The Cursed Prince

Chapter 630 - I Can Help You Change

Dinner lasted peacefully. Emmelyn was happy to see the two men she cared about were civil with each other. She thought they could maybe someday become friends if they would allow themselves.

"Thank you for your help and your hospitality. I have heard about what happened in Astland and how you invited Mars and Harlow to come here with the dragons..." Emmelyn said after they finished dinner. She was so grateful because Maxim did it for her sake.

"That's what friends are for," Maxim said with a smile. He was wondering if Emmelyn had told Mars the truth about the reason why she was cursed and why she gave up on life. His gut told him that Emmelyn had not done it.

"Thank you, nonetheless..." Emmelyn said. She turned to look at Mars who was paying attention to her every word. "I need to talk with Mars and catch up on a lot of things. Then, I will know what to do."

Maxim was now convinced that Emmelyn have not told Mars everything. Would she ever do it? He was wondering.

Actually, Maxim was tempted to tell Mars what happened. He wanted the other man to know that the only reason Maxim stopped chasing Emmelyn and gave his blessing to Mars to have her was because of the protection spell that was cast on him and put Emmelyn in misery.

He was not losing to Mars, he was backing down intentionally because he loved her so much and wanted her to have a good life, even if that means he had to bury his love for her and watch her live happily with another man.

Maxim looked at Mars with a conflicted gaze. He scoffed to himself, downed his wine, and immediately got rid of the thought. He shouldn't interfere and let Emmelyn decide on how much she wanted to share with Mars.

Maybe it was good if Mars didn't know. Let him be always on his toes and think that if he mistreated his wife, even for just a little bit, Maxim would snatch her away from him.

Maybe it would be better that way.

"Thank you for having us," Mars also added. He was royalty and was raised with manners. Even though he hated Maxim, he still had to say thank you because the man was the reason Mars and Harlow could be reunited with Emmelyn.

"Don't mention it. You can go around and sightsee while you are here. Just let me know, I can prepare the arrangement for you. We have many interesting places to see in Castilse," Maxim said.

"Thank you," Mars replied.

They drank more wine and talked about little stuff before finally calling it a night. Mars rose from his seat and got ready to pick up his wife again. "Do you want me to carry you back to the chamber?"

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Emmelyn nodded. Her legs were still feeling weak and she couldn't imagine doing the walk from this dining room to her private chamber. Ahh.. it was actually quite embarrassing to be carried like this to and from the dining room.

She had to feign nonchalance earlier when she scolded Maxim for teasing her and Mars by telling her to sit on Mars's lap. The truth was, she was slightly embarrassed, but she didn't have much choice.

This time, she, too, can only accept Mars' offer to carry her back to her chamber.

"Yes, please. Thank you..." Emmelyn replied.?She wrapped her hands around Mars' neck when the man scooped her up and carried her in his strong arms.

Mars turned to Maxim and bid him good night. "We will call it a night and rest now. Thank you for dinner."

Maxim just nodded and faked a smile. He watched the couple leave the dining room until their back views disappeared from sight.

The king closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

Mars looked like a devoted husband to Emmelyn. Maxim felt better because he could see Emmelyn was married to a man who loved her that much.

He knew right then and there... Ememlyn was going to be okay.


"That went well," Emmelyn commented as Mars walked toward their chamber, with her in his arms.

"Hmm..." This man of few words nodded. "Yeah... it did."

"What do you think about him?" Emmelyn asked.

"He is annoying," Mars replied honestly, "but I can see he cares about you."

They had reached their chamber and Mars opened the door with one hand, while tightening his hold on Emmelyn with his other hand. He did it with so much ease.

"Do you want to change into a nightgown?" Mars asked after he placed her down on the bed. He kneeled down and help take off her shoes before Emmelyn said anything.

Earlier today, two maids helped Emmelyn change into a nice dress for the dinner. Now that they were back in the chamber, she couldn't keep wearing that dress to sleep.

"Uhm... yeah, you are right. I should change," Emmelyn nodded.

"It's already late though. I don't want to bother those hard-working maids. They need their rest," Mars said. "I can help you change."

Emmelyn hiccuped when she heard the man's suggestion. She looked at him with narrowed eyes and tried to see any perverted expression on his face.

There was none.

He seemed sincere with his offer.

Emmelyn was ashamed of her dirty mind. She thought Mars was being a pervert by offering to change her clothes, so he could see her naked body.

She looked down at her frail physique and realized she was not as attractive as before. She was now too skinny, too pale, and she was very weak. Surely she was not sexually attractive for any men. She shouldn't accuse her husband of perversion when all he wanted to do was help her.

"Okay..." Emmelyn replied weakly. "I don't want to bother anyone to change, but I am too weak to?do it myself."

"No... no,?you shouldn't do it yourself when you have me by your side," Mars said sincerely. "I will do anything for you, to make up what happened in the past."

His voice started to sound emotional. "I am so, sorry for leaving you to chase after the stupid witch. I was dumb for not having the right priorities. As soon as I found out what happened, I went straight home. Gewen can tell you how we kept going from Wintermere to Draec in less than four weeks."

"I know," Emmelyn nodded. "I was there when you returned. You were digging my fake grave."

Mars gasped. "Really??"

"I didn't know that..." He pressed his lips in surprise and looked at Emmelyn in disbelief. Mars narrowed his eyes and looked at Emmelyn deeply when he remembered the event she was talking about. "Wait... did you kill Roshan?"

He remembered that's where he saw Roshan for the last time, at Emmelyn's grave, before the butler was killed in a brutal way.

Emmelyn nodded. "I did. He was a traitor. He sold me to Ellena for a bag of gold."

"I?knew it!" Mars clenched his fists in rage. "That butler is a backstabber. I wish I was the one who killed him.. He deserved a slow and very painful death."

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