The Devil's Sweetheart

Chapter 108 - She Has To Get Retribution For What She Has Done

Devin expected the name that the shop owner has articulated to be a familiar person but it was in no way related to the person he knew or heard of. Or did he miss something here? Watching Austin's baffled expression when he heard the name Sandra Campbell, Devin frowned feeling vexed. Who could be the person connected to Austin and trying to harm his sweetheart?

"Who the hell is Sandra Campbell, Austin?" Devin demanded feeling restless when Austin was refusing to show the picture that the shop owner has confirmed it to be the one who purchased the spy camera.

"Let's talk somewhere else," He whispered and walked out of the shop. The atmosphere in the car was deafening quiet when Austin was sitting in his seat tight-lipped refusing to speak a word until they drove to the outskirts of the city.

"W_hat will you do with the criminal? What if the person is close to us?" Austin stuttered, his words threatening to come out of his mouth. He knew Devin very well. Despite he looks cool and calm at the surface, he is a ruthless Devil when it comes to something he holds the dearest and Leena is on the top list. There is another side to him which only his close ones knew and if that turns up, hell would be the better place. Austin had a hard time believing the person close to him has done such an audacious thing that he couldn't condone.

"Don't test my patience, Austin." Devin professed. He suspects that the person Austin was talking about, might be the same woman he has been assuming on his mind. If Austin is the only one who knows about her, an alarm bell has rung on his head already that she is the one. But still, he wanted to confirm it once for all.

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Austin closed his eyes and breathed in deeply. "It's Kyle."

Slowly, he opened his eyes and briefly glanced at Devin who didn't seem surprised or bothered by the fact that Kyle is the one behind this crime. Rather he seems calm and serene except Jasper.

"Was it really Kyle?" Jasper gasped listening to the name. He never thought the calm and introverted girl would go to such lengths to tarnish another woman's image.

"But her name doesn't settle with Sandra Campbell? I have never heard of it." Jasper asked, feeling confused.

"Because it's the name only our family members knew of. Her mother Julia Campbell named her Sandra and she lived with that identity until her mother died. When dad found her brought her home, he has changed her name to Kyle to erase her memories and gave her a new identity." Austin explained.

"I never thought she would become a lofty person Austin," Jasper reflected. He hated the woman who schemes as if they have the only job to think of other than minding their own business.

"But she is a very gentle girl I must say." Austin turned to Devin as his heart raced to convince him. "I still doubt that she is a criminal, Vincy. Think about it. Why would she spy on you both? She has been with us since schooling and you know her better. We cannot_"

"Enough!!!" Devin's roar was nerve-wracking, chills ran down their spines hearing his threatening voice.

"I will not spare her if she is found guilty. She has to get retribution for what she has done!" His voice was stringent and relentless. If it was any other mistake, he would have quit it aside, but it is his sweetheart's self-respect in question and it has no price for it. Whoever is involved has to pay and I will make sure they do it.

"But at least let's hear the reason she has put the cameras in the first place?" Austin pleaded. She is the cousin whom he had grown up with and very close compared to others.

"Are you dumb enough to know why she has put?" Jasper scoffed watching Austin still pleading for a criminal.

"She harbored feelings for Vincy since we were in school, bastard, and who is the hurdle for her if she wants her path to get cleared? Feed your brain with a little thinking." Jasper shrieked at Austin for not even thinking ahead. He sensed Kyle bore feelings for Devin long back. She was an introvert who wants to be alone for herself but when Devin was involved she would make herself noticeable. and he has discerned it many times.

"What! Why didn't I know that she had feelings for Vincy?" Austin growled. It was another shock to him. Had he known about it, he would have warned her from the start at least.

"You were always occupied with yourself or dating girls. How would you know about her? If you would have to spend a little time with her, you would have known the complications she faced in school. She has been beaten to death by the bullies and you are not even aware of it until now. You have utterly failed as a brother and the reason she has become absurd, it's all alone your responsibility." Jasper yelled. When it comes to protection, none could come on par with Wilbur, even him when safeguarding her baby girl Reese. Despite the fights with Leena, hell would break loose in Wilbur when it comes to her and Jasper has seen it in Leena's university days when a scandal broke her sanity.

When Austin reflected on his thoughts, he uttered a profanity at himself for being vulnerable for not even knowing that Kyle was bullied in school.

"I did not know about_"

"Cut your crap assholes. We are not here to talk about the past." Anger ripped through his veins when he thought about the disgusting act. He has warned her from the start but she bit the hand that saved him.

"Start the car. We are going home." Devin declared. It's time to confront her. He wanted to check if she is the only one involved in the act or she is working along with someone before the videos get leaked to the world.

"Let me grab some water first. I don't even have the energy to move my hands. My mind is going berserk with all the events unfolding. Get me some water, Jasper." Austin quietly whispered when his energy was almost weakened.

Jasper nodded and stepped out of the car to get some refreshments. Right when he opened the car trunk, he was startled for a second when he saw two souls curled up like balls.. He was shocked to see them following. Did she listen to everything which Devin is trying to keep away from all along?

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