The Devil's Sweetheart

Chapter 225 - Beautiful Love Story

Leena blinked her eyes once, twice. She pushed the thought aside and turned to face Devin. She preferred to confirm with him before jumping to conclusions.

A shadow of guilt trickled through Devin when he thought of the hasty decision he made by himself without talking with Leena. She would definitely think it's because of yesterday's event. "I_I it was not a spur of the moment decision. I have been thinking of it for a long time. I know you haven't yet given a thought to the wedding and I suddenly dragged you to the courthouse to get our marriage certificate. Sometimes, if we don't break the rules, the rules will_"

"Wanker idiot! Moron. Why did you do this to me?"

Leena pounced on Devin interrupting his thoughts.

'She doesn't want to get married. She is mad at me.' Devin was seized by a panic of fear for himself. "Don't get mad, Leena! I will not force you_"

"You should have at least informed while we were halfway to the courthouse, idiot. Now we can't go back home." Leena blamed him for that one.

"What?" Confusion crossed his features.

"I am wearing a simple dress and you dressed prim and proper." She cried out in anger. "You have neatly groomed your hair and I did not even wash my hair due to an urgent meeting. This is not fair."

Devin stared at her in an open-mouthed shock. "Is this the reason you are mad at me?"

"Of course yes." At first, she had little confusion on why Devin dragged her to the courthouse and when he confirmed, she got worried about her beauty. Even hell would be the nicest place, with Devin around. Honestly, she liked this sudden surprise of getting married. She long planned to take his last name but the only saddening part was, he did not give a grand proposal.

"Sweetheart, you are going to be the death of me one day." His sigh was a mixture of contentment and relief. "Honestly, you look cute in any form, darling."

She shunned his sweet talks, opened the camera in her mobile, and handed it to Devin. "Cameraman of the day. Hold it properly until I get ready." With that, Leena opened her skincare products from her purse and it started. Along with it, his nagging also started.

"Enough, Leena. It's your fourth layer of toner."

"Too much is not good for your skin."

"Can't you skip your essence today? You had it enough."

"Stop with your nagging. All the products I use are lightweight. I have done a Ph.D. in skincare. I don't need your advice."

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"Narcissist." Devin stretched his hands a little to get reprimanded by her because it made the mobile shake. She could have used a rearview mirror. He thought.

Devin finally sighed in relief when she reached the last step of the process.

"I am done," Leena said and something hit her brain all of a sudden. "OMG! I did not tell my_"

"I got approval from France and aunt Heather already."

"Sly Fox award goes to the crafty and willy Devin." She giggled stepping out of the car.

"There is a reason I am called a sly fox."

"What is it?" Curious, Leena asked.

"Because I am sly." Devin winked pulling her towards him.

"Ah!" Leena clutched her stomach. "Why is my stomach doing somersaults suddenly."

"Will it still do if I punish_"

Devin jumped when Leena tickled his waist and before he composed himself, Leena slipped away from him sticking her tongue out.

At a distance, Leena spotted two familiar figures laughing and cackling like teenage buddies. She rushed towards them. "What's up, old buddies. Are you both going to be the witnesses of my civil ceremony?"

"Old buddies?" Francis twisted her ear.

"Owww...Francy..leave my ear. I only have two..." Leena cried until Francis released her.

"She is Heather's replica, France," Fredrick said with a smile.

"At least, Heather was a little tolerable in the past," Francis turned to the angry girl and gently held her hand. "Are you nervous?" He was reluctant about this sudden marriage but later agreed when Devin explained the situation. That old woman has not changed her vicious nature.

"A little." She hugged her Francy.

"Human body is 90% water. Think that you are a cucumber with nervousness."

Leena: " "

"Pfffttt.." Fredrick clutched his stomach. Francis's reply made him laugh quite hard. "A joke of the decade, Francis."

"You better stick to your serious zone, Francy," Leena suppressed her laugh.

"Jealous people," Francis muttered and looked around for his soon to be son-in-law. "Where is Devin?"

"Leave about that brat. What about the wedding ceremony? Let's fix it for next month." Fredrick beamed a brilliant smile. He did not see a close-up wedding after his sister. Now, it's time to party and he was already imagining the events.

"No." Leena refuted immediately. "I need seven to eight months at least. I have lots to purchase."

"We can talk about the wedding ceremony later." Impatient Devin pulled Leena into the courtroom, not caring about the other two men.

Countless autographs to his fans, but for the first time, his hand trembled when the tip of the nib touched the thin paper. What an irony! Pen and paper. Two simple words pulling them together. Noticing his nervousness, Leena held his arm, and just like that, the tip of the pen scrubbed for the start of their beautiful love story.

After all the procedures, the officiant issued the marriage certificate in less than thirty minutes and declared them as wife and husband.

The moment they came out of the office, Fredrick pulled Devin a little away from Leena. "I am going to enlightened the two golden rules of marriage, son."

"I just got married, dad." Devin cursed at himself for bringing his dad.

"But it will be useful in the future." Fredrick started. "Always follow this and you will enjoy your marriage life to the fullest. Remember, your wife is always right. When you feel she is wrong, slap yourself and read rule number one."

"What if I send this recording to your wife?" Francis's voice appeared from behind and Devin escaped.

In one swift motion, Fredrick turned around. "Francis, you fabricator! Delete it." If Eve listens to the recording, he would be dead meat in her hands.

"What do I get in return?"

"I will reveal your secret to Leena." Fredrick looked around and there was no trace of Leena and his son neither.

"Impatient lads." He turned to face Francis."Let's go and party. We are in-laws now."

"Get lost, drunkard." Francis was about to leave but Fredrick pounced on him from behind and threatened again. It worked.


From the time, Leena and Devin stepped into the car, an awkward silence lingered. Both were in their bliss.

'I am married to Devin.' Leena was repeating those five words like a mantra. Devin is my husband. Leena Wang. Yuck! It doesn't sound pleasing to my ears. I will use my surname alone.

Happiness streaked through him like a comet. Devin felt like his feet barely touched the ground. He can't believe Leena is his wife now. He doesn't know the reason, but all of a sudden, a different emotion swirled through him. Is it because I am married? Talk to her, dumb fellow. This is not good. Mustering up the courage, Devin spoke up. "Leena."

"Hmm?" Leena looked past him, she was also under the radar, blushing on cue.

An awkward silence prevailed in the car again.

'What's wrong with you today, Leena? You croak like a frog all the days. Just talk with him. Marriage is just another day.'



Both spoke in unison.

"You speak," Leena said.

"No, you continue." Devin retorted.

"C_an you drop me at my brother's place?" She asked. Jane would be better to ask for tips to peel off this awkwardness.

"Can we go together tomorrow?" He asked.


A while later, they were in Devin's private jet and Leena did not probe a question for she knew Devin's reply would be his smile. Their awkwardness also eased a little.


The royal house was exemplifying the monarchy. Eleanor was sitting in her study room examining the reports that she received today. "Is this all? It barely touched the surface. What happened to her two years of disappearance?"

"Your majesty." The subordinate politely said. "We couldn't get through that information. It's tightly sealed."

"Dig deeper. I want_"

Eleanor's thoughts interrupted when she heard the knock on the door and a maid entered upon her permission.


"Your majesty, your grandson has come along with a woman."

Eleanor's brows creased revealing the lines on the forehead. Never Devin visited this palace. "Ask all the security to clear the place for a while."

"Yes, your majesty." The maid bowed and took her to leave.

"You may leave." Eleanor dismissed the subordinate. She did not expect Devin's arrival would be too early. Nonetheless, she pulled the cane and clutched it with her clammy hand.

As she stepped down from the stairs, her grip on the cane tightened at the sight of the woman next to her grandson."You are here, child? You even brought your mistre_"

"It's Mrs.Wang!" His ample voice deafened, tearing down down Eleanor's soul. His purpose of getting Leena here was to shut this woman's mouth. "I don't care if you are the queen of this country. I dare you to disrespect my wife in my presence." He pulled Leena closer to his chest and embraced her protectively.

Devin's words echoed in Eleanor's head filling the silence with burning flames. He got married despite my threats?

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