The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 414 - Ruthless But Reasonable


The slightest mention of Xonnomor having a sister intrigued Apollo, much less one who he had already run into once before. Although it was revealed earlier that she was a demon from the Royal Faction, who employed various means to keep their seat in the current council, Apollo didn't realize just how important she was.

So, for Xonnomor to produce such useful information now, was much more relevant than he understood. It allowed Apollo to begin formulating his plans for Suprenis as well. Ashiraem was merely the start.

Of the available choices, it was the Ring that could reward the quickest growth as well as the one he was most familiar with.

Ever since coming here and deepening his connection with his first Sin, thoughts of ruling this place circulated Apollo's mind frequently. Now, since he was coming into power, it was possible for him to act on those impulses.

As a result, Apollo took a few steps closer to the two weakened demons and kneeled before them, "The Royal Faction, you say? Just what is their purpose? How are they related to the council?" 

At first, both Xonnomor and Gallmath had odd expressions because this question was one even the general public possessed the answer to.. Hence, they started to question just where Apollo came from. Not only was his type of power unprecedented, but it seemed like his knowledge on the simplest matter was lacking.

Nevertheless, Xonnomor ultimately uttered the answer to that question. "They are a relatively new, yet strong faction of demons, created by the remnants of a dying figure. The same figure who birthed the Lords."

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Since this information came as a slight surprise, not just Apollo, but even Fuhrer's eyes narrowed. In fact, Fuhrer took a step forward, "A dying figure, you say? How long ago?"

"It was about 30 millennia ago," Xonnomor answered after recalling the information recorded in the Royal Faction's history tomes.

"30 millennia," Fuhrer said before falling into deep thought. Although it was 30,000 years, to Fuhrer, that amount of time was a blink of an eye. And, it would require of his same level to possess the same view of time.

"How exactly were they created?" Apollo asked skeptically. This was a matter that always baffled him. And, while aware of their presence, Fuhrer never understood their origin either.

"The intricate details are lost on me. But, loosely, a strong being, unlike any other demon present, formed a sort of link to his understanding of the Sins. Once that happened, it allowed the Lords to communicate with the Sin's sentient thoughts on a deeper level," Xonnomor replied.

Unlike the other demons, who suffered from the minor shift in the Nihilistic Rings, the Lord's more or less possessed power in a limbo state. The simplest way to explain it was that their power was unorthodox, or even simpler, incomplete.

After all, the only become who could impart an unblemished understanding of Sin was the First Monarch. But, with his vacant presence, that scenario was impossible to come across.

Finally, Fuhrer thought of an event that he considered to be the start of a downfall, "A dying being capable of imparting their understanding of Sin to create pseudo-Daemos. There's only one individual I knew like that; Estran, The Sin Maestro."

"Someone you're familiar with?" Apollo said before glancing towards Fuhrer's complex expression. There seemed to be a mix of emotions flowing throughout Fuhrer's mind, mainly grief, sorrow, and suffering.

"More than familiar. If I was the right hand, then he was the Monarch's shadow―the one most likely to succeed the Monarch. His affinities with the Sin were unlike any other. However, they were only docile towards the Monarch. While he understood them, he lacked the required trait to force their obedience," Fuhrer said before lifting his head.

An eerie silence took place while he released a melancholic sigh, "But, he suffered a fatal attack from one of the strongest Celestials there were. After all, they were infuriated over the events that transpired."

"So, in a way, the Lords are another byproduct of the Monarch?" Apollo questioned with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"Indirectly, you can say so. It would seem that even in his last moments, Estran hoped to preserve our race as best as he could," Fuhrer said before turning towards Apollo with a strange look in his eyes.

"If the Lords were truly his doing, then may I suggest a change of plans?"

Before awaiting a response, Fuhrer lifted his palm, summoning an orb of energy in his palm. The orb split into 7 parts before floating towards Apollo. Each one of them took on a strange shape resembling a letter with odd dots and lines added to them.

Eventually, these symbols produced a faint resonance with Apollo. It didn't take long for him to glean their meaning, 'The written version of the Sins? What does Fuhrer want?'

"Rather than destroy the Lords, I suggest preserving and even building upon the foundations Estran has laid. Yes, it'll take longer. But, with the waning protection, it'll be the more ideal choice. Wouldn't you say, Young Lord?" Fuhrer said while kneeling down before Apollo.

However, Apollo simply chuckled in response, "Fuhrer, you worry over something inconsequential. I don't intend to destroy the Lords, just reform them. Now, since we have learned some important matters, shouldn't we also talk about some things still unknown?"

Apollo smiled with a brief pause before looking towards Xonnomor, "For example, I would love to know how your sister is of a completely different Sin. Are you two of different parents?"

"No. Our father and mother simply come from two different parties within the faction. My sister has taken on our father's Sin whereas I found an affinity for our mother's. As for the rest, well you can infer that by our current positions."

"Positions you wouldn't want to lose, I should add," Apollo commented before looking around at the extensive damage done to the stronghold. The repairs would be costly, but Apollo thought of a way to avoid paying for those matters out of his own pockets.

'Perhaps, taking control of these strongholds isn't the best choice. Or, at the very least, doing so openly isn't the best option. Like a phantom, we should operate in the shadows,' Apollo thought with a smile.

If the Royal Faction was truly as large as Xonnomor hinted, then going up against them was simply another large enemy. But, as he was now, his list of enemies was already growing obscenely large.

In addition to the races, Apollo also felt the Monarch Candidates were eyesores whose death was inevitable. Although it wasn't confirmed, from Azridan's stories, it was said that Irzanach plotted with the other races to stop him from succeeding the throne.

While it was impossible for him to truly accept the throne, some of the Monarch's techniques such as the Annihilations, which Azridan learned from the first pieces of the inheritance process, were simple enough for any talented demon to learn.

For example, even Typhir learned the first Baleful Step, indicating the lack of difficulty in the learning process. 

All of a sudden, Apollo walked forward until he passed both Xonnomor and Gallmath before turning around, "You said the Royal Faction would send enforcers here?"

"Undoubtedly," Gallmath instantly replied.

"And their general strength would be?" Apollo inquired further.

"Approximately on par with Xonnomor. And it'll be more than one. Especially since they've been on high alert," Gallmath continued, drawing Apollo's interest once again.

"High alert? Any particular reason?" Apollo questioned. This portion of information intrigued him much more than the rest because it could possibly give him some insight into where the location of the council was hidden.

Was it in Ashiraem? Or perhaps even another Ring? This type of information was useful because, unlike the Lords, the other demons could become dispensable tools if utilized properly. 

"Yes. They've been wary ever since experiencing an odd sensation. They say it was an omen of an overbearing power. But, I didn't sense what they fear, so I ignored their paranoid claims," Xonnomor answered.

As mentioned before the council called an emergency meeting involving the Lords once they felt this energy. While they understood that their current status was a gift, they couldn't see a scenario where they gave up their power willingly. 

Meanwhile, Apollo pondered this information for a moment while looking at Fuhrer. As their eyes locked, an exchange of messages took place. Ultimately, Apollo felt it was best to humor these cowardly demons.

'Since they're so afraid of the possibility, why not make it a reality?' Apollo thought before glancing downward, "How about we find an agreeable middle ground? While I may be ruthless, I'm also reasonable."

Both of the demons almost lost their wits but managed to maintain their composure and stoic expression as they heard Apollo's bizarre statement.

Still, he continued, "You have already received punishment. So instead of worsening the situation, how about we take an alternative route? One that presents more room for growth."

It would be a lie to say that Apollo's words weren't tempting. Especially since both of his eyes shimmered with two distinct colors. Tendrils of Avaritia and Luxuria seeped from his breath as he exhaled, flowing into their nostrils.

Although its effect wouldn't be as effective on these demons, who were significantly stronger than Apollo, it did help in making the process of coercion simpler.

After a while, both Xonnomor and Gallmath nodded, agreeing to hear out his offer.

Once that happened, Apollo placed his hands on their shoulders and spoke in a hushed tone as the Sins in his eyes burned with an even more fervent light, "It's quite simple. On the surface, things remain the same. But, in truth, you'll become my loyal followers who shall be rewarded handsomely."

To back his words, Apollo pushed his hand forward, causing a small pile of at least 10,000 Fragment of Sins to appear. And, compared to the purity of the ones found in the market, these were at least 3 times greater!

Needless to say, the alternative truly possessed some allure.

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