The Devil's Sweetheart

Chapter 2 - Carrot

Leena slumped on the bed and closed her eyes. Without knowing, tears gushed down her cheeks. Her past tormented for years which cannot be nullified. While she was reminiscing of her past, all of a sudden, her thoughts interrupted when she sensed someone gently patting her head reassuring none of the dicky bird would harm in her presence. She knew who exactly it is. Leena slightly opened her eyes to take a peek at the adorable little puppy stroking her head as if she is the most fragile thing in the world. A sweet smile plastered on her face at her little gesture. The little pup always does this whenever Leena is haunted by nightmares or when sick.

"Why do you have such a big heart Carrot? Should I call you Brinjal? It looks way bigger than Carrot." Leena playfully winked at the little one. Carrot raised her ears in disbelief at her mommy for having such dirty thoughts. Leena giggled looking at her cute expressions.

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Leena remembered the day she fainted due to work exhaustion and carrot never left her side for two days continuously. Carrot stayed with Leena sleeping next to her. Even if Leena gets up, she follows her wherever she goes as if Leena would leave her and never come back. The little emptiness left in Leena was filled by her sweet gestures.

"Thank you little one. You always make me feel I am the most loved one." Leena gently scooped carrot in her arms and stroked her head assuring she is fine and doesn't need to be a worrywart.

Her brother found this little golden retriever near his home when it was wandering without any tag. After exhaustive efforts of finding the owner, he brought her home. The moment Leena looked into her gentle brown eyes, she couldn't take her eyes away and she instantly fell in love with the little pup in a single glance. She shamelessly asked her brother as her 8 months early birthday gift. When he did not comply with her wishes, she played her trump card of revealing one of his valuable secrets to his dearest wife which straight away worked on him. Leena squealed in delight and jumped around the house as if she got her favorite candy.

With a happy mood, she went to a vet to check if carrot has any health issues. After confirming she is fine, the doctor looked at her teeth and informed Carrot is a month old puppy. How can they abandon the just born puppy when it looks so lovely. Feeling pitiful for the little pup, she walked out carrying Carrot thinking of all the possible ways to pamper her.

Carrot is always being gentle, friendly to everyone, play a lot, loves swimming but becomes aggressive when anyone tries to grab Leena's attention and barks at them as if telling mommy is only for her.

Carrot craned her neck and looked up to take a glance at her mommy. When she saw Leena was in a happy mood, she wiggled its tail. Instantly, Lenea smiled at her cute actions. Carrot always does this when she is hungry. She gobbles her food in seconds and gives the saddest face as if Leena is not feeding her enough. Initially, Leena complied with all her wishes and filled her stomach whenever she asks, but Carrot's weight was putting a strain on her joints. After consulting with the vet, Leena changed her diet plan. Even though carrot was throwing tantrums, Leena didn't buy her little pranks. She wants her to be healthy always.

"Alright hungry beast. Come and gobble your food." Leena rubbed her little pendant ears and excitedly got down from the bed and headed towards the kitchen, while Carrot trailed behind Leena wagging her tail when she heard her mommy talk about her favorite part and that is food.

Leena placed food in a bowl stand, water in another bowl. Meanwhile, carrot waited for her mommy's approval. The moment she got the green signal, she devoured into her bowl as if she has been starved for eternity.

"Finish your food and go for potty or else I am not going to give any food next time." Carrot nodded her head as if she will comply with Leena's wishes. With a satisfying grin, Leena headed to the bathroom. Well, Carrot's obedience comes only when she was eating food.

Leena splashed cold water into her face which instantly relaxed her entire body. She closed her eyes and her thoughts flew back to the things that happened in the past. Is it hard to forget the past and live peacefully? She sighed and walked into the walk-in closet, grabbed her jogging outfit, and walked out.

The moment she opened her bedroom door, she was welcomed by a little adorable puppy carrying a leash with her tiny mouth. Leena knew what it meant, but walked away ignoring the traitor for abandoning her the minute she spotted her little lover yesterday. She still remembered how Carrot tailed behind uncle John's dog, even though the latter was giving the cold shoulder.

Carrot jumped into Leena's embrace when she was being neglected and started licking her face as if telling her she will not dump her today.

"Stop licking my face. It tickles. Make sure you stick to your words today". Leena chuckled and put a leash around her neck not to torture the poor pup.

"You viper, girls should never run behind ignoring boys." Leena sternly declared and opened the door.

Little did she knew, Carrot was already scheming against her mommy and thinking of 101 ways in her mind to court her little lover.

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