The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 426 - Cherished Followers


Similar to Xonnomor, Apollo too wanted to avoid any unnecessary battles detrimental to his unimpeded growth. Especially one that involved both a Noblesse and the Royal Faction. As he was now, he didn't stand any chance against either implication. And, he didn't wish for Fuhrer to risk reabsorbing all of his power and leaving the Nihilistic Ring defenseless.

That was the worst-case scenario for every demon alive. Therefore, he settled for receiving information on the ruin, even if it would put Xonnomor in a small bind. That wasn't as tricky as having another party appear while they were inside the ruin.

In the worst case, they would have to end up killing those who entered, but Apollo wasn't sure if the Royal Council possessed the means to track the whereabouts of their members' location.

So, that was also another situation Apollo wished to avoid altogether. Granted, the alternative to killing them would be turning them into his minions. However, as of right now, Apollo was only looking for demons to become the core of his household.

The mass recruitment of weaker demons could come later when he moved to recreate the environment of ancient times in preparation for the war. It was no longer a matter of if, but when will the war begin.

After all, the Titans were aware of Fuhrer's presence. Just that alone was enough to spare no expense in locating the current position of the demons, if not already done.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"This place isn't that far from here," Apollo muttered after deciphering the coordinates Xonnomor gave him. In fact, it was near Fuhrer's cave, which was surprising since only Lesser Demons existed in that general area unless he overlooked some important sign.

"Correct. That's why we were tasked with carrying out the excavation. If the Council finds any signs of a ruin near Ashiraem, then it is typically us who carries out the process," Xonnomor revealed. 

Not only did they carry out excavations, but at the order of the Council, the Dakea Stronghold carried out executions as well if the culprit who entered the ruin wasn't compliant. Since it was the natural order for a demon to kill to acquire strength, no one batted an eye when this happened.

Even young demons were inured to the death of others because they were taught from a young age to value their advancement over all else. Even if one had to kill their brethren in the end, if it was for power, then it was justified.

Hence, why Azridan always warned Apollo to be wary of demons that weren't under his control.

"Interesting. If that is so, then I want you to carry out a task for me," Apollo said with a mischievous expression as he snapped his fingers.

"What is it, my Lord?"

"I want you to either transmit the location of the ruins the Council gives you, or siphon some of the extracted materials to sustain the longevity of our household. Of course, I want you to do so without arousing suspicion," Apollo instructed.

In return, Xonnomor nodded. "As long as I don't overdo it, it should be possible. But this will have to be carried out personally by either me or Gallmath. Everyone within this stronghold reports to the Council."

"Understood. Do as you see fit," Apollo said before turning towards the stronghold's exit. Although Xonnomor's father said he would arrive within the hour, Apollo wished to be as far as away as possible when he arrived.

As a result, Apollo gestured for everyone to follow him as he exited the premises of the Dakea Stronghold. While venturing through the town, Fuhrer moved up next to Apollo before asking a few questions.

"Aside from the ruins, what else will we do?" 

"That depends. Sooner or later, we'll have to head to Suprenis. If Tirasha is as important as Xonnomor, then it is imperative that I turn her into a pawn as well," Apollo answered immediately.

It didn't require any thought, as Apollo had already done so before. If he was to come into power, then the Royal Council was something that couldn't be allowed to exist. And, so far, the easiest way to deal with it was to cause it to crumble from the inside.

After all, the demons were meant to be united under one banner―the banner of their irrevocable Monarch.

"Heh. A pawn," Fuhrer chuckled faintly. "Spoken like a true ruthless leader."

"It is as I said," Apollo shrugged, "Unlike Sapphyr or Geneva, she occupies no space in my heart. Therefore, she is but a pawn. Unless… she proves herself in the future."

In response to Apollo's answer, Fuhrer could only shake his head. 'Yikes! This lad is truly like him. No wonder the Ruthless Queen hated his guts. That objective view, while often useful, can become a thorn in one's side.'

On the other hand, both Geneva and Sapphyr's cheeks filled with a crimson tint as they listened to Apollo admit they occupied a space in his heart. While they were unsure just what this meant, just the fact that he said it made them feel elated.

After all, Apollo wasn't a person lacking in charm. He was just so socially awkward that he rejected all advances. Still, as a growing adult, it was only a matter of time before it became impossible to control his impulses. 

Meanwhile, as they ventured towards the gates of Firaria, Xonnomor conducted his other business.

As his forge room was now, it was simply filled to the brim with rare materials, something he couldn't allow his father to become aware of. Therefore, Xonnomor spent his time storing all the material carefully, while making sure to erase their presence with meticulous accuracy.

'If he manages to sense their despite their presence, then he is simply a hawk! Though, if I must, then I could always fabricate a believable mistruth,' Xonnomor thought before taking a seat before his furnace.

His attention then fell on the mold used to forge Gram. Initially, he thought to make a few copies but then decided against doing so after some extra thought. He felt that Apollo, as the lord of the household, should possess a unique weapon.

Thus, instead of moving forward with that idea, Xonnomor sifted through his collection of molds for ones that matched the battle styles everyone revealed in the fight.

While moving towards the exit, Apollo's attention fell on one of the Nautilus's hubs. Although its appearance made it blend in, Apollo had already committed all the locations to memory. 

'I'll have to pay them another visit. Perhaps they'll prove to be useful once more,' Apollo thought to himself. One visit had already earned him the hidden ownership of the Dakea Stronghold.

Soon enough, Apollo and the rest reached the gates of Firaria. However, right before exiting, he stopped and turned towards the gatekeeper. A question had entered his mind at the last minute.

"Will we have to pay another entry fee after leaving the perimeter of the city?"

The gatekeeper didn't even spare him a glance before giving a faint nod. "That's to be expected. But, only if you're gone for more than 2 hours."

'Two hours? It's unknown just how long we'll be in the ruin. I guess we'll just have to pay the fee once again. Or, at the very least, I'll have Xonnomor meet me to deliver the equipment,' Apollo thought before silently stepping outside the gates of Firaria.

Once that happened, he unfurled his wings while looking in the general direction of Fuhrer's hidden cave. Without another word, he flapped his wings and took to the sky at an astonishing pace.

Similarly, Valac, Sapphyr, and Geneva followed close behind.

On the other hand, Fuhrer opened a void before gesturing for the rest to step inside. Just like that, the Dominus Household moved away from Ashiraem at rapid speeds. 

Steadily, both Geneva and Sapphyr gained on Apollo, with Geneva doing so at a much faster rate.

Eventually, she caught up to Apollo and wrapped herself around his arm, "So~, I occupy a spot in your heart?" Geneva beamed while also lightly nibbling her lip.

"Undoubtedly," Apollo nodded before sensing Sapphyr closing in at an alarming pace. He started to frown as this almost felt like a competition. 'Am I... some type of toy to these two?' Apollo wondered.

Just as Geneva did, Sapphyr took his other arm with a cold expression. After all, unlike Geneva, one of Sapphyr's Sins was envy! Hence, jealousy was something natural to her temperament.

In the meantime, Apollo looked down at the area which was supposed to house a ruin with a complex expression. 

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