The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 430 - Blood Amber


Since the wall was much harder than expected and the gem didn't budge after pulling on it, Apollo settled for the only other plausible answer―use a weapon! After all, there wasn't any one on the team with any prior mining experience, so there was no way for him to extract it without becoming violent.

Even Fuhrer's current strength wasn't too far off from Apollo's, so he didn't offer to remove it and instead left Apollo to handle it while he looked towards the many other gems embedded into the wall.

"I believe these are called Blood Ambers," Fuhrer said after recalling the information about these gems. They were typically used to make equipment that could handle extreme amounts of bloodlust. Or, simply those demons who traveled the savage path that Apollo experienced as a means to prove his worth.

Any equipment forged with these gems would not only amplify the fear-inducing effects bloodlust had on enemies, but it could also increase the boost received by that savage state. Overall, if Apollo wished to go against the Savage King, then this was an invaluable tool.

Especially so if he used it to create defensive items.

"Any use for these?" Apollo muttered. At the same time, he stabbed Gram into the wall directly below the Blood Amber. A cracking noise was heard as Apollo applied a great amount of force to pry it from the wall.

However, Fuhrer suddenly remembered something and stopped him, "Wait! Don't crack that gem!"

Apollo immediately stopped, but it was already too late. The deed had been done!

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

A sanguine fume sprayed into his face, entering every orifice of his face. The reason Fuhrer warned him to stop was because of this fume. Until the grade of the gem was determined, it was best to remain wary of it. Because the higher the grade, the higher the sanguine stench that it produced.

And, the stench was used to invoke a savage bloodlust.

After recalling this information, Fuhrer remembered why the Ira here was so pure!

"Damn… this gem has a purifying effect on Ira," Fuhrer grumbled while looking at Apollo cautiously. While it sounded like a wonderful effect on paper, it wasn't. It wasn't like absorbing Sin because this purification was much different. It was eerily similar to the state produced during the Trial of Rage.

In other words, the sanguine stench stimulated feelings of rage within whoever was infected by it. In this case, that was Apollo, a freakishly powerful leader.

So, if Apollo flew into a rage, then it would be up to Fuhrer to handle him. After all, aside from him, there wasn't anyone else present who could.

Furcas was incapable, since his skills were more so centered on cognition instead of combat. Valac was pummeled into the ground without being able to retaliate. And, Typhir had already lost in a spar.

Though there was Geneva, despite being an Archdemon, Strength wasn't her highest attribute. So, when it came to this matter, she was weaker than Apollo. 

Meanwhile, Apollo shook his head with a disgruntled snort as a deep-red glow appeared in his eyes. It was clear that the gem's embedded aura was having some effect on him. 

Fuhrer reacted, but since Apollo wasn't an enemy, Fuhrer didn't even think to draw his sword. Instead, he merely walked up to Apollo with a solemn expression.

Before making any permanent moves, he wanted to see if Apollo had what it took to remedy the effects on his own.

After all, how could he be called the Monarch if an item like this could affect his psyche? There were things far worse than a Blood Amber.

Apollo continued to shake his head before stabbing Gram into the ground. A change took place as he started to exhale heavily.

〈System: You are being affected by «Frenzied Bloodlust».〉

〈System: «Corruption Immunity» of the «Supreme Demon Body» has activated.〉

〈System: Effects of «Frenzied Bloodlust» are subsiding.〉

Gradually, Apollo stopped thrashing his head about as the notifications appeared before him. Just like with his Juvenile Demon Body that came with a skill known as Resistance, the Supreme Demon Body came with one as well. Except, it was much stronger.

Compared to Immunity, Resistance wasn't even worth mentioning. Immunity meant that he was completely immune to the cause of infection, whereas resistance simply meant it was much more difficult for the infection to penetrate his defenses.

Steadily, the crimson glow of Apollo's eyes eased as he looked up towards the wall. The Blood Amber broke in half after releasing the internal fumes because not only was it a defense mechanism, but it was also what made the jewel valuable.

So now that it was gone, the amber was only an empty husk; completely worthless. The amount of sanguine aura left on its exterior was a pittance when compared to its initial amount.

Meanwhile, Fuhrer released a sigh of relief. 'That's reassuring. For a second, I thought the young Lord was going to fail. I mean... his demon body is incomplete.'

It was Apollo's fortune that the active part of his demon body was his immunity trait. Though, this result wasn't the outcome of sheer luck. It was simply the most basic trait granted to him for engraving all seven stigmata.

While they appeared to be opposing on the surface, this fabled technique created a type of bridge between the 7 Sins. Furthermore, that bridge neutralized the antipathy between their traits, which was what gave birth to Apollo's Corruption Immunity. 

If he didn't have that trait, then the stigmata would simply rip him apart.

"Ugh," Apollo groaned before turning towards Fuhrer, "How about a faster warning net time?"

"Sure, I'll let you know if I remember," Fuhrer chuckled lightly, which caused Apollo to frown.

Though he frowned, he didn't fret since there were no lasting effects from the transient bloodlust. 

'Just for a moment, there was a surge of unimaginable strength. Perhaps these Blood Ambers are useful to berserkers,' Apollo thought while looking towards Typhir. Although he wanted to know the effects of such an item on a person with a berserker bloodline, he didn't wish to turn Typhir into a test subject.

Perhaps an opportunity for it to happen naturally would.

In the meantime, Fuhrer turned his attention back towards the wall before unsheathing Brynhildr. "Let's avoid that situation altogether. The others aren't like you and I truly don't wish to put them to sleep."

Sparing the wall a glance, Fuhrer brandished his sword four times in a single instant, which caused the sword winds to form a box-like formation. A bafflingly sharp outline appeared on the wall as soon as these winds touched them.


A large chunk of the wall fell on the floor while Fuhrer gestured towards it. "Just accept it as it is. We'll extract the important items later."

"Well, I guess that solves the issue," Apollo shrugged before pressing his hand against the sizeable chunk. A dark flash occurred as his Interdimensional Inventory absorbed it.

Afterward, they advanced slowly with Fuhrer cutting an enormous collection of Blood Ambers out of the corridor walls when he saw them. This way, there were no accidents of the other demons being infected by the sanguine aura.

Granted, Furcas still took the opportunity to tease Valac, "If you were infected, they would have given you a good beating!"

"Shut up!" Valac snarled.

"Ahahahaa," Fuhrer cackled until he coughed uncontrollably.

Meanwhile, Apollo could only sigh and shake his head as he listened to their banter and wonder how the Monarch dealt with these two.

While he could admit that Valac often deserved what he got, it was a recurring situation with these two. Both of them interchangeably heckled the other.

Suddenly, Apollo stopped walking. He then turned around and stared into the distance with a grim gaze. "Someone just came in here."

"I felt that too," Fuhrer said with a serious expression. While they weren't sure of it, they thought that aside from Xonnomor and the Council, no one else possessed the coordinates for this place.

Then, could the Council have expedited the excavation of this ruin? It was possible because the Council's recent actions were in disarray.

"How many can you sense?" Apollo asked. It was only a matter of time before the intruders caught up because they stripped every inch of this place bare as they passed by. So, there was nothing to stifle the advance towards this position.

"I sense…" Fuhrer paused before focusing intently. Though he couldn't scan the entire Ring, his perception was unaffected when used on a small scale. Soon enough, he gathered the number, "I sense 12 and there are no familiar auras."

"Good," Apollo nodded. If there were no familiar auras, then that meant it wasn't anyone from the Dakea Stronghold.. Because Fuhrer had committed all of their auras to memory. 

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