The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 402 - Inviting Chaos Into One's Home


Essentially, power and wealth went hand in hand. Sometimes, wealth was power, especially in a situation where only financial excellence prevailed. Other times, a wealth of power was needed. In Apollo's case, he brought both factors to the table.

And, after spending years within the Dakea Stronghold, this wolf demon understood the importance of acquiring both abilities. Therefore, he could only make Apollo the best offer he could muster—the ability to join the Dakea Stronghold.

Although this was Apollo's intention, that didn't mean he would impulsively accept the offer. Making a move without much thought would make him seem desperate, not to mention a rookie as well.

One of the cardinal rules of negotiation was to never accept the first offer because, more often than not, while it sounded sweet, the intricate details of the agreement benefited the one forming the contract the most.

In this case, while the wolf demon's offered sounded genuine, there were actually some attachments to it. For one, his standing in the stronghold wasn't necessarily high. After all, he was a simple Greater Demon. According to the information Apollo held, this stronghold possessed some Archdemons, or at the very least one.

Additionally, Apollo was still an initial Greater Demon who was on the brink of entering the primary stages after absorbing Geneva's energy. Yet, after feeling the aftershocks of their attacks, Apollo understood that these Greater Demons only ranged from the initial to primary range.

Even then, it was a level of power that was capable of invoking Apollo's shock.

"Hoh? What makes this deal enticing? Is this an example of the 'if you can't beat them, join them'? You want to placate my fury after being a nuisance now that you realize you can't defeat me?" Apollo chuckled.

He then continued, "If you can't defeat me, then what good would joining your meager stronghold do for me?" Albeit harsh, Apollo's words were correct. In the simplest of offers, it was general knowledge that one should leverage their benefits to make an enticing offer.

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In this demon's case, he only said that it would be appealing, yet didn't add any reasoning for it to be appealing.

Be that as it may, the wolf demon looked at Apollo in shock, "I-I need to make the deal appealing? Are you not aware of the Dakea's fame? This is public knowledge! Besides, I am a mere captain of 2. There are countless more who are stronger than me in the group. Don't use my strength as a benchmark."

"Hoh? Then why don't you enlighten me? If you're only a captain, what can you possibly offer me? Aren't you just digging a deeper ditch for yourself? Are you even trying to recruit me?" Apollo sighed disappointedly.

Again, the wolf demon started to stammer. 'Damn it! How isn't this going well? But, I can't lose this opportunity… If I manage to recruit someone like then there's a chance of me increasing my rank!'

"Wait!" the wolf demon exclaimed. Finally, he thought of a deal that would be enticing to Apollo, "I can get you a meeting with the Vice-Commander! No… the Commanders, to have them evaluate you. As the leader, one of them will be able to grant you a proper rank."

Despite the offer, Apollo remained silent, simply looking at the demon with a distant expression.

"If you're not aware, they're both genuine Archdemons! They're the reason the stronghold produces as much renown as it does. I, Kadiun, swear by my Sin, that I tell no lies!"

Internally, Apollo chuckled at this situation, 'Now who looks desperate. But, I think I've terrorized him long enough. I'm almost certain this is the lowest he would stoop. Any more and I'll possibly jeopardize my chances of walking into the stronghold.'

"Your Commanders you say? If that's the case, then perhaps I peruse this offer. Before that, you'll be able to extend that offer to others, right?"

Apollo whistled, causing Jorgun and the others to appear from the shadows of the alleyway. While he was sure there was more than one, Kadiun didn't know that there were three of them, so he was taken by surprise.

Still, from what he sensed, each of these demons possessed some adequate abilities. So, he nodded in response to Apollo's question, "I believe it's possible."

"Then lead the way," Apollo said before gesturing for Kadiun to take the lead. Despite knowing the route, Apollo couldn't let that be known after his earlier displays of directional helplessness. That would only raise suspicions. 

Though, if he needed to, he could always make up an excuse about misdirecting them after learning of their presence. Still, it was too out of his way, so Apollo opted not to take on any additional tedious task. 

During that time, however, he relayed a message to Fuhrer. 'A route into the stronghold has been secured.' 

'Understood, I will continue to scour the premises. As of right now, I have only located 3 Archdemons,' Fuhrer responded.

Apollo experienced a change of expression because of this information. 'Three? It was listed in the report that there was only two at most.'

"Then the information you have acquired is wrong. My senses are not wrong. There are truly 3 Archdemons on the premises right now," Fuhrer revealed.

'Just await our arrival then,' Apollo said before closing the link. He then issued orders to all of the other demons, giving them a set of coordinates to stake out. Once that was done, he then silently followed behind Kadiun and the two Ifrits.

Unbeknownst to this trio, they were truly welcoming chaos into their home with open arms. 


Fuhrer analyzed the Dakea Stronghold silently while sticking to a single corner. While it wasn't over crowed due to its spacious area, the foot traffic within this place was noticeable. It was comparable to the many markets he passed while arriving at this place.

'It seems they have taken advantage of all the benefits of this place, even having some equipment on sale alongside adequate resources' Fuhrer thought to himself. If he had to describe this place, then a stronghold was similar to household, except the bonding agent, or rather the contract, wasn't as dire.

As long as one felt like it, then they could leave a stronghold at any given time while surrendering a fee. Of course, those with higher positions possessed a different variation of this contract.

Some of them held sensitive information, so it was dangerous to let them go. In their case, it was identical to being contracted by a household. On the other hand, there were some teams who explored the uncharted lands of Ashiraem in search of useful items.

Not only would it benefit the stronghold, but it also presented the demons who chose to go on those journeys with the opportunities to grow stronger. Because, there were various undetermined encounters scattered around this place. Especially in the ruins that were once thriving cities. 

Suddenly, Fuhrer felt a tap on his should, "Lieutenant Zirim! Shouldn't you be at the bar attempting to snatch some skirts?"

Fuhrer turned to see a demon dressed in identical armor sparing him a cheeky grin. 

"Uneventful," Fuhrer replied before returning to scanning the area. However, the same tap disrupted him yet again.

"Uneventful?! Isn't that half the fun, working to obtain that tail? It's all about the adventure. Those were your words," the individual said yet again. This time, Fuhrer frowned slightly because not only was this individual's breath horrid, but he didn't understand the relationship between Zirim and this fellow.

So, each word spoken could potentially blow his cover. Therefore, Fuhrer narrowed his eyes at the person, "It was uneventful because it was too easy tonight. Perhaps I'm just getting unusually good at it. Because of that, it just didn't feel... fulfilling tonight."

For a moment, the demon blanked but then punched Fuhrer's shoulder while laughing uproariously, "Shucks, I get it, man! I wish had your looks. Then maybe I'd have a night like that."

"Don't count on it," Fuhrer shook his head while hiding his disgust. Eventually, the guy disappeared after annoying Fuhrer for a few moments longer. Once he left, Fuhrer shook his head, 'This generation has truly become simple. Is this their focus? If that's the case, how would they react if they knew their safety was in jeopardy. Both from us and outside threats.'

Fuhrer clicked his tongue before sighing and falling into a reverie of the glory days.. Since his job was done, all he needed to do was wait for Apollo and the others.

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