.

However, under the protection of the State, you can hunt freely, get tax breaks, and so on--- but no matter how I think about it, the large guilds are better in terms of money. Are you considering applying into one?

It seemed like I didnt have a choice but to get measured.

Well, since the final goal of all Awakeners was Level 8, who would be willing to give up that position?

Except for someone like me.

To be honest, I didnt have a big greed for money and I was not interested in gaining fame. As someone whose spirit had been worn out by my previous life, my top priority was my familys happiness.

Would my family be happy if I became a Level 8 and became more famous than I was now? What about my parents who run an orchard in our hometown while their children went their own way? What about Yoon-hee, who had just joined the Sacred Guild and was now showing off her abilities?

I was sure that people would only think of them as Choi Jun-hos parents and Choi Jun-hos sister, which would only cause unhappiness to them.

You said that if someone become Level 8, their authority increases significantly. As a government hunter, they would be given executive power.

...Thats right.

Even if I am given authority, I dont think I would abuse it. Dont worry.

No, youre a bomb that could explode at any time. And a nuclear bomb at that.

I decided to think that he was saying that because he didnt know the taste of a real nuclear bomb.

I just remembered the ledger we got from taking down the drug organization last time.

The names of countless people were written in the ledger.

Some paid the price, but many others continued to enjoy wealth and power without change.

Once I reach Level 8, can I capture them without question?

Wait a minute.


Looking at me, Jung Ju-ho closed his eyes.

Not arresting them all was also to prevent a great confusion. There are also falsely recorded names, and some are petty criminals who have used them a few times out of curiosity. Some ended up with light punishments due to room for leniency.

I see.

Anyway, there was an effort to clean up the mess without expanding it too much at the time, so the lesser offenders got off lightly.

Director must have had a hard time.

Thanks for understanding. Anyway, its possible when you reach Level 8. But there will be a lot of trouble from those who are involved.

Couldnt we just take them all out?

I wanted to ask more, but he looked exhausted.

I wont be measured.


I like wealth, fame, and power, but I dont like attention.


I also dont feel like going somewhere else. So I want to ask Director for a favor.

What is it?

I heard that the directors of the National Security Agency, Foreign Cooperation Agency, and Demon Defense Frontline Agency can appoint black agents.


I want to become a black agent. (T/N: A term used to refer to a covert or secret agent in many contexts. This term is often used in the military or intelligence community to refer to individuals who operate undercover or carry out covert operations.)

After carefully considering my request, Jung Ju-ho finally accepted the proposal.

Then he sank into the chair with a pale expression.

Well, I did get a hidden knife, but I feel like my head will be the first to fly...

You can trust me.

Im saying that because I cant trust you.

Have I not earned his trust through my previous missions?

Ill have to work hard to gain Jung Ju-hos trust.


After the negotiations, my attention shifted to the League.

Why were Jung Ju-ho and the people of the National Security Agency so wary of it?

Jung Da-hyun answered my question.

The League is a villainous organization involved in drug trafficking worldwide. Its made up of many small organizations, making it difficult to root out, and it interferes with sensitive issues to exert its powerful influence.

But isnt it still a villainous organization?

Jung Da-hyun shook her head.

The worst villains in the world belong to the League.

Its strange.

In my past life, I was known as the worst villain in history, causing all sorts of bloodshed not only in Korea but also around the world.

Yet I knew nothing about the League. The stark contrast between what Jung Da-hyun was saying and what I knew left me confused.

Did travelling back to the past cause some kind of variable?

Its only been six months, and I had been living quietly without causing any accidents. The timing wasnt right for a worldwide villain organization to appear because of me.

Jung Da-hyun said the reason the League was dangerous was because of their slogan, Awakener First.

It was the belief that awakened individuals should dominate the world, shouting out their superiority.

The problem was that many people believed this to be true. Not only awakened individuals controlled by the government but also Awakened politicians from various countries secretly supported them.

As a result, some third world countries collapsed and incidents occurred where awakened individuals seized power.

This has led to a concerted effort by developed nations to define the League as an enemy of the world and to destroy it.

They had blocked the Leagues information from the worlds internet so that prospective Awakeners could never learn of its existence.

I was surprised. The League was such a big organization, but if I didnt know about it, didnt that mean it would disappear soon?

After finishing the explanation, Jung Da-hyun told me about the results of her teaching Yoon-hee in recent days.

Yoon-hee is very talented.

Thats right.

The more she was in a tight spot, the more her talent bloomed? Its possible that Yoon-hee had an incredible talent for adapting and persevering. When pushed to a corner, her talent tended to flourish.

I heard she learned a lot. Thank you.

No, its the opposite. I was treated to delicious food. So, can I treat you once too?

Of course, I would love that.

Oh, no. You shouldnt expect too much. My cooking skills are not that good. Since I was treated by Mr. Jun-ho, its only fair that I treat you once.

I will eagerly await it.

Jung Da-hyuns expression brightened.

Yes! Ill practice hard.


When I got home, I couldnt get the word League out of my head.

An organization this big, theres no way I wouldnt know about it.

The reason I was thinking about the League was simple. Their existence could be a variable.

This life had been warped to a great extent by my presence. But it was limited to my immediate surroundings, and the rest of the world went on as I remembered it.

Thats why I couldnt miss the League. An organization of some of the worlds worst villains, riled up by their superiority complex.

A place I, a former worst villain, should know about.

Why the hell didnt I know them?

Did they really not offer me membership?


Then, a scene flashed through my mind.

...I remember now.

Finally, a weathered memory bubbled to the surface.

It was the time when I was insane.

There were quite a few people who approached me at the time. Some had a sense of superiority towards me, and others wanted to use my power. They all died by my hands.

Among them, there was a faction that said they would accept me as a colleague.

They revealed that they belonged to the League. They told me that the worlds discord came from the domination of inferior beings. They explained to me that to create a new world, the world must be turned upside down.

After hearing their story, I killed them.

Afterward, the League came back a few more times, trying to convince me.

Each time they came, I killed them.

I kept killing and killing, and then I got annoyed and went to the base of those guys and killed the remaining ones as well.

After that, the name League was no longer heard, and the League was forgotten in my memory.

The Korea of my last life had been cleansed of the League because of me.

Oh, its them.

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