The Cursed Prince

Chapter 653 - Surprise For Emmelyn

Gewen could only swallow his bitterness. He was the expert on women until he met this woman who was like an enigma to him. None of his knowledge or skills to pick up women could work on her.

Well... maybe it was because Kira was not like most women? Gewen had to rake his brain to see where he failed and finally asked his friends' help. All his efforts, his way with words, his good looks... they didn't seem to work.

After being honest with himself, Gewen realized that Kira didn't seem to return his affection because she was interested in another man. That man was none other than Edgar. As for why... he couldn't wrap his head around it.

Gewen was better looking than Edgar. He was also wealthier because he was the only son in his family that would surely inherit his family's wealth, status, and title. Edgar had many brothers and he would probably be more known as a general, not as Lord Chaucer.

His brothers were already taking their father's role and title. He had to make a name for himself. Even if he was the king's friend, he wouldn't get his family's estate. It was different with Gewen. He would become Lord Athibaud after his father died.

All his family's estate, land, gold, and whatnot were his. So... from all angles, Gewen was a better catch than Edgar. So, why did Kira not see that? What made her like Edgar more than Gewen?

After four months of failure, Gewen finally shared what was in his heart to Mars and Edgar and both men laughed him off. They said even a blind person could see how much he was into Kira. So, they were not surprised by his confession.

And now, they asked him to start ignoring Kira because that's the advice he always gave them in the past? This made Geewen realize how pathetic he was now.

Oh, how far the womanizer had fallen to be accepting love advice from a man who only lost his virginity at the age of 27 and had only slept with one woman in his entire life, and another man who was now single.

He pursed his lips and closed his eyes dramatically. Maybe this was his karma for playing with the hearts of so many women in the past. He only saw them as sex objects and didn't care about whether they wanted to have something more.

Now, that the table had turned, he realized it must have sucked badly to be at the receiving end of his treatment toward them.

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The sex made it worse because those women must think he wanted them and they invested their heart and mind, also their body in their 'relationship' even though he didn't see those as relationships in the first place.

But he did spend time with them, wooing them, and made them feel special with his attention and his sweet words. Perhaps, they thought he would change and eventually love them back... which never happened.

Well... he and Kira had not been intimate, but imagine if Kira was like him, it would really suck for him.

If Kira slept with him and made his feelings for her become deeper, only to leave him and keep chasing Edgar's love... Gewen would definitely hate himself and keep trying to find out what was so wrong with him that Kira couldn't love him back.

"Fine... I will try this..." Finally, he relented.

"Good." Mars and Edgar smiled. They patted Gewen's back and continued their chat while watching the beautiful sunset.


"Surprise...!" Kira said with a big smile on her face when they finally landed and Emmelyn saw two men stand on the dock with beaming faces. One was an older man, around the age of fifty, while the other one was a young man who shared similar physical traits as him.

Emmelyn was dumbfounded and couldn't believe her eyes when she saw them. She pressed her lips and tried to say something, but no words came out of her mouth.

"Who are they?" Mars turned to Kira and asked her. "Does Emmelyn know them?"

Kira wanted to reply to his question, but suddenly Emmelyn had run toward the old man, wailing. She immediately hugged the man and cried so pitifully.

"Mr. Cornelius!! You are alive!!" she cried and hugged the old man more tightly. "You're alive.... I can't believe this..."

Mars furrowed his brows. He had never heard of her mentioning the name of Mr. Cornelius before, but this old man seemed quite close to his wife. He wondered, what the relationship was between Emmelyn and this Mr. Cornelius.

Kira cleared her throat and whispered, "That's Lady Emmelyn's personal teacher. He disappeared years ago when he heard the news about his son being captured by pirates."

Mars looked at Kira with narrowed eyes. "Did your crew capture him?"

Kira shrugged. "Uhm... that's what we do?"


"Well... anyway, I sent letters to my father and asked him to find that guy and his father. They were found and were released to go home to Wintermere. And now... here they are!"

She made it sound like Regan and his father were lost in the sea and her father found them. Mars couldn't say anything because Kira was his wife's friend and she did help Emmelyn reunite with her personal teacher. So, today, Mars would turn a blind eye to the Serpent Gang.

"Thank you," he said in a low voice.

"You're welcome," Kira replied with a smile.




From Missrealitybites:

Thank you so much for your support toward "The Cursed Prince" all this time. I am really touched by the amount of support and love you show Mars, Emmelyn, and the others. We are closing the chapters on Emmelyn's story very soon and will continue with Harlow's story.

I have so much planned for her and Raphael and I am very itchy, wanting to write it as soon as possible. Unfortunately, we have to tie all the loose ends in Emmelyn's story before we can do that. So, I hope you will be patient.

As I have mentioned before, I am joining the werewolf contest held by Webnovel and I will be writing a mainstream book finally. I hope I can nail it XD. I will publish the first 10 chapters on Thursday, November 4. So, please pay attention to it and add the book to your library.

If you want to get a notification (I hope WN will send the inbox message to you), you can click my username and follow me (click the heart icon on the top right of my profile) AND follow my reading list called "Missrealitybites Books". I will immediately add the new book to that reading list as soon as I publish it.

The title is "The King's Wife Is The Alpha's Mate". You already saw the cover in my previous chapter.

You can search the book LATER, on November 4. Not now... ahahaha.. the book is not ready now.

Again, this book is about werewolves, and it is a reverse harem. The female lead will end up with the two male leads. If you read my other book, "Finding Stardust", you will know that I have tried my hands on reverse harem but not directly. Well, "The King's Wife Is The Alpha's Mate" will be directly reverse harem.

Who knows, maybe in the future I can make another book with more than two men in the harem. XD. To be honest, it's actually my favorite genre, but it's really hard to pull off. So, I have to write it really well in order for it to work.

Anyway... I would like to thank everyone who has supported this book with your comments, reviews, gifts, and golden tickets. THANK YOU so much for making me feel loved and motivated to write every day.

I have always been a prolific writer, but your support makes my time and effort spent on writing worth it, and I become even more productive than ever.

So, thank you so much!

I would like to say a special thank you to our top 3 golden tickets contributors in October. Maude, Kelly, and Rose... thank you! I am humbled by your generosity and support. And for the others, I am grateful for your support. I am sorry I cannot mention you one by one.

If you want to keep supporting my books with your golden tickets and wondering which book you should send your tickets to, please continue supporting "The Cursed Prince".

Well... unless you really, really love a specific book of mine, like "Finding Stardust" or "The Cursed King" and just want to send your tickets there, instead of "The Cursed Prince, it's okay. I am grateful for whatever support you give me. xx

PS: I am sorry for the long note, I will make it up by publishing more chapters later today.

PPS: I have uploaded some of the visuals and short videos I made for my books to YouTube.. You can just google "Missrealitybites Youtube" to see those videos if you don't have an Instagram and don't follow my social media accounts.

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