The Death Mage Who Doesn't Want a Fourth Time

Book 11: Character Summary (1)

Book 11: Character Summary (1)

Vandalieu Zakkart – Dhampir (Mother: Goddess), 11 years old, male

The story’s main character, who came to Alcrem to reach an agreement with the duke’s house that they would not interfere with matters concerning Juliana, and because he was summoned to the Tamers’ Guild Headquarters of the Alcrem Duchy. Other than taking care of these things, he didn’t plan to do much else other than check on Braga and the rest of the Black Goblins who were acting as the ‘Face-tearing Demon,’ but things turned into a bigger incident than he had imagined.

As a result of that incident, the negotiations with the Alcrem house were far more successful than he had anticipated; not only was there a non-interference agreement, there was now a secret alliance.

In the process, a part of his Status was seen, and his ‘Demon King’ and ‘Dark King Magic’ Skills were stolen, but the one who had done the former self-destructed due to the ‘Abyss’ Skill, and with regards to the latter, Vandalieu managed to take the Skills back. Thus, he didn’t consider these to be serious problems.

However, he does believe that he was careless to let Goldie catch him by surprise and allow his arm to be eaten so easily.

As a result of the battle, Vandalieu acquired more fragments of the Demon King and became the ‘Great Demon King,’ but he has not felt much change yet other than the increase to his Attribute Values… and the Demon King’s muscles strengthened him in a way that was different from what he had hoped for.

Vandalieu has acknowledged the three potential heroes Arthur, Borzofoy and Kalinia, and their friend Miriam, who made contact with him in the city of Alcrem. He has also welcomed Bashas, Zelzeria, and Hamul, as well as Borgadon, as new additions to the gods of Vida’s faction.

His original plan was to return to the city of Morksi after discussions with the duke, then head to the Demon King Continent after that, but because he needed to help control the information given to the public, his stay in Alcrem was extended.

There is no problem with this, but he is somewhat uncomfortable with the fact that as a part of that information control, he has to build a monument to Goldie and his family who were actually Mimic Humans, and pray for their happiness in the next world alongside the people who attended their funeral.

Vandalieu and his companions preach their ideology, known as ‘Vida fundamentalism,’ in human societies. This is because the worship of Vida in the Orbaume Kingdom has become a religion that is convenient for people rather than for Vida’s races. (‘People’ in this case refers to humans, Elves, and Dwarves.)

This has manifested in various ways. For instance, rather than being treated as individual criminals when they break the law, Vampires and Majin have their entire races treated as monsters because they are considered dangerous. Races like Scylla are confined to their own autonomous territories, and are not allowed to conduct business or travel freely.

In contrast, Vida fundamentalism aims to achieve a society where humans and Vida’s races are equal… and eventually, Vida’s races are included in the term ‘people.’ Fighting against and defeating the gods of the forces commanded by Alda, the God of Law and Fate, and their followers, is not included in the ideology of Vida fundamentalism, but… its objectives are in direct conflict with Alda’s teachings, so it seems that Vandalieu has decided that it is not necessary to state these things as part of the ideology directly.

The one who is preaching this ideology is the Goddess of Life and Love Vida herself, so to be more precise, it is the main or true teachings of Vida rather than a fundamentalist ideology. However, referring to it as such would create opposition from worshippers of Vida in human society, so that is why it is referred to as fundamentalism.

List of fragments of the Demon King possessed by Vandalieu:

Blood, horns, suction cups, ink sacs, carapace, scent glands, luminescent organs, fat, jaws (fangs, jaws, lips), eyeballs (retina, lens), proboscis, fur, exoskeleton (x2), jointed legs, antennae, compound eyes, gills, sub-brain, tumors, blood vessels, tongue, lungs, fins, venom glands, bones, skin, treasure orb, demon eyes, nerves, stomach, membrane, wings, tentacles (NEW!), shadow (NEW!), scales (x2) (NEW!), bone marrow (NEW!), oviduct (NEW!), silk glands (NEW!), muscles (NEW!), crystals (NEW!), sweat glands (NEW!), cnidocytes (NEW!)

Darcia – Chaos Elf, 0 years old (resurrected), female

The mother of the emperor of the Demon Empire of Vidal, who is currently under consideration to receive the title of honorary countess. As a result of the fabricated farce that her son created in order to control the information given to the public, she has become a hero who saved a duchy.

The head of the Church of Vida in Alcrem, being an opportunist, told Darcia to be mindful of their relationship with Alda’s peaceful faction, but perhaps because she sensed that he didn’t have as much virtue and devotion as Priestess Paula in Morksi, she paid him no heed and worked at a food cart in her transformed appearance the very next day.

She has become a hero, so the head of the Church of Vida is anxious about what the Church of Alda will say, but it is not as if he can tell Darcia to stop saving the city, so he is remaining silent.

Although Darcia herself is unaware of this, she is about to set a world record for the youngest person to ever be granted an honorary court rank.

Juliana Alcrem – Half-Minotaur, 0 years old (approximately 9 years old in appearance), female

Juliana had intended to settle things with the Alcrem house, the house that she belonged to in her previous life, but as a result of unexpected events, the duke’s house has secretly allied itself with the Demon Empire of Vidal. However, she has told her half-brother Takkard to treat her as a completely different person from Juliana Alcrem, so she doesn’t see any problems with this.

The other half-Minotaurs, who were her subordinates in her knights’ order or village girls in their previous lives, are still in the city of Morksi. Juliana planned to investigate how their grieving families were doing as well as check their beliefs and intentions at a later opportunity, but as the situation has changed, she plans to begin her investigations on them soon.

She is happy at the fact that more and more people are viewing Vandalieu in the same way that she does. However, she is slightly bothered by the fact that the Mimic Human who mimicked her was very weak, that she was unable to defeat any enemies other than that weak imitation of her, and the fact that she was unable to take part in Vandalieu’s farce to cover up to the truth.

She wants to become strong as soon as possible.

Pauvina – Half-Noble Orc, 8 years old, female

Pauvina had wanted to make an appearance in human society in the Sauron Duchy, but ended up only doing so at Duke Alcrem’s villa.

She served as both a defender and an attacker during the battle with the Mimic Humans, but because she hadn’t made a proper appearance in the city, she stayed in the Dungeon with Juliana while Vandalieu’s farce took place.

She was a little dissatisfied by this, but she cheered up again after seeing the footage of the farce when Vandalieu invented and used the ‘Film Projector Technique.’

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Privel – Scylla Origin High Druid Master, 19 years old, female

Daughter of Periveil, who was an influential chief in the Scylla territory. Because of this familial connection, Duke Rudel Sauron and his intelligence network have discovered the connection between Vandalieu and the resistance and Undead who occupy the former Scylla territory, but Privel doesn’t care much about this.

Vandalieu does not care about it, either. He had suspected that Duke Sauron would take notice of the connection from the moment he brought Privel into the city.

Another large part of this is that Duke Alcrem has joined Vandalieu’s side, making Duke Sauron’s house even less threatening.

Privel transformed during the battle against the Flying Krakens by using equipment that Vandalieu gave her, but because equipment with the divine protection of Merrebeveil would just produce more tentacles, she received equipment with the divine protection of Lioen instead. However, she didn’t feel comfortable with that equipment, so she returned it to Vandalieu afterwards.

While she is in the city of Alcrem, she uses a Magic Item that creates an illusion that conceals the Dragon heads at the ends of her tentacles, making them look like ordinary tentacles so that she appears to be an ordinary Scylla.

Because she revealed her true self during the battle against the Mimic Humans at the villa, the duke and his close subordinates are aware that she is not an ordinary Scylla. But during the farce that took place outside the city, she used the Magic item again, so the public is still under the impression that she is an ordinary Scylla.

… If she had revealed her true self inside the city, Duke Rudel Sauron might have mistakenly believed that she was different from the Privel that he knew of, but it can be assumed that the Mages’ Guild and Tamers’ Guild would have taken a keen interest in her, so keeping it a secret was the correct choice.

Gizania – Great Ushioni Samurai Master, 38 years old, female

Gizania has left the region within the Boundary Mountain Range for the first time and made her first appearance in human society. Although she is confused by the size of buildings in Alcrem and the fact that there are no members of Vida’s races or monsters with large bodies living in the city, she is enjoying herself… but she does think that it is inconvenient that she cannot pass through narrow roads (back alleys) or climb up the walls of buildings.

Arachne are rare to the people of Alcrem, so she receives inquisitive looks wherever she goes, but she had been quite well-known in her home country of Zanalpadna and is used to receiving attention, so she isn’t bothered by them.

As for what the Tamers’ Guild Headquarters of Alcrem wanted from her, she had only heard about it from Vandalieu, so she thinks she should just be a little careful around the Tamers’ Guild.

She wears a Magic Item that makes her appear to be an ordinary large-build Arachne, but she showed her true self in the battle against the Mimic Humans. But like Privel, she started using her Magic Item again after that, so only Duke Alcrem and his close subordinates are aware of her true race. She also performed quite well during Vandalieu’s farce.

She has claimed ownership of the body double (knitted doll) that Vandalieu made of himself during his stay in Alcrem.

Incidentally, she has acquired the ‘Warrior Princess’ and ‘Ushi Princess’ Titles. Although she is the daughter of a queen, she has never been recognized as princess due to the fact that she is a large-build Arachne, but she has acquired these Titles because she is now recognized as a princess due to her engagement to Vandalieu.

She is happy that her position has been recognized, but for some reason, she seems to feel sympathy and a sense of kinship towards Zadiris.

Myuze – Crystal Empusa Kunoichi Master, 73 years old, female

Like Gizania and Privel, she has made her first appearance in human society. Her body is similar to a human’s other than the sickle-ended arms attached to her shoulders, so she didn’t have any discomfort in the city of Alcrem. However, as Empusa were considered to have gone extinct, not many people even know of them, so things were a little inconvenient for her at first because she was treated as a demi-human monster rather than a member of a race created by Vida.

Other than that, she has enjoyed herself, eating the delicious food of human society such as the products created by the Alcrem Food Cart Pentagram, so she does not have a negative impression of the city of Alcrem… It seems that not meeting the Guild Master of the Tamers’ Guild Headquarters of the Alcrem Duchy was the correct choice.

Like Privel and Gizania, she uses a Magic Item to make herself appear to be an ordinary Empusa, but… the people of the city don’t even know what an Empusa is, so they find her to be the most curious among Vandalieu’s four familiars.

Kachia – Ghoul Wizard Sword Adept, 27 years old (19 years old in appearance), female

Kachia has returned to human society for the first time in a long time, but she lived in the Mirg shield-nation when she was a human, so she doesn’t feel much nostalgia.

After becoming a Ghoul, she has spent all her time in the region within the Boundary Mountain Range, but the incident with the Tamers’ Guild Headquarters of the Alcrem Duchy made her immediately realize how hard it was to not be treated as a person.

This experience has made her realize that Zadiris and Basdia were singing and dancing together with the future of the entire Ghoul race in mind, but even so, she felt weary when she remembered the fact that she has become a backup member for them.

Regarding her clothing, she has asked Vandalieu repeatedly to not attach many frills, but she feels anxious about this because his response made her feel like he didn’t think she was serious about it.

She was nervous during the tea party with Duke Alcrem, but she fought with everything she had against Goldie and the other Mimic Humans when he revealed his true identity.

Gufadgarn – Evil god of Labyrinths, ? years old, female?

The evil god who is always in the shadow behind Vandalieu. More have joined her as an adherent of Vandalieu, and she has been teaching them the ways of the Vandalieu cult… or rather, the Vandalieu religion.

To be with Vandalieu and worship him. Vandalieu is the center of the world, and the world itself. All who worship Vandalieu are equal.

Those who sincerely believe these words are splendid fanatical followers of Vandalieu.

Incidentally, the religion of Vandalieu is not recognized as an official group in the Demon Empire of Vidal due to strong opposition from Vandalieu.

Gufadgarn fought against Zerzoregin, the Evil God of Cannibalism, and she already knew of his name, his deeds and the Mimic Humans from the time when she was still a part of the Demon King’s army. However, the ability to steal Skills was something that Zerzoregin had acquired by assimilating Forzajibal and given to his Mimic Human servants after the Demon King Guduranis was sealed away. Thus, Gufadgarn was unaware of this ability.

As a result, Vandalieu’s Skill was stolen and he stopped being the Demon King for a temporary period of time, but Gufadgarn’s worship towards him grew no weaker. The fact that he is the Demon King is not the reason she worships him.

She contributed significantly during the battle against Zerzoregin, including engaging him at close range with her arthropod legs in order to determine whether he could steal her Skills through them.

Braga – Black Goblin Absolute Ninja Master, 9 years old, male

Leading the Black Goblin ninja force, Braga used the face-peeling technique he learned from Isla and acted as the ‘Face-tearing Demon’ in Alcrem.

He targeted only those on the list given to him by Vandalieu, got no innocent people involved, did no needless killing, and tore the faces from his victims quickly before abducting them and sending them, still alive, to the research laboratories in the Demon Empire of Vidal. Considering the end they met after that… or rather, considering that things didn’t end for them at all, Braga was an even more terrifying threat than an assassin to the extremely evil people in Alcrem.

Braga took pride in being the ‘Face-tearing Demon’ and engaged in battle against Goldie and the rest of the Mimic Humans in anger at the poor work they had done in imitating him. After that, the duke told him to stop, so he had no choice but to discontinue his work.

However, as long as he travels with Vandalieu to different regions, and as long as there are evil people who cannot be punished in the regions they visit, the ‘Face-tearing Demon’ will return again and again.

Simon – Human, 27 years old, male

The C-class adventurer who escaped from the tea party with Earl Morksi but was unable to escape the one with Duke Alcrem. However, because Simon participated in the battle against the Mimic Humans as well as Vandalieu’s farce, Duke Alcrem has approached him with the topic of a promotion to B-class, and Simon has clearly asserted that he would like to decline this offer.

He is still continuing his relationship with Jessie, the daughter of Berard, the Guild Master of the Morksi branch of the Adventurers’ Guild. He received training in the Demon Empire of Vidal to become an adventurer with the innate strength that was greater than that of a C-class adventurer, and this was apparently also partially to win Jessie over.

His actions in recent events seem to have made him even more famous than the incident in Morksi; some consider him to be a shining example of a middle-aged adventurer, but he strongly reminds people who say such things that he is still in his twenties.

Natania – Mountain-cat-type Beast-kin, 17 years old, female

Natania, like Simon, is a C-class adventurer being pressed about a promotion to B-class after her participation in the tea party with Duke Alcrem and Vandalieu’s farce that followed.

Because all four of her limbs are artificial, she attracts even more curiosity than Simon, but she has a strong, determined personality and is unaffected by such attention.

She has been slightly troubled by the fact that some female adventurers have started to respect her and call her ‘Onee-sama’ after Vandalieu’s farce. She asked Juliana for advice, but her response of “You’ll get used to it soon” has only made her more troubled.

Arthur – Human, 24 years old, male

A virtuous but very unusual young man who was a hunter living in a remote village until a few years ago.

He has always been physically large since he was young, and although he is not ugly, he has a fearsome appearance. Most importantly, he has always had abnormally great physical abilities. Because of these reasons, the villagers have always kept their distance from him, with the exception of his family, one particular Dwarf family that he was close to, and the old priest who conducted religious services in the village.

Both of his parents and the old priest have passed away.

He became a hunter and carried out an almost entirely self-sustaining lifestyle, hunting bears, Orcs, and Ogres. However, when he suddenly received the divine protection of the God of Rain Clouds, Bashas, his life changed completely… or perhaps it did not change so much. The only thing he did was carve a wooden statue of Bashas and add a prayer to her to his daily life.

The real point was when he met Miriam and saved her when she was being attacked by Ogres. His parents had told him stories of adventures when he was young, and through meeting Miriam, he realized that the adventurer profession was one that really existed, and that he could become one.

Just after that, he received a Divine Message from Bashas and decided to go to the duchy’s capital and become an adventurer.

He can stand face-to-face with an Ogre and threaten it to the point that it flinches first, and possesses an abnormal prowess in combat that renders him capable of defeating it in close-quarters combat despite not even being an adventurer. However, he also has a strong sense of justice, feels compassion towards the weak, and is courageous enough to protect others using his own body as a shield when the time calls for it.

He has a well-trained body that even Vandalieu has acknowledged, but he is quite the country bumpkin and lacks common sense.

That is why he often causes trouble for Miriam, his party leader, and he is aware that he needs to learn more common sense, but… he is not very quick to learn it, so Miriam’s trouble will likely continue for some time.

He respects Vandalieu because he is the person that Bashas pointed him to, and because he is a guider who has received the divine protection of a goddess, but has expressed his strong disagreement with the actions of the ‘Face-tearing Demon’ because of the social unrest that they have caused.

Arthur takes into account the feelings of the abducted evil people whose faces were torn off while they were still alive, but also those of their victims and the families who grieve them, but this is also why Vandalieu once engaged in a debate with him for an entire night, unable to refuse.

To Duke Alcrem and Earl Morksi, Arthur has the potential to become a valuable individual who was able to express sensible opinions to Vandalieu, but… they are not yet aware of that.

One hidden talent that he has is the ‘Vocal Mimicry’ Skill, although he can only mimic the cries of birds, wildlife, and monsters that inhabit the forests and mountains near his home village. He is particularly skilled at mimicking the roar of an Ogre. He is confident that he can match the volume of a real Ogre’s roar as well. However, his most surprising imitation is that of small birds.

He has mastered many hunting-related Jobs for his age, which are considered to be production-related Jobs, but this is because he hunts large carnivorous creatures like bears and Ogres, so he has acquired more Experience Points than the average hunter.

The ‘Monster Hunter’ Job in his Job history is a Job that can be acquired by hunters who have hunted many monsters, and is ordinarily acquired by hunters who hunt many Rank 1 or 2 monsters. Although it is a production-related Job, it provides as much Attribute Value growth as many combat-related Jobs.

The ‘Demonoid Hunter’ Job is one of the Jobs that can be acquired after continuously hunting monsters of specific races. Arthur has acquired this Job as a result of continuously hunting Ogres, which are also commonly called demons, and Orcs, which are known as pig demons in some regions.

There are other similar Jobs such as ‘Demon Beast Hunter’ and ‘Demon Insect Hunter’ (though ‘Vampire Hunter’ is not a Job of this type). These also provide as much Attribute Value growth as many combat-related Jobs despite being considered production-related Jobs.

In addition, so few individuals acquire these Jobs that they are often mistaken as being previously undiscovered Jobs. After all, any ordinary hunter would be killed by the monsters they are hunting before they can reach this stage.

His Unique Skill, ‘Talent for Combat,’ is a Skill that increases the growth of his Attribute Values considerably with the exception of Intelligence, and the source of Arthur’s extraordinary abilities in combat.

Active skills:Unique Skills:Kalinia – Human, 20 years old, female

Arthur’s younger sister. Like her brother, she is tall, and she is an unambiguously beautiful woman, but the gaze of her eyes is sharp and makes her seem somewhat ill-natured.

She couldn’t get close to any of the other children in the village she grew up in other than her older brother and their childhood friend Borzofoy, and the old priest, who treated everyone equally, taught her how to carry out religious services, magic, and how to make medicines. The priest expected that if she could show her worth, the distance that the villagers had placed between themselves and her for no reason would shrink.

But immediately after the old priest’s death, a new priest from a neighboring (but still distant) village replaced him, and the villagers relied more on the new priest than on Kalinia, so she ended up isolated anyway.

Once she reached a certain age, she was once attacked by boys from the village, which led to her developing androphobia and a habit of glaring at people with her head tilted downwards, and this caused the villagers to find her even more unpleasant.

The boys who attacked her were apprehended by Arthur and Borzofoy, so while she did not suffer any injuries, she suffered significant mental damage. Now, her heart begins palpitating and her breathing quickens simply from looking at either of them.

By meeting Miriam, she has made her first female friend, and she adores her like an older sister would a younger sister. When Arthur decided to follow Miriam and become an adventurer, Kalinia decided to follow them without any hesitation.

She was apprehensive about the outside world, but as she came to this decision, she received the divine blessing of Zelzeria, the Goddess of Dark Nights. Thus, she became certain that this was destiny, and courageously left her village with the support of her companions.

Active skills:Unique Skills:Borzofoy – Dwarf, 27 years old, male

Borzofoy is thin because of a weak constitution that he has had ever since he was a child, and although he has a beard, he looks slender and frail, and his eyes appear large on his face. Thus, he is a young Dwarf who looks like a small, skinny old man.

His appearance is so un-Dwarf-like that the other Dwarves in his village suspected that his mother had committed adultery and kept their distance from his parents, leaving his family isolated until they became close to Arthur and Kalinia’s family.

Because he is a Dwarf, he was physically stronger than human children of his age, but he was undeniably weak compared to other Dwarf children. However, he was intelligent and possessed qualities for using magic of attributes other than the earth and fire attributes, which was rare for a Dwarf. He learned the basics of magic from the old priest of the village.

As un-Dwarf-like as he was, his hands were as skilled as any other of his race, and he created tools that everyone could use from materials taken from the monsters hunted by Arthur.

The reason Arthur had been able to fight against monsters such as Ogres in a remote village with no arms smiths was partially because of his incredible strength, but also because of the equipment that Borzofoy made for him, despite its crudeness.

But Arthur said that if they were going to become adventurers, they should use equipment made by expert craftsmen, so they began hunting monsters with the unusual plan of slaying monsters to earn money needed to purchase equipment worthy of monster-slaying adventurers.

Incidentally, like Arthur and Kalinia’s parents, both of Borzofoy’s parents have passed away as well.

He considers himself a cheerful person who laughs easily, but to others, he looks like an old man with a creepy laugh. After receiving advice from Miriam, he tried laughing heartily and loudly, but the children who witnessed that burst into tears, and the children’s parents began begging him for their lives, causing the city guards to come rushing over.

Compared to Arthur and Kalinia, his abilities are ordinary, but because he accompanied Arthur on his hunts and has experience in real battles, he is stronger than other new adventurers.

He has a calm, thoughtful personality, but he is still a country bumpkin who lacks the common sense that people who live in cities and adventurers should have, which causes trouble for Miriam.

Active skills:Unique Skills:Miriam – Human, 15 years old, female

An exceedingly ordinary rookie adventurer who happened to visit a remote village in search of rare herbs. She has not received a divine protection from any god, does not possess any Unique Skills, and was not born under some extraordinary star.

But when she entered a forest to search for the herbs, she was attacked by a stray Ogre, and just when she thought she was done for, she was saved by what she thought was another Ogre… but was in fact Arthur. After that, while she received Kalinia’s care and Borzofoy’s healing magic, she suggested that they leave their village and become adventurers, thinking that it was a shame for such talented individuals to be nothing more than mere villagers.

Arthur and the others accepted her suggestion… and although Miriam had intended only to show them the way to Alcrem and help them register at the Adventurers’ Guild, before she knew it, she was their party leader.

After that, she became acquainted with the duke, someone she’d never dreamed of meeting, and a friend of Vandalieu, who was a guider, a champion’s successor, the Demon King, and an emperor.

Meeting Miriam was a turning point in the lives of Arthur, Kalinia, and Borzofoy, but it was a great turning point in Miriam’s life as well.

Since then, her hardships with Arthur and the others have been never-ending – including hunting monsters that even D-class adventurers would struggle to defeat because the others wanted to purchase the equipment they needed to be adventurers and things they needed for their journey, having to deal with the commotion caused by a thug adventurer who picked a fight with her while she was helping the others register at the Guild, and fighting off bandits who were targeting inexperienced adventurers when she was gathering medicinal herbs on a commission for rookies.

She has such a good-natured and caring personality that she has not left Arthur and the others despite all of the trouble they have caused her.

… Perhaps as a reward for that, before she knew it, the Unique Skill section of her Status has become filled with divine protections. However, she will now draw attention as a friend of the Demon King, just like Matthew of the orphanage in Morksi. Without these divine protections, it is unlikely that she would be able to survive the extraordinary days ahead of her.

The village that Miriam left with Arthur and the others no longer has any hunters or mages who are capable of exterminating monsters that wander nearby, and although the priest has a way with words, he is not as skilled in magic as Borzofoy and Kalinia. Thus, the village’s survival is now at risk.

Active skills:Unique Skills:

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