The Dawn Of The New World

Chapter 1130 Fleshy

The herbs started out as simple dual-leafed buds but began sprouting long stems that crawled up the walls and curled around the entire room within seconds.

The temperature rose by tens of degrees but not enough to make anyone uncomfortable. It simply counteracted the Yin energy that was already prevalent throughout the atmosphere.


Ma Jiang coughed a few more times while trying to get up, prompting Princess Ceni to jump to her aid.

"Here, let me help you. It's okay, pace yourself, everything is fine."

She rubbed her back while speaking in a coaxing manner. Ma Jiang leaned her head on Princess Ceni's shoulder while trying to regulate her breathing.

"You're okay, everything is okay, just relax."

Even Jin Wang was surprised by the softness of her voice which was a complete contrast to a few moments ago. Looking at this scene if one didn't know any better they would think these two girls were actual sisters.

It took Ma Jiang a couple of minutes to get back to normal and she was even able to stand up by herself although Princess Ceni didn't leave her side regardless.

"I think I'm...okay now," she reassured Princess Ceni who smiled and wiped the sweat off of her forehead.

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"Good. But don't push yourself too much."

"Un, I know unnie."

Jin Wang finally couldn't take it anymore and had to step in.

"Okay what the hell is going on here? Why are you calling her 'unnie' and why are you two so...nice to each other all of a sudden?"

It wasn't like they hated each other before but this was certainly a sudden turn of events.

Ma Jiang and Princess Ceni glanced at one another giggling at him. This time Ma Jiang spoke up.

"Unnie just means older sister in the language we grew up with. You see, in the last dreamscape we were sisters. And even though it's over now but those memories are still with us."

Jin Wang shrugged defeatedly, "Well...didn't see that coming either. So you both met Hao Xuan?"


"Yeah, why, is that a crime?" Princess Ceni's hostile tone was ignored by Jin Wang as he focused more on their body language instead.

Where Princess Ceni was glaring at him Ma Jiang couldn't even meet his gaze.

"And nothing 'special' happened?"

"A lot of things happened, what exactly are you asking? I already told you Hao Xuan and I were together," Princess Ceni answered for Ma Jiang again.

Ma Jiang shifted uncomfortably and quickly changed the topic, "We should go, those people need our help."

Princess Ceni immediately nodded, "And we still need to find Hao Xuan, you don't know where he is do you?"

Ma Jiang shook her head which was all Princess Ceni needed. She walked to the door with quick steps, "I'll go back first then," and ran out.

Jin Wang waited until the sound of her footsteps faded and gestured for Ma Jiang to take a seat on the bed.

"What's wrong? Was it not as she said?"

Ma Jiang nodded lightly with a sigh.

"I think some of her memories are...muddled. She doesn't remember everything clearly."

"Like what?"

"I-It doesn't matter. Since we are all back safe those memories don't matter right?" she looked at Jin Wang with hope in her eyes.

He could see there was something wrong but she didn't want to talk about it.

"Yes, I don't think it should be a problem."

"Good, I don't want to think about it anymore."

Upon finishing Ma Jiang reached into one of the flaps of her dress and pulled out a stone disk.

"Here," and handed it over to Jin Wang with a nonchalance that would not have been possible if she knew exactly what kind of creature was locked inside it.

Jin Wang quickly inspected the disk and breathed a sigh of relief. It had been done, the parasite from Hao Xuan's mind palace had been pulled out, albeit only temporarily.

"Thank you, you have no idea how important this little thing is. Are you going to be okay? Come I will take you back," he extended a helping hand but she pushed it away.

"No, I'm okay. I just need a few more minutes to stabilize my energy. I can get back by myself, I know it's not too far."

"Alright. But if you need me just crush this and I will get to you as soon as possible," he handed her a small red piece of paper with a rune on one side.


With the disk in hand Jin Wang also took his leave, disappearing from the room like an apparition.

Ma Jiang waited a few minutes to make sure she was alone before falling to the ground clutching her chest.


She threw up several mouthfuls of thick viscous liquid and a small meaty chunk that was a part of her own lungs. It was coated in dried-up blood.

"AAAH!" she screamed from pain as the back of her dress was ripped apart when two massive wings made of flame erupted from within her own flesh.

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