The Devil's Sweetheart

Chapter 115 - Looking Into The Ocean Searching For Her Mermaid

Her fear was sitting like a pillow over her nose, bringing enough air into it allowing her body to function but paralyzing slowly. She thought she has forgotten the memory after five long years but the buried nightmare resurfaced again when she recollected it. Once again terror found her and spoke to her in a crackling voice.

[Killing her gives me no sense of satisfaction. I want her crippled for a lifetime]

The words Leena last heard when her demise called upon her on that night. Even now, her nightmares haunt her when she remembers the two persons credible for her dreams to crumble. Driving to the cliff alone was the stupidest thing she has ever done in her life and with the heavy downpour, her brother couldn't come to her rescue on time and Francis was in New York. Leena would have vanished along with the storm if not for the person. He was her knight in shining armor, forever grateful to him.

"I was in a wheelchair for six months. Persistent to get up, I sought after many alternatives, bit by bit, I got up and walked again and I gave a second chance to myself turning my pain into a smile. But the doctors believed it was a medical miracle taking it to their credit but I surmised the miracle was the fruit of my zeal to rise again."

"I can't describe in words how amazing you are." He whispered caressing her hair occasionally, quietly listened to the story.

An hour passed, but still, they dwelled listening to their heartbeats. If not for Leena shifting her lithe body occasionally, Devin would have assumed she has dozed off due to fatigue. He regretted pushing her to talk about her accident without knowing the depth of her agony. He did not think she has endured such chronic physical and mental pain. How much pain she would have undergone to even think of suicide? He felt as if his heart has ripped into pieces to even think of her body ripped apart. He could wipe her tears away but the pain in her heart was still impeccable.

"I am sorry for bringing your memories to the surface again," Devin confessed studying her face which was poised now.

"Don't be!! I_I wanted to tell you about it on the day you asked. I haven't shared it with anyone until now. So I was reckoning how to explain." Leena mumbled. Except for her family and friends, her accident has remained secretive to the outside world and the first time, Leena has willingly shared with Devin.

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"Thanks for putting your trust in me." He smiled, even if they are friends now, a bond is built on trust. He swore to never break her trust.

"You are talking about trust now? You fled away like a sugar patient shutting the door loudly on that night. I should gift you an insulin powder." Leena pushed him away releasing from the hug. Even his hug is starting to take an effect on me now? You have gone insane Leena.

"Sugar patient?" Devin asked in surprise. Now she is thinking I have a health history also? Good that she did not peruse medicine. If she can make a healthy person chronic, Devin stopped imagining then after about the sick.

"Well, if you run away in the middle of a conversation, I thought you wanted to pee just like sugar patients do. It's better to check your sugar levels once." Leena advised.

"You are living in never-never land again and to answer your question, I am still fit and healthy. Check for the next clue if you want to win the treasure." Devin notified. He had no intention to play the game but Leena was very eager to win the treasure and how can he not comply with her wishes.

"Okies!!" She smiled, her eyes twinkled. She doesn't know why she felt a burden has lifted when she shared her story with him. In her happy mood, Leena grabbed Devin's arm and dragged him along with her. But Devin shoved the hand away embracing her shoulders.

Leena paused in her tracks suddenly facing him, silently threatening to remove his hand but to her annoyance, he was putting up a face as pure as the driven snow.

"You said we are BFF's right? I heard they embrace each other often." With an innocent smile, he replied and dragged Leena despite her protests. BFF my foot! Wait for a little more days sweetheart.

Twilight was breaking with the light dwindling and they were almost were at the edge of the game. Until the afternoon, they could hear the voices of other people but they have vanished with the time. It could only mean, they could not crack the clues.

"The clues are hard to crack except for an intelligent like me." Leena proudly seized the credit when it was Devin's contribution to the max.

"I was the one to break all the clues and you have shamelessly taken the credit?" Devin asked with a sarcastic comment.

Ignoring his remarks, Leena followed the route which she got from the last clue and they arrived at a place where a beautiful wooden house nestled in the forest, and to open the lock of the door, the combination has to be cracked.

Suddenly an elf-like man appeared in front of them wearing a ghostly costume to deliver the last clue. With a scream, Leena hugged Devin tightly until he was sent away.

"He left the place. You seem to like cuddling me a lot little one..." He whispered with a triumphant smile.

Little one!! Did I hear correctly? His voice! Five years back the person which has loaned her the courage and strength to live.

"Did you call any other girl 'little one' before?" Pushing him away, Leena asked looking intently waiting for his answer. What if he is my Mermaid I have been looking in the ocean for a long time.

"Are you feeling jealous that I am talking about another_"

"Tell me, idiot!" Her voice exploded like a volcano startling Devin.

"I_I don't recall." Devin was not prepared to get such a harsh blow from Leena. Did something happen? I don't remember any such memory of calling a girl 'little one'.

"You don't?" With a dejected face, she looked at him. "I am sorry for raising my voice."

With a pout, she put up an innocent face which earned a smile from Devin instantly. For a moment, her hopes lifted after five years. He is not the person I am looking for! Brushing her thoughts, Leena opened the clue to distract herself

"Crack the final puzzle and get your treasure."

[Clue 1: 6 8 2, one number is correct and well placed.

Clue 2: 6 1 4, one number is correct but in the wrong place.

Clue 3: 2 0 6, two numbers are correct but in the wrong places.

Clue 4: 7 3 8, none of them are correct.

Clue 5: 8 7 0, one number is correct but in the wrong place.]

"What a big puzzle." She whispered and looked intently to solve the riddle even before someone could come and crack it. She heard little voices of Drew and Jasper here and there. Leena thought they would be enjoying their lonely time going wild in the forest but to her annoyance, they are cracking the clues.

"6 8 2! Number 6 can be eliminated since 6 is found in clue 1 and clue 2 at the same place which contradicts with clue 2." Leena was satisfied with her answer.

"If 7, 3, 8 are wrong, I can rule out the three numbers. and from 8 7 0, I can pick 0 but it may or may not be in the third place." Wow, you are a genius, Leena. Looking at Devin who was sitting on a rock enjoying leisurely, she rushed towards him and shoved the clue. I am struggling here and he is sitting and relishing She explained the part till she cracked and invited him to do from the rest.

"2, 0, 6, According to clue 5, 0 is the correct number but its place can not be second(clue 3) and third place(clue 5). So 0 has to be in the first place and 2 should be in the second place. From 6, 1, 4 clues, we can conclude that it cannot be 1 because it cannot be placed in first or third places as they are occupied by 0 and 2. So the combination is_"

"It's 0 4 2. Yay!! I made it." Leena jumped in joy and opened the lock combination of the door and ran inside leaving the surprised Devin. Dirty girl!! She did not even thank me and claiming to be hers.

A velvet box was enclosed in blossoms, her eyes widened in disbelief when she opened the box. The crystals glittered like a sun-kissed ocean lapping the sand.

"OMG! Blue Moons!!" She muttered in disbelief and touched them gingerly. Did Leah know that I would win the game? It was the same ring, she has shown it some days back. Why did she get such a costliest one just for the game?

"Do you like them?" Devin asked emerging behind her. By the twinkle in eyes, he could understand, she loved them.

"They are beautiful." Leena was even scared to touch as if she would dirty them and packed the box into her backpack safely. I will give the other ring to him when I reach home. He has contributed a little to find the clues.

With a victory smile, Leena walked out of the forest along with Devin.


Right after they left, Drew and Jasper arrived cracking all the clues but to their resentment, the combination was already opened.. Cursing and accusing each other again, they returned home with a sad face.

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