The Devil’s love

Chapter 198 - DNA Report

"Yes dad you can leave, grandpa and I will handle everything," Cheng added.

Grandpa Mo nodded his head and said, "Yes, I am there to help too so you should go home and rest, your old bones won't be able to handle the immense pressure of this project Weilong so leave it to us.' ​​

Weilong frowned and snapped, "I am not old and I can handle the project too but I want Cheng to do it instead."

"Are you done shoving your laziness to your son? Then leave, don't interrupt our working hour," Grandpa Yang fumed.

Helplessly shaking his head, Weilong left the office with a huge frown on his face.

"You are still angry with dad right?" Cheng inquired.

Scrunching his brows, Grandpa Yang snapped, "Of course, isn't it evident enough? What he did to me is not forgivable."

Cheng sighed and said, "Okay, I am not going to get myself involved in this father-son fight." Taking out a file from his bag, he added, "Grandpa I want a favour from you.��

"Consider it done but what is it?"

Keeping quiet for quite some time, Cheng requested, "I want you to give this project back to Ning, I wish to work with my sister on this so that I can be a bit close to her."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"I think Cheng is right Bojin, this is a very nice chance to help the two of them bond," Grandpa Mo suggested.

"Are you sure? Ning is a very clever brat, her brain works in all directions and if she finds anything suspicious, she won't rest until she finds out the entire truth." Pausing for a while, Grandpa Yang added, "I understand that you want to bind with your sister but this isn't the right time to tell her the truth Cheng, the entire thing is too much for her to handle. You know how tough it was for you right?"

When Cheng nodded his head, he continued, "Imagine how tough it will be for her. At least you grew up with your real parents but Ning—'' Stopping midway, Grandpa Yang sighed. He didn't want Ning to find out from anywhere else, he wanted to be the one to tell her about the situation. But little did Grandpa Yang know that there were a few things that could never be controlled and no matter how hard he tries, truth will shine out one day or the other.

"I understand what you are worried about Grandpa but trust me, I'll be very careful. I don't know when i will get another chance to get close to her, I just don't want to miss this opportunity to be with my sister." Since the day Cheng had found out about Ning, his twin sister's existence, he had been trying to get close to her but under such complicated circumstances, he couldn't. This project was a very nice chance for him to smoothen his relationship with Ning and he didn't want to miss it at any cost.

"The boy has got a point, we are too old and busy managing our social lives to work on boring company projects. Let's leave that to the youngsters and enjoy life," Grandpa Mo beamed.

Grandpa Yang sighed and nodded his head. "Yeah I think Quan is right and with the new tattoo plan coming up, I don't think so I have time for this boring project. I just took over it out of impulse because I didn't want that idiot to be around my granddaughter."

"So I am doing this project with Ning right?" Cheng inquired.

"Yes, I'll talk to Ning about it during dinner but I want you to be careful Cheng," Grandpa Yang warned.

"Be careful of Yichan as well, that boy is not only stubborn and always curious, he also has all the means and resources to confirm his suspicions in no time," Grandpa Mo added.


Ning and Yichan's place.

Standing in front of her closet, Ning inquired, "Yi, what should I wear?" but when she did not get any answer, she frowned and turned towards her husband who was fidgeting with his phone.

Walking towards him, she crossed her arms in the front and snapped, "What is it? Are you expecting someone's call?"

"Ah yes honey, Muchan was supposed to call me half an hour ago but he hasn't so I was wondering what happened." Muchan was supposed to call him and tell him about the DNA result but he hadn't and that was freaking Yichan off.

He wanted the DNA's to match but at the same time he didn't. He refused to believe that a scumbag like Yang Luzin was Ning's father but if he wasn't, things would become very complicated. The entire truth would be too much for Ning to handle and it would definitely hurt her alot.

"Babe, why don't you call him then? May he got stuck at work or some emergency came up at the last minute so he couldn't call you."

"Hmm I think you are right, I'll just go and give him a call. Wear the red dress, the short one, it looks very good on you," he said before rushing out of the room.


Study room.

After shutting the door, Yichan quickly called Muchan.

As soon as he received the call, he snapped, "What the hell is wrong with you man? I have been waiting for your call since the last thirty minutes."

"I am sorry man but we had to do another test so it took some time." Pausing for a while, Muchan added, "I have the reports in my hand."

"What is it?"

"The DNA does not match, Yang Luzin isn't Ning's father," Muchan answered.

Massaging his forehead, Yichan frowned and sat down on his chair. "Are you sure?"

"I am very sure but there is another news, I asked them to do a avuncular DNA test between them and it matched."

"What does that mean?" Yichan inquired.

"It means that Yang Luzin is Ning's uncle," he answered.


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