The Devil who devoured Snow White

Chapter 133 - Make Him Disappear

"It's not that serious you know," said Lu Mengjie with a small chuckle.

"It IS serious. What if this gets worse?" 

She sighed in defeat. Judging from the look he was giving her, she knew that he would not stop insisting on it until he got what he wanted. She turned to look at Nine with a small smile on her lips as she asked, "is it okay if I leave Goyun to you? I'll message you the place we'll meet up later."

Nine nodded obediently. "Yes. Don't worry ma'am, I'll make sure that he won't get out."

Goyun? If he remembered correctly, he was the bodyguard she fired. During his stay after that incident, he never saw him in that place. From the looks of it, it seemed like they only removed him temporarily from that place. Han Yizhou knitted his brows in Pan Mei Ye Confusion. "What happened?" The question was aimed at Nine.

The other man was about to open his mouth but was interrupted by Lu Mengjie before he could even say a word.

"It's nothing. Come, Yizhou. You're going to accompany me to the clinic, right?" She dragged him back towards his car since Nine would be using the other car to head to the local police department.

Han Yizhou's lips were pressed together. He noticed that something must have happened. Her palm won't have become swollen from just a slap. Even if he knew that Yong Liwei didn't like her, he was sure that his alter wouldn't have slapped her hand that hard. Also, why would she accidentally fall on the ground? He knew well that she was not clumsy. A slap wasn't enough but… a punch would do. A punch she blocked.

After getting in the car, Lu Mengjie noticed the hardened gaze she was receiving from the other man. At first, she ignored him and told the driver, "we're going to the hospital."

The driver obediently followed her order. She was, after all, his boss' woman. Aside from that, his boss did not try to stop her. 

The silence in the car was deafening for the woman. The tension coming from the man beside her was suffocating. She sighed inwardly at the thought that fooling him would be hard, not when he was quick to connect things. 

"Mengjie." His deep voice was heard, demandingly. His overbearing presence enclosing her.

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A grunt escaped her lips. It was not like she was trying to hide it from him but she only wanted to take care of things that she could handle. Somehow, she knew that the man beside her would definitely do something that would only make matters worse. 

"Fine, fine, it was Goyun." She began telling him what happened which caused him to have a deadly, grim look on his face. 

"He'll be in jail for a while." Yes, only for a while since she was sure that steward Fang would bail him out. She could go out but… not when their son was still inside the family. "I can handle him, Yizhou, don't worry."

The man remained silent. She couldn't tell what was going on in his mind so she tried to divert the topic by saying, "I met some of my family members today."

He finally showed a reaction. He looked at her, waiting for her to continue.

"My mother and brother. Also, my uh, aunt I guess?" She ended up chuckling when she addressed Shi Enxi that way. She knew that the other woman would spout fire if she addressed her that way. Lu Mengjie continued to tell him what happened. "I guess Xi'er and my brother will be staying here for a while. They have given me the address of the hotel they are staying at. I want to introduce you to them as my lover one day."

"No, you don't have to introduce me as your lover."

The smile on her lips instantly disappeared and was replaced by a frown. "What do you-"

"Introduce me as your husband," he said, cutting her off.

Heat instantly spread across her cheeks. Ah, how could she forget that he was this kind of man? Give him an inch and he'd take a mile.

"We're not married," she retorted, crossing her arms together.

"We'll be. Today."

"…" Her jaw dropped as she looked at him in surprise. Was he serious?!

That was the reason why he came back to Japan. A storm was coming and he feared that if he didn't make this move now, he would never be able to have a chance to do it. He has been trying to suppress Yong Liwei inside. He was trying to stop him from switching in but he realized that whenever Lu Mengjie wasn't beside him, he had a hard time fighting the pull of his alter. The only reason why he was able to go back to Japan was because he begged his other-self. Lu Mengjie and their son might be his weakness but they were the only good he had in his life after walking through the darkness for years. For their sake, he was willing to fight anyone, including the devil inside him.

"Like seriously, seriously?" She asked, still digesting the words he just said.

"Yes." He gently grabbed her hand, carefully placing his lips on her swollen palm. His eyes filled with ache. He should have arrived earlier. "I am willing to give you the rest of my life."

'No, you're not.' The voice in his head was so against his decision. 'She is not worth it.'

Han Yizhou tried to shut the voice in his head but failed to do so. "I am willing to risk anything to have a future with you." This was his answer to the voice that tried to poison his mind.

'Let me out.,' Yong Liwei's voice demanded.

He ignored the voice. His brow twitched as his head began aching but he tried his best not to show the pain of battling his other self. "I'm not going to take a no as an answer, Mengjie." 

"I never thought of giving you that answer in the first place." She smiled sweetly at him. She reached out her other hand to caress his cheek. "You're the man I choose."

'Let me out dammit!'

He closed his eyes and leaned against her touch, her warmth. She was clueless about the battle he was currently having inside him; the battle for control. His face showed nothing. "Be my strength, Mengjie."

Lu Mengjie's eyes softened. She couldn't help but fall deeper for him. She leaned forward just to place her lips against his and the moment she did, the pressure inside Han Yizhou's head disappeared. Yong Liwei stopped resisting- no, it was more like, Han Yizhou was able to completely block him out.

She pulled away a bit to look at his perfect face. "I love you, Yizhou."

The side of his lips turned up into a smile. His gaze turned to a gentle one which is only for her. "I would like to hear those words every day."

She chuckled softly; a light blush plastered on her cheeks. Her heart was racing like crazy. "Why? Will this be like some kind of magic word that will keep Yong Liwei out?"

Lu Mengjie may have said those words as a joke but little did she know, it meant more than anything for him. She was right. Those words were like magic that dissipated the villain in him.

"If I can make him disappear, I will." There were cases where the other identity would immerse with the original, disappearing into nothingness. Han Yizhou had no idea how to make it happen. This was the first time he wished that Yong Liwei was gone. It was the first time he wanted to have full control of his body but… somewhere inside, he knew that without Yong Liwei, surviving the treacherous events that were thrown at him would be impossible. He was stronger than him in many ways.

One could say that, ever since he fell in love with Lu Mengjie, the strength he thought he never had began emerging. He never thought that he could go against Yong Liwei, that he would be on par with him. He was already trying to dominate him. It may be hard but with Lu Mengjie beside him, he knew that one day, he would succeed.

"He only cares for you, you know."

"He only cares for himself." Han Yizhou was the owner of the body so Yong Liwei was just trying to use him by taking advantage of his revenge. 

Lu Mengjie sighed. She couldn't help but disagree since that was not what she saw. Even if she disliked Yong Liwei, she didn't hate him, after all, he was still a part of the man she loved. Even if it was hard, she wanted to love all his sides, the good and the bad. She was not perfect, maybe one day she would end up making a bad decision, mistakes that could cause them to fight but that was all part of being in a relationship. She may not be perfect but she was ready to face all kinds of challenges that would be thrown their way. As long as they would continue to hold on to each other, she was willing to fight for a future with him.

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