The Cursed Prince

Chapter 789 - She Is Enchanted

Chapter 789 - She Is Enchanted

Harlow wanted to cry. She was only a young woman who had led such a sheltered life until the day she went out to find the presumptuous man who claimed her as his bride. Ever since that day, her life had never been the same.

She had met countless people in her short journey. She had gone to Mount Tempest, Myreen, even two different realms. Now that she realized she had got more than what she bargained for, Harlow suddenly didn't know if she was ready for this.

Now that Raphael had confirmed that he didn't see Julian, Harlow was shocked and distraught. Was she imagining the whole thing? Was Julian even real? Or was it just Raphael playing with her mind?

Which part of her journey was real and which part was not?

Now, she didn't know anymore what to think. Were the elven princes real?

Harlow drew the line after she left Myreen. Since her parents had met Margueritte the White Witch and King Alexander Leoralei, she could safely assume that those people were all real.

However, what about the ones she met in the elven realm? Demon realm?

Was Julian only part of her imagination?

Who should she ask to find out the truth?

She had been so sure of Julian and relied on him to get her out of the stupid oath that her mother bound with Raphael in which Harlow was the object. However, Julian had not kept his promise to find her, and when he showed himself, this confusion happened.

Harlow wiped her eyes from the tears that started forming.

Fine. If Raphael refused to tell her the truth, she would look for it on her own.

Actually, the princess wanted to be stubborn and not follow Raphael to the dining room. However, her stomach growled and she was forced to walk inside. It would be embarrassing to die of hunger.

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She needed to buy time so she could think.


Her stomach growled again out of hunger and she was reminded that she had not eaten anything since morning. It was now probably around 3 pm and she needed to eat something to regain her energy back. She needed it to go around and find out what was going on.

Raphael didn't say anything when Harlow entered the dining hall. She had found the huge dining hall with the help of Beth who came to see her at the door.

Harlow looked at the demon king seriously, trying to strike up a conversation with her eyes, but it didn't work. The usually cheeky man suddenly became so quiet. Harlow could tell that he was distraught by something.

If only he would tell her, it would help a lot. Unfortunately, he would rather keep her in the dark.

"I will think about it," Harlow said suddenly. Then she took her plate and started filling it with food from the table. She decided to eat because there was nothing left for her to do.

Raphael knew she meant she would think about her options, whether she would pay the price for the truth or not. He didn't say anything.

They ate in silence.

The food was good, but because she was feeling upset, Harlow couldn't enjoy her meal like usual. All the princess wanted to do was return to her room and get some sleep. She wanted to close her eyes and forget about everything.

That was how frustrated and lost she felt right now. Perhaps, if she could rest her body, her mind would follow suit, and she could clear her head. Once she was better, she would know what to do with her situation.

When they were done eating, Harlow rose from her chair and took her leave immediately. "I am not feeling well right now. I am having a bad headache. Can I go to my room?"

"Yes, sure." Raphael nodded slowly. "I have an important matter to attend to as well so please just take it easy and enjoy your time here in the realm. As long as Icecube is with you, you shall stay safe if you wish to go out."

Harlow only bit her lip. It seemed Raphael could guess that she wanted to go out and investigate what happened by visiting the city. Harlow just needed to lie down and clear her head before she could do it.

Once she felt better, she would go back to where Julian and she ate lunch. The waiter at the restaurant might be able to give Harlow information about Julian.

"If you have any more desires, queries, or need anything… your maids will be here to attend to you, Harlow," Raphael added. "I will leave you for now."

"Are you going far?" Harlow suddenly became interested to hear about Raphael's travel plans. If the demon king would be away for a long time, she would have ample time to do her investigation. "How long?"

Raphael nodded. "Yeah. I do not know when I will be back. However, I shall return in the soonest chance I can."

"Where are you going?" Harlow asked again. She thought Raphael's trip was too sudden. Did he decide to take this trip because of what happened today?

"I can't say, unfortunately," Raphael said apologetically. His attitude to Harlow had changed. After his sudden emotional outburst earlier today, the man seemed to work hard to maintain his flat expression.

Maybe he was embarrassed because Harlow had seen his vulnerable side. Or, perhaps, he was playing another game with her mind now. Harlow didn't know if she could trust him. At this point, she wanted to protect herself and not take risks by trusting anyone.

She had put her faith in Julian only to be disappointed. She didn't want to experience the same thing twice.

"I can really go out of this castle, right?" Harlow asked Raphael again to make sure.

"Yes." Raphael nodded.

"Thanks, I might go out for a bit after I feel better." Harlow forced a smile. "Safe travels. I will rest now."

She turned around and left Raphael alone in the dining hall. The man looked at her back view longingly until Harlow disappeared from his sight.

Once Harlow was gone, Raphael turned to see outside the window. The weather looked bad. He hoped she wouldn't force herself to go out after she took a nap. Perhaps, he could send some knights to look after her from afar.

He would have done it on his own if he didn't need to go to Cretea. He must find his father and try to make a new deal.

Before he turned around, Raphael was struck by his reflection on the window's glass.? The man who was staring back at him was not the same man that Harlow had been seeing for the past several days.

He didn't have the ugly horns that made her feel uncomfortable. His golden eyes looked haunting because he was distraught, but they didn't look nearly half as scary as the red eyes she saw on him.

The man sighed. He also would find it hard to love a monster. So, he didn't blame Harlow for not wanting to marry him. She couldn't see the real him.

"Beth, I will go for a bit," Raphael called Beth to come closer and gave her instructions before he left. "My wife thinks you all look like scary demons whenever she sees you. Please forgive her. It's not her fault. She is enchanted."

He added, "I have used my magic to help her see things properly, but when I'm gone, the magic might wane off after a while. So, please understand if she showed some discomforts around you. Don't take it personally."

"Understood, my lord," Beth replied. The young woman bowed down to Raphael respectfully. "I will let the others know."

"She is resting in her room because of a headache. Please check up on her often."

"Will do, my lord."

"Thank you," Raphael forced a smile. "I will go now. I'll try to return as soon as possible."

Raphael closed his eyes and suddenly he disappeared from view. This was an ability of his that Beth admired greatly. She had met many powerful beings come to this castle during her time working there, but only a few could do what Raphael just did.


Harlow was crying in her bedroom. She missed her mother and father very much, even her two brothers. She didn't really remember how long she had left home. After flying around with Icecube to visit several different places, she had lost track of time.

She only knew if it was daytime or nighttime. She didn't have a calendar with her and she also didn't take notes of the time passed.

What were her parents doing now? Were they looking for her? Even if they could send a search party all the way to Mount Tempest or Myreen to follow her tracks, it would take them months just to arrive in Myreen.

They didn't have dragons like Icecube which could cut down the travel time by a lot.? Even if they finally met King Alexander Leoralei and got the information from him that Harlow went to the elven realm to look for Raphael, Mars and Emmelyn might not be so lucky to find the portal easily.

"Oh, mother... I miss you so much..." she sobbed uncontrollably. "I want to go home."


Harlow's cry paused when she heard knocking sounds on the door. She asked, "Who is? it?"

"Your Highness, this is Beth," the servant replied from outside. "His Majesty told me you are having a headache. I come here to check up on you. Do you need me to bring you anything?"

Harlow was touched by the gesture. However, she didn't need anything. So, she declined politely. "I? am fine, Beth. Thank you."

"Very well, Your Highness."




From Missrealitybites:

I hope this clears some confusion about what really happened.. I intentionally wrote Raphael's perspective in this chapter to show that things are not what they seem.

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