The Devil’s love

Chapter 75 - It’s Not A Dream

Yichan's Mansion.

Inside Yichan and Ning's room. ​​

Ning chuckled and helplessly shook her head when she saw Yichan frowning after tasting the herbal tea that Aunt Lin prepared for her to deal with the cramps.

"Don't drink it if you don't like it."

Taking a sip from the cup, Yichan shook his head. "It's fine, I like it."

Ning chuckled and asked, "Why do you have to do this? I don't like it either but I have to drink it because it will help me with the pain but you-"

Yichan also urged aunt Lin to prepare another cup for him because he wanted to accompany his wife by drinking the same herbal tea. Though aunt Lin warned him about its bitter and medicinal taste, Yichan said he would manage it but after taking a sip, he had to resist the strong urge to toss it aside.

"Your cramps, are they really bad?" Yichan asked. He wanted to call the doctor over the very second she started complaining about her cramps but Ning stopped him saying that they weren't that bad and she would be okay after a night's rest.

"Not really, it's tolerable. It doesn't happen every month though. It usually happens when I skip my periods." Ning explained.

Yichan thought for a while and frowned.

Ning chuckled and asked, "Why are you frowned like an old man?"

"Let's go to the doctor tomorrow." Yichan suggested.

"Why? There is no need. I'll be okay by tomorrow morning."

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Stretching her arms towards him, Ning pouted her lips. "Just hug me to sleep."

Placing the cups on the side table, Yichan adjusted the pillows before pulling her into his embrace.

Resting her head in his chest, Ning wrapped her arms around him and closed her eyes.

Only she knew how much she had missed her personal pillow man and heater. Wrapping her leg around him, Ning snuggled closer.

Sticking out a finger when Ning poked his chest, Yichan chuckled and asked. "What are you trying to do?"

Poking harder, Ning said, "Making sure that this isn't a dream." Everything still felt so unreal. Yesterday she was sleeping in her room all by herself reminiscing about the moments they had shared together and today she was sharing a bed with him and was also hugging him to sleep. Ning was actually scared thinking what if she wakes up and everything is a dream?

Kissing the top of her nose, her eyes, her cheeks and lips, Yichan smiled. "You see? It's not a dream."

Ning smiled and buried her head in his chest and snuggled closer.

Pressing his lips on her forehead, Yichan whispered, "Good night love."


Next morning.

When Ning woke up, she smiled when she saw Yichan sleeping right beside her with his arms wrapped around her waist.

It wasn't a dream, everything was real. Her Yichan was by her side again and this time there was no way she was going to mess things up. She would treasure their relationship forever. She wouldn't let any outsider interfere or harm their relationship.

Inching closer, Ning kissed him in his forehead before slowly getting down from the bed.

Walking towards the washroom, Ning freshened up before walking out of the room.


Inside the kitchen.

"Morning." Ning cheerful greeted everyone, anyone could say that she was in a very nice mood.

Aunt Lin smiled at her and nodded her head. "Good morning ma-I mean Ning, good morning Ning."

Walking inside the kitchen, Ning said, "I want to make breakfast for Yi today."

"You know how to cook?" Aung Lin asked.

Ning vigorously nodded her head. "Yes I do."

"The kitchen is all yours, you can make whatever you want." Aunt Lin smiled and took a step back leaving some room for Ning to move around in ease while cooking.

"I want to make some pancakes for him."

"Pancakes?" Aunt Lin asked.

Ning nodded her head and said, "Yes, aren't they Yichan's favourite?"

"Young master stopped eating pancakes five years ago. He has strictly forbidden us from making pancakes in this kitchen." Aunt Lin explained.

After taking a deep breath, she added, "Though I never understood why he stopped eating them because they were his favourite since he was a small boy. I tried to ask him but he simply said that he was tired of eating them."

Ning pursed her lips and lowered her head. Was she the reason why he stopped eating his favourite pancakes too? Her heart ached for him. Only if she could go back in time and change everything.

Taking a deep breath, Ning smiled. So what if she couldn't change the past? But she could make their present and future much more better and lovely.

"I'll make pancakes for him and I am sure he will start loving them again." Ning was a hundred percent sure that he would love her pancakes the same way he loved them back then.

Aunt Lin smiled and nodded her head.


Ning had just finished plating everything when a maid entered the kitchen. "Madam, your friends are waiting for you in the living room."

"Friends?" Ning asked.

"They came here with young master Zhang." The maid explained.

"I'll do this, you can go and greet your friends first." Taking over, aunt Lin started plating the other food items.


Living room.

"Ahhhh there she comes, our newly wed best friend." Nuying excited squealed before giving Ning a tight hug.

Hugging her other best friend whom she was seeing after almost six months, Ning sighed. "God I missed you so much."

"Awww I missed you too."

"But weren't you supposed to come after a few days?" Ning asked.

"Well, I thought you would at least take a month before getting married but who would've thought that you both would actually be so impatient. So when Mei told me about your marriage, I rushed over." Nuying excitedly explained. How could she possibly stay where she was at peace after knowing that her best friend actually got married?

Sitting down, Ning asked, "Where is Guiren?"

"Ahh he has gone to wake Yichan up." Meili said.

Pausing for a while, Meili asked, "So how was it?"

"How was what?" Ning asked.

Yuning rolled her eyes at Ning and sighed. "Oh come on, stop pretending. You know what we are talking about."

"Quick girl, start spilling." Meili excitedly said.

"Well it was-"

"Skip details and come to the main part." Meili said.

Yuning nodded her head and clapped her hands in excitement. "Yes, we don't wanna know how the sausage was made, we just wanna know how it was served."


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