The Devil's Sweetheart

Chapter 212 - Worse Than Animal

Bloodshot eyes, disheveled shirt, unkempt hair, body swiveling uncontrollably was all Leena needed to imagine the amount of alcohol he consumed. The overpowering smell of alcohol stench was exuding even from the pores of his skin. Leena knew Ethan is a terrible smoker but she did not expect him to be an inebriate also. Anyways, it's not the time to think about his addictions. She has to send him away as soon as possible.

"Is something important, Ethan? Can we talk tomorrow? I have to sleep." Cautiously, Leena asked but he did not respond. She took a glimpse of him, he was tightly holding an envelope in his hands. She doesn't know what it is. People lose the capacity to think logically when drunk. Reese and Jane are not here to support if something happens. I have to stay calm and send him away first. "Stay here. I will call any of your friends to pick you up."

"Are you desperate to send me away? Am I not allowed here, my dear cutie patootie?" Ethan yanked her and in one tug, Leena was in his arms. He grazed over her cheek sending shivers down her spine. "You are so beautiful today." He whispered breathing her fragrance. Freshly showered, her scent was intoxicating him.

"What's wrong with you today!" Leena yelled trying to push him away but he was too strong for her. She couldn't overthrow him. She regretted not learning martial arts when her Francy forced her.

Ethan is behaving differently today. He has never forced her in the past but today she was getting a different vibe from him. Every cell in her body was screaming to stay away from him. "Get out of my house! Now."

He ignored her cruel words that were breaking his heart. "How much you charge per hour?" Ethan whispered into her ear

"W_hat?" Her voice stuttered. She could sense a different meaning from his tone. No one has humiliated her until now.

"Is that why you refuse my touch every time? Because you only trade with money." He spat out grabbing her chin forcefully. There was only disgust on his face for her. "Name your price. I will triple it."

"You are speaking nonsense in your drunken state." With all her might, Leena pushed him away, releasing herself from his tight grip. "Get your senses_"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Her thoughts ceased when he threw a file on to the floor, stacks of pictures toppled from it with the force impact.

Leena's gaze shifted to the pictures, a shiver ran down her spine the more she observed them. It was her in all the pictures. She was on a bed, naked, with a man she has never seen. In all the pictures, she was lying naked on the bed with a different man. Even she couldn't distinguish if it was real or fake pictures because the photos were morphed flawlessly. With today's technology, there is nothing we couldn't achieve. But who sent them? What pained her was, Ethan knows about her character but still chose to believe in the pictures.

Her brain throbbed but she concocted with all her might and spoke up. "They are fabricated. You have known me for three years and you know what sort of person I am." She doesn't know why she has to explain to him but her words came out before she could control them.

"Let's talk once you are sober," said Leena and held his hand to send him out of the house but he forcefully jerked her hand. What followed were the most disgusting words she has ever heard.

"Does your mom knows you are a_"


A loud smack reverberated in the silent room even before he uttered the dreadful word. Leena smacked on his cheek tightly, her eyes appeared dead cold. It was the first time she has slapped a man but she didn't regret it. She didn't like the way he was treating her tonight. "Behave like a man."

Ethan was used to getting slapped by his mother but he couldn't tolerate it today, not from Leena. He let his negative emotions swallow him pouring acid into his soul. When he was in office, someone delivered him an Anonymous package and when he opened the envelope, he was heartbroken. The pictures of Leena lying next to the man was still evident in his memory. At first, he did not want to believe but the more he looked at the pictures, he felt miserable, betrayed. Leena never let him hug her but when she was fooling around with other men devastated him to the core. He was trying all the ways to curb her anger and she was in another man's arms. After all the things she has done and she is asking me to behave like a man?

"You want me to act like a man, right?" He gave a sinister smile. "I will show you what sort of man I am today."

He roughly pushed her body against the wall without letting her escape. Leena winced in pain when her back slammed against it making a thud sound. "You are hurting me!" She screamed, tried to kick his inguen but it was futile to attempt to topple a drunkard. When she tried to resist his touch, a loud slap fell on her cheek.


With the force Ethan used on her, Leena fell onto the floor. His errant slap cupped her over the ear. A distinct blast of pain emanated in her ear. The pain throbbed inside her skull, feeling numbness in her ear. For a while, Leena thought she lost her hearing sense.

"What's wrong with you today!" She screamed rubbing her aching ear. No one has hit her until now. When she accidentally tipped over a chair when she was a child and got injured, Francis burned it. Cupping her cheek, Leena tried to get up but Ethan pulled her hair aggressively and slapped her right cheek again.

"Let me tell you a truth, Leena." He sneered. "I have never loved you. To make you my girlfriend was the bet I made with my friends." He spat out.

Her eyes grew wide open. She looked at Ethan expecting him to tell it was a prank he was playing on her but his mouth remained in an uncharacteristic grim line. Who has given him the right to bet on me? The physical pain was throbbing her and now he has dropped another bomb.

"You have already slept with many men." His lips curled into disgust. "Let me also taste you." Ethan lifted her and carried her to the room putting on his shoulder. He threw her onto the bed harshly, her body shook when she thought of what is about to happen.

"No...don't do this..." She screamed when he climbed on to the bed and kneaded her. "Did it hurt you when every man banged you down there?" He whispered grazing her lips. The thought that she kissed all those men disgusted him. "Filthy. I am not going to kiss your filthy lips...." His alcohol has intoxicated him to the point that he forgot which is reality and which is an illusion.

"No...Ethan...You are drunk...You are going to regret it tomorrow." Leena begged. She had no strength to protest him. He was far crueler. She never thought he would behave in such a way today.

"Please...I beg you..don't do this" She pleaded.

His fists closed so tight that he could feel the sweat trapped inside of him. Her cries have almost stopped his heart but his brain has conjured him. She has betrayed him sleeping with many men and that is the only thing ringing in his mind.

"How would my bet gets completed until I sleep with you?" With a manic smile, his hand reached for her shorts to pull them out until he heard a loud ring.

He paused for a while.

"Get lost bastard." When he has put his guards down, Leena slapped his face right to put some sense into him. "Knock some sense into your brain."

Ethan at once snapped back to reality. Although he was still in a drunken state, he came back to his insights. "Leena...." What have I done? He immediately removed his hand from her legs and checked her wrists. They were swollen red due to his tight grip.

Her teardrops tugged his heart. "Leena...I am sorry..." He tried to touch her cheek to calm her but Leena dug her head deep into the pillow. She didn't want to see his face.

"I am sorry. I was drunk. I will never do this again. Shall I put an ointment on your hands?" He coaxed her. How could I hurt her? He wanted to cut his hands for slapping her.

"Get out of my home. You are worse than an animal." She whispered. It hasn't got a phone call, what would be her state. She would get brutally assaulted by him today.

"I will come back and talk with you tomorrow." He whispered but Leena did not hear anything.. There was only disgust for the man.

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