The Devil who devoured Snow White

Chapter 279 - XX

7:30 pm, inside a private room of a Michelin star restaurant.

Lu Mengjie and Yong Liwei were the only ones who arrived earlier. Little Peanut was seated on a chair designed for toddlers like him. He was currently distracted, playing with the toy he was holding.

"Yong Weiqing and Chen Jiayi…" She whispered the names under her breath. She was nervous, especially when she didn't know what they were like. She wanted to impress them since they were the adoptive parents of her billionaire husband. 

Even if they were not related by blood, Yong Liwei had high respect for them. It only meant that the couple had been treating him well throughout the years he stayed with them. 

"They'll like you," he soothingly whispered in her ear before placing a kiss on her temple.

"It would be easier if I met them BEFORE our marriage." She sighed. They were not getting the right sequence at all. In fact, they were going backward! Pregnancy. Marry. Date. And now? Meeting his parents!

"You look gorgeous, love. They'll instantly love you, I'm sure of that," he promised.

Her gaze softened. She liked him this way and she appreciated that he was trying his best to work things out with her. "Thank you." 

"For the compliment or for fucking you earlier?" He lightly squeezed her thigh.

She flushed and slapped his naughty hand. "That's not what I mean," she huffed.

He chuckled. "I know."

A knock interrupted them. Lu Mengjie stood on her heels at once and went out of her seat. She picked up Little Peanut from his seat and carried him in her arms. She was ready to greet his parents.

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Yong Liwei chuckled in amusement when he saw how adorable she was when she was nervous and frantic inside. He stood up from his seat as soon as the door of the room was opened.

There they saw the couple enter.

Yong Weiqing was dressed in khakis and a cashmere cardigan, giving him the impression of an old college professor. On the other hand, Chen Jiayi was enveloped with both elegance and sophistication with her rose-hued dress. Their dark hair was mixed with white strands, exposing how old they were.

"Mother, father." Yong Liwei greeted them with a small smile. He placed his hand on Lu Mengjie's back before he continued to introduce her to them. "Meet my wife, Lu Mengjie, and our son, Yong Xiumin."

"Oh my! How can you keep such an adorable grandson from us?" His mother approached them with gleaming eyes and a broad smile on her lovely face. 

Unlike his cheery wife, Yong Weiqing was rather calm and collected as he greeted Yong Liwei. "It's been a while, son."

Yong Liwei nodded in acknowledgment. "I'm glad that you were able to come."

"But of course!" His adoptive mother exclaimed. She cast her warm gaze on Lu Mengjie. "I'm so pleased to finally meet you, dear. What a lovely girl you are!" She air-kissed both of her cheeks.

"Thank you…" she paused as she was unsure of what to call her.

"Just call me 'mom', sweetie." She chuckled. She turned to the boy who was cooing at her. "And what do we have here?" 

"Awuu!" He flashed them a gumless smile.

Chen Jiayi's heart instantly melted when she saw the boy. "Can I carry him?"

"Ah, yes, of course, you can, mom."

Just like what Yong Liwei said, Lu Mengjie was instantly liked by both his adoptive parents. They were both warm people and full of smiles.

Lu Mengjie was rather glad that her in-laws were easy-going people. They both loved the gifts she bought for them and in return, they gave her the jade bracelet they brought as a gift for her. 

Her mother-in-law was the life of the dinner. She chatted non-stop about Yong Liwei's childhood and teenage days which piqued Lu Mengjie's interest.

She knew that Yong Liwei was a high school delinquent back in the days but she never knew that at the same time, he was also the top student of the school. 

After spending dinner, they had to bid goodbye. Chen Jiayi was rather emotional, she wanted to spend more time with them but sadly, they had to go on separate ways.

"You should come to visit us sometimes, Liwei. Bring your family too." She reminded him for the nth time.

"I will, don't worry."

"I look forward to that day." Yong Weiqing chuckled. 

"Dear, if he makes trouble for you, don't hold back from calling us, okay?" Chen Jiayi said as she turned to her daughter-in-law.

Lu Mengjie nodded and smiled. "I'll keep that in mind."

After saying their farewells, Yong Liwei took his wife and son to their car.

Little Peanut was placed inside the baby stroller that was placed at the backseat of the car. It was already past his bedtime so the moment he got comfy in his infant car seat, he fell asleep.

Lu Mengjie settled into the front passenger seat. She then noticed her husband making eye contact with the four men, dressed in black. They were standing beside a black Mercedes sedan at the end of the drive. The men nodded and got in their car.

She didn't have to think of who those men were. They were most likely Yong Liwei's security. After what happened to them weeks ago, more men followed them around for their safety. 

Arriving at the penthouse, the married couple saw a black envelope upon stepping into the place. Someone must have slid it under the door.

Since Yong Liwei was the one carrying their son's stroller, Lu Mengjie bent down and picked up the envelope.

'To my sweet Mengmeng,' was written at the back of the envelope.

Her face became white in an instant. It was as if she had seen a ghost. "No… it can't be him," she mumbled under her breath.

"Is there a problem?" Yong Liwei inquired out of curiosity. 

She ripped the card from the envelope and read what was written on it right away.

'I'm back — XX'

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