The Cursed Prince

Chapter 659 - Finally Find Peace

Emmelyn felt so sad to see the old man. She could hear the deep longing in his words and that made her shed tears uncontrollably. Ahh... Duke Bellevar had suffered so much, she thought. Seeing his devastation broke Emmelyn's heart.

The man just wanted to die.

"Oh, grandpa..." She hugged Duke Bellevar and cried on his shoulder. She didn't have any more living relatives but her Grandpa Elroy. So, once the old man passed away, Emmelyn would definitely be alone, except for her husband and child.

Even though Emmelyn had gotten used to being an orphan, the thoughts that her only living relative wanted death still made her floored. However, she tried to be understanding since she could empathize with Duke Bellevar's suffering.

She refrained herself from saying words to make the duke see that the world was still worth living, because in his case, it was not.

The old duke returned Emmelyn's hug and patted her back gently. He didn't say anything because he also didn't have any more words to express his feelings.

Both were venting their emotions for a few moments, while Harlow was looking at them in confusion.? Mars watched the emotional scene and his heart felt so heavy with guilt and regret.

It was hard to be in his position. On the one hand, he knew his father was at fault for breaking off the engagement with Lady Marielle. If Jared Strongmoor didn't do such thing, there would be no problem whatsoever between the two big families.

However, on the other hand, if his Jared didn't do it and didn't fight for his love for Elara, Mars would never be born.

So, Mars could only stand there with Harlow, looking at Emmelyn and Duke Bellevar were crying without words. His heart was deeply touched by the scene.

When Emmelyn finally let go of her hug, Mars was ready with a handkerchief and gave it to his wife. Emmelyn mouthed her thank you and accepted the handkerchief.

She sat on the chair and looked away, to hide more tears from flowing down her cheeks. It was such a sad and emotional moment and she didn't want to ruin the atmosphere.

Mars and she came here to pay Duke Bellevar a visit, not only for Emmelyn to see the old man, but also for Mars to convey his family's long overdue apology.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

After the situation between Emmelyn and the duke calmed down a little bit, Mars decided to approach Duke Bellevar and sat by his bed. He smiled and held the old man's arm.

"Granpa Elroy. My name is Mars Strongmoor. I am Jared and Elara's son. You've met me last year when I came to see Thessalis Morelli," he said in a gentle voice.

Duke Bellevar turned to him and looked at the king deeply. Ahh... he remembered this handsome man. Last year he almost lost his mind because his beloved wife just passed away, and he came to stay with Thessalis.

Mars came to Shadowend and killed Thessalis and...

Now Duke Bellevar realized that after Thessalis's death, he was picked up and brought to Wintermere capital. He was given a nice place to stay and someone to care for him. After he got over his grief and started accepting his wife's death, slowly his clear mind returned.

Was Mars Strongmoor the one who ordered the people to take care of Duke Bellevar in Wintermere? Seeing his expression now, somehow the old duke realized that it was the case.

"Yeah..." The duke nodded. "I remember you."

Mars smiled and uttered the apology that his parents owed to the Bellevars. "Grandpa, I am also Emmelyn's husband. So, I hope you don't mind me calling you grandpa too."

At the mention of Emmelyn's name, the old duke finally smiled. "I don't mind."

Actually, the fact that this handsome man called him grandpa tore an old wound in Duke Bellevar's heart. Because... Mars should actually be his grandson if only Jared Strongmoor married Marielle, the duke's daughter.

This young king could have been Marielle's son, Duke Bellevar thought to himself.

The old man smiled bitterly, but he tried hard to hide it. A really long time had passed. Now was not the time to think of the what ifs. He should forgive and forget, so he could finally move on and die in peace.

"Grandpa, on behalf of my parents, I would like to apologize to you for what happened in the past between our two families. We know that what my father did was wrong and it was dishonorable," Mars tried to stay calm when he spoke, but seeing the old duke was tearful... he became teary-eyed too.

He glanced at Harlow, his sweet daughter, and realized that if any man dared to hurt his baby girl, he would kill or die to make that man pay for his sins. Being the monarch of this country, Mars was in a position where he could do whatever he wanted and punish anyone who hurt his daughter.

However, Duke Bellevar couldn't do the same thing because his status was lower than Jared Strongmoor who was the king back then.

And not only he couldn't avenge his daughter's death, but he was also chased out of Draec and had to live in sufferings for decades, away from home. It was not fair.

If he put himself in Duke Bellevar's shoes, Mars really felt deep empathy for the old man. The suffering and injustice he experienced in Jared Strongmoor's hands were too much.

Mars felt sorry for the old man and deep in his heart, the young king made a promise that he would not abuse his power. He wouldn't do things as his father did.

Now that he had apologized to Duke Bellevar, Mars hoped to break the vicious cycle and his family would rebuild their life again.

Duke Bellevar looked up and was surprised to see the young man was crying too. He could see the sincerity in Mars' words and his expression. Whatever hatred still left in his heart, was now gone and the old duke gripped Mars' hand gently.

"It's not your fault," he said to the king with a hoarse voice. "I never blame you."

"But still... my family is responsible for your family's suffering throughout the years. So, I still need to apologize," Mars said. "I actually planned to bring you back to Draec so you can spend your old days in your own home and you can visit your daughter's grave."

The duke smiled faintly and shook his head. "You have a good heart, Your Majesty. You are the right man for Emmelyn. However, I am happy to stay here and be buried next to my wife."

"Don't you want to see Lady Marielle's grave?" Mars asked again.

"My daughter is not there," the duke sighed. "I can only visit her bones there. And what are bones for? Nothing. She is already dead. If there is an afterlife, I can't wait to go there so I can meet my wife and daughter again."

Mars was silent when he heard the duke's words. It sucked that he couldn't do anything to make up for his father's mistakes. No matter how much he wanted to make things right, there was nothing he could do now. It was really too late.

He could only watch the old man slowly fade away and then die. Life was not fair.

"If you want to make up for what happened," Duke Bellevar suddenly spoke up, as if reading the king's mind from his gloomy expression. Mars looked at the old man intently, so he wouldn't miss his every word. He wanted to know how he could make up for his family's sins.

"You should make Emmelyn happy. That is the only way to make me, this old man feel happy," the duke smiled faintly. "She is the closest I could ever get to having my Marielle. She calls me Grandpa Elroy, but she is like a daughter to me. So, her happiness is my happiness. Please treat Emmelyn well, protect her, and cherish her for as long as you live."

Mars took a deep breath. Duke Bellevar's words were soothing and made the heavy burden in his chest slowly disappear.

"I promise with my life," Mars said solemnly. "I will love, protect, and cherish Emmelyn until the day I die."

"Good." Duke Bellevar tuned to Emmelyn and smiled in relief. "I am happy you found a loving husband. You are a good woman, Emmelyn. I am rooting for your happiness."


The journey back to Wintermere palace was quiet. Both Mars and Emmelyn were still feeling emotional after their meeting with Duke Bellevar. The physician confirmed it again that the old duke didn't have much time left.

So, it was a good decision on their part to come and visit him today. Emmelyn could say her goodbye and Mars could apologzie for his family's wrongdoings. Both got the closure they needed.

Still, it was not easy and made them feel really sad.

"We should just rest tomorrow," Ememlyn said after their carriage stopped in the palace courtyard. "Let's not go anywhere."

Mars nodded. He felt mentally tired too after the meeting with Duke Bellevar and agreed with Emmelyn. Perhaps, after they both felt better, they could continue exploring Wintermere and then visit Mrs. Adler.


Three days later, when Mars and Emmelyn just finished breakfast, they received news that Duke Bellevar passed away in his sleep. The old man finally found his peace.

Mars and Emmelyn were mourning together. They attended Duke Bellevar's funeral the next day. The man was buried next to his wife's grave.




From Missrealitybites:

Thank you so much for all? your support for TCP. I hope you will support my new book, "The King's Wife Is The Alpha's Wife". It already has 11 chapters on Webnovel. Please read it and let me know your thoughts ^^.

PS: Thank you, DespinaNY, for gifting a dragon to TCP yesterday xx

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