The Devilish Immortal

Chapter 282 The Battle of Diablo: Flames of Love

Chapter 282 The Battle of Diablo: Flames of Love

Feng Hanyue and Lyu Liang had been fighting for nearly 15 minutes, inside the light gate. And the falling black snowflakes almost covered the entire space.

Lyu Liang’s behavior was a cause of concern. He kept dodging to the left and right. Every now and then, he would be accidentally “hit” by a snowflake, which was then followed by a grimace.

However, no matter how dangerous the situation was, Lyu Liang had not exerted White’s instantaneous flash even once. He continued using the Devil Thunder Wing and the Kun Peng Skill at the same time, to create a speed that was close to that of the instantaneous flash. Meanwhile, he also had a few ultimate-grade Primordial Stones inside his body to replenish his supply of Devil Immortal Qi.

It seemed that Lyu Liang could be killed at any time, but when people felt that the battle was coming to an end, he managed to survive the crisis and gritted his teeth, as he hung on..

At that time, people outside the battlefield, especially those on the main platform, had meaningful smiles on their faces, as they realized what Lyu Liang’s real intention was.

When nearly one hour had passed, Feng Hanyue finally realized that something was very wrong. The difference in power between herself and Lyu Liang, and his suppression had made her forget herself. She had made the same mistake as Spirit Ghost!

When she saw that Lyu Liang had a difficult time avoiding the black snowflakes, she simply concluded that it would be very easy to defeat him.

But when Lyu Liang was not killed and kept staying on the stage, she suddenly realized that he had not used up his Divine Soul at all!

Excellent fighters would always be able to perceive the moves of their opponents, the amount of Spiritual Qi and the power of the Divine Soul they were going to consume during a battle.

But as Feng Hanyue started to perceive, she found that Lyu Liang was only pretending to be busy dodging the snowflakes, all this time. Although he had consumed a lot of Spiritual Qi, it was immediately replenished with a few Spirit Stones!

“You bastard! You are playing with me? I’ll kill you!” Gritting her teeth, Feng Hanyue stretched her arms and held the two white swords in her hands again, while the black snowflakes were gradually decreasing at the time.

“Do it now!” White yelled at the same time. In the next second, Lyu Liang issued a strong punch at Feng Hanyue, using his Star-picking Palm, which was mixed with the Sun God skills.

“Boom!” A tremendous crash was heard. Feng Hanyue drew a circle with the swords in front of her, creating a silvery Eight Diagram to block the palm. After colliding with each other, both of them vanished into thin air.

Then Lyu Liang punched again, while Feng Hanyue on the other side, could only withstand it, as she did before. She dared not treat it lightly this time, as the Power of Law in the Star-picking Palm, as well as the Sun God skills, had caused her instinctively to feel threatened!

Maybe she would not be killed after one or two blows, but she was not sure what would happen after being hit after the third time... Feng Hanyue dared not have a try, and she also did not want to try. Up to this moment, she had already taken Lyu Liang’s attack for the third time.

Although each attack was still bearable, she felt as if she was in a faint sense of crisis, or even a sense of horror, as she felt that the strength of the Star-picking Palm, was becoming greater than each of its last attack!

As Lyu Liang attacked continuously, Feng Hanyue had to defend all the while. She was indeed willing to change the moves and regain control over the situation, but the gradual intensifying Star-picking Palm, made her give up that thought, at last.

“Little kid! You want to test the power of my Divine Soul? I have consumed some before, but to defeat you? The remaining power is more than sufficient! You will see how I will terminate you in the end!” Feng Hanyue was already clear about Lyu Liang’s intention, at that time. She snorted and tried to calm down once again.

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She also knew that it was impossible to change her moves at that moment, unless Lyu Liang stopped his attacking.

“Who am I? I’m the one of the two most powerful cultivators in the Plain Girl Pavilion. Even within the entire Nether Big World, my opponents are few! I have even made it to the Peak of the Supreme Master about 50,000 years ago! The power of my Divine Soul is far above Lyu Liang’s Divine Soul!” She was secretly talking to herself, as she was fighting.

But, after the time it took to burn five sticks of incense...

“Kid, do you think you can defeat me by slapping me once with your palm? Let me tell you! Even if you have the foundation of the Sun God skills, you are still much weaker, when facing my foundation of the Underworld Shadow skills!”

After 15 minutes...

“Dude, we are not enemies with deep hatred for each other! I just want the girl with the Spiritual Body! You need to understand she will be a hidden problem for you! Even if you could get out of this place in the end, you will still have to deal with some more powerful people, who also want that girl!”

After one hour...

Feng Hanyue stopped talking. It was not that she had nothing to say, but the formidable power of the Star-picking Palm had been occupying her to such an extent, that she had no more energy to provoke Lyu Liang at all.

As for Lyu Liang, he gritted his teeth and started sweating, but the Sun God skills in each Star-picking Palm that he had exerted, was enough to threaten Feng Hanyue on the opposite side.

According to White, there were limitations to the number of times that Lyu Liang could exert that move, because he was mainly suppressed by the realm rules at that time. At the moment, that high-grade realm had no limitations at all, therefore, his aggressivity and durability were both improved to a completely new level.

Of course, the consumption of the Devil Immortal Qi and the power of the Divine Soul was huge. It was easy to replenish the Devil Immortal Qi, as Lyu Liang had plenty of Primordial Stones, but the power of the Divine Soul had its extremity. Even with the support of the Tianxuan Holy Rattan, it still would not last forever.

But he also knew that there was no turning back for him! He would never hand Linglong over to Feng Hanyue!

Feng Hanyue was also clearly not intending to give up at this time, until she had that girl. Therefore, it seemed that a fight to the death, was the only choice for both of them.

At that moment, he had completely suppressed Feng Hanyue, but whether he would be the victor in the end, all depended on the durability of the power of her Divine Soul.

Lyu Liang was definitely unable to fight on for another hour. Feng Hanyue was also starting to sweat. The final winner would be probably the one who could hold on, for a longer time of a breath!

Then another 15 minutes had passed. Lyu Liang was unaware of Feng Hanyue’s condition at that time, but he could clearly felt that the power of his Divine Soul was beginning to weaken.

“Screw it! Get ready to burn your Divine Soul, man!” White knew Lyu Liang too well. For him to give up Linglong, that was never going to happen. So, just fight to the death then! “So long as you don’t burn it all, the Tianxuan Holy Rattan will be able to repair it for you, anyway!”

“Man... Let me out!” All of a sudden, Linglong cried out anxiously, obviously aware that Lyu Liang was in a critical situation.

Before the battle, Lyu Liang had warned her verbally. Meanwhile, he also added another restriction formation, which would keep the girl inside the Heaven-Burning Xumi Formation. She would never get out of it, without his permission!

Lyu Liang had intended to ignore Linglong’s cry at first, but when she started to barge about in the Heaven-Burning Xumi Formation, he roared furiously, “You are not a divine soldier with a Spiritual Body in human shape! You are just a little girl of flesh and blood, who loves and hates! Unless I die, otherwise, nobody is going to hurt you even a little!”

After that, he still tried his best to exert the Star-picking Palm, while there was also a golden soul spirit starting to come out from the top of his head.

He knew he could not back down! Any hesitation would give Feng Hanyue control over the battle. If he wanted to turn the situation around then, well... He himself even would not believe that he could succeed!

Lyu Liang did not notice that the noise in the Heaven-Burning Xumi Formation was suddenly replaced by a dead silence, after her shout. Linglong had settled down, but her eyes had a resolute look in them...


The people on the platform for watching games, had become utterly quiet at this moment.

No matter whom they supported, all the people were clenching their fists and fixed their eyes on the battle.

“Slap her to death!” A roar pierced the sky suddenly, making all the onlookers look sideways!

The Plain Girl Pavilion had been ranked as one of top 10 with its great power, probably at number eight.

Besides, it was like a landlord in the Dead Mining Area, due to its special location. Even some more powerful organizations also had to maintain good relations with them.

They did not like to have to do that either, but the Plain Girl Pavilion was able to easily make trouble for other people within the range of the mining area. They could give them a hard time, when they were mining.

At that moment, someone was even brave enough to side with Lyu Liang, without any regards for that hidden rule. Of course, everyone was very curious, and wanted to know who had said that.

But the reputation of the Plain Girl Pavilion was not good either, or people would not have put them together with the Frost Peak Demon bitches.

Almost half the onlookers were thinking “Slap her to death!” But the one that dared to say it out so frankly, could not be an ordinary person.

People fixed their eyes and recognized that he was Fatty Feng from Tianshu Pavilion!

He did not seem to notice all those glances at all, and continued saying, “Slap her to death!” But then he added, “I’m Feng Qingfeng, and supporting my Junior Brother! What I am saying is on my own accord! It has nothing to do Tianshu Pavilion! Come on, Junior Brother! Slap the old bitch to death!”

He even used filthy words... What his thoughts were at that moment, was obviously exposed!

Although many people remained silent at the time, they all gave him thumbs up in their heart, and said secretly, “Cool! He is a real man!”

“Slap her to death! Kill that old bitch!” All of a sudden, another clear voice rang out. It came from the mysterious masked youth, from the team of the Yue Feng Nest Meeting.

Nie Qingyun did not give a crap, if his life would be in danger. He just blurted it out naturally.

The other three members off the stage were stunned, and were about to stop him, but suddenly remembered their Ancestor’s words that had been said solemnly, “He is the leader of the team! Never do anything against his will! Do not stop him from doing what he wants to do ever! If you fail to do that, I’ll kill you!”

Therefore, although they were almost on the point of saying that, they had to swallow it back, while praying that they would not be endangered by this mysterious Junior Brother in the future...

On the main platform, the leader of the Plain Girl Pavilion, Fairy Still Water, could not stay calm at all. Feng Hanyue was actually her Junior Sister, and was regarded as half a leader. But she had been abused with such dirty words, her reputation...

“Junior Sister Still Water, Feng Qingfeng is always doing reckless things. What he just said does not reflect the intentions of Tianshu Pavilion. After this competition, I will definitely ground him for 100 years, and then we will go to the Plain Girl Pavilion and apologize personally!” Ancestor Wen Shu felt apologetic, and secretly transmitted a voice to Fairy Still Water. He offered her both an apology and an explanation.

The behavior of the bearded man from the Yue Feng Nest Meeting had really offended Fairy Still Water. He did not seem to want to apologize at all. Instead, he even gave a slight smile, which made the people feel even more perplexed.


The battle inside the light gate had been going on for nearly two hours!

Each Soul Breaking Palm that had been exerted by Lyu Liang made Feng Hanyue feel that she was so near death!

She saw that Lyu Liang was now burning his Divine Soul, and making a last-ditch effort in this life-and-death battle. She also hoped that his Divine Soul would burn out soon, so that she could do whatever she wanted to do to him. But, the resolution in his eyes, which showed no fear for death, as well as the Star-picking Palm, which she found difficult to handle, made her consider seriously, “Should she give up the battle?”

Without the protection of the Tianxuan Holy Rattan, Feng Hanyue did not intend to burn her Divine Soul.

“Fine! I will let him win this battle! When I get out of this place, I will definitely defeat him, as my cultivation and Cultivation Method are both superior to his! It’s not too late to take the Spiritual Body then!” Feng Hanyue gritted her teeth and made up her mind quickly. It seemed that she was consoling herself with the thought that there will be another chance for her. But actually, she was just unwilling to admit that the continuously increasing strength of the Soul Breaking Palm had already made an irreparable crack in her unbeatable Taoist Heart...

“I admit defeat!” Feng Hanyue said loudly, and then she disappeared instantly. Within the next second, she was already outside the light gate.

Lyu Liang was struck by her declaration at first, and then felt completely relieved. He hurried to withdraw the soul spirit, but then an extreme tearing feeling deep down in his Divine Soul got to him. He could not control himself any longer, and fell instantly.

As Lyu Liang fell, he was also transmitted out of the light gate. Fatty Feng who was waiting there, rushed to him with an instantaneous flash, and caught him at once. Without any hesitation, he carried Lyu Liang to their own camp, and popped a medicinal pill in Lyu Liang’s mouth on the way.

“Thank you... senior brother...” Lyu Liang opened his eyes slightly and struggled to speak. He could feel that the medicinal pill he had just taken was definitely one kind of ultimate-grade cure-all medicine!

“Oh, don’t thank me. You’ve already done enough! We will take care of everything! You take time to heal. If you still feel bad, just don’t fight in the final! Anyway, if the Yue Feng Nest Meeting wins in the end, that’s just what everybody is hoping for.” Fatty Feng stared at Lyu Liang, with a caring expression on his face.

“Senior brother, I want to go to my own secret realm to expedite my healing. I really don’t want to miss the final!” Feng Mazi’s medicinal pill worked really well, as Lyu Liang was feeling much better at this time.

“All right! Just do as you please!” Fatty Feng waved his hand and said, “Go ahead. We’ll meet in the final!”

The other three members of the team nodded in agreement.

Without any hesitation, Lyu Liang went into the Virtual Land to heal himself. At the same time, Meng Yun had already flown inside the light gate, his eyes shining with a confident air...


Just as Lyu Liang entered the Virtual Land, a great noise could be heard coming from inside the Heaven-Burning Xumi Formation.

“... I’m safe now. What is this little girl doing?” Lyu Liang was stunned. He shook his head with a bitter laugh, and then directly flashed into the Heaven-Burning Xumi Formation.

As soon as he entered, a huge force struck him. His body was still in a weak condition, so he was unable to keep his balance and staggered backward. At the same time, a shivering, soft body was already in his arms.

Lyu Liang was used to Linglong’s embrace now, whenever she met him, but this time, there seemed to be something different about it. When he was about to say something, the little girl in his arms suddenly raised her head, and moved toward Lyu Liang’s face...

When Lyu Liang realized what was happening, her soft lips had already touched his big lips under his thick beard...

Linglong had planned that! It seemed that she was afraid that Lyu Liang would struggle to free himself, so she grabbed him with all her strength!

It was sad. Lyu Liang was a real man, but he just could not get rid of her at that moment, due to the battle before... Of course, he was also feeling more and more comfortable, and starting to have a blurred and happy feeling.

After struggling for a little while, Lyu Liang was completely overwhelmed by that extremely comfortable feeling.

He was a normal man. At that moment, he just could not help caressing Linglong’s body, too.

Gradually, a stream of irresistible desire passed through his whole body. Lyu Liang could hold it in anymore, and directly turned over to pin Linglong down.

Among the tombs in the Heaven-Burning Xumi Formation, a flame of love was starting to flicker dazzlingly...

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