The Devil's Sweetheart

Chapter 25 - Crazy Idiot

While walking to the CEO's office, Harley was greeted by many of the WD employees. Despite she was smiling and nodding at each person, her thoughts were lingering only on one employee's comment. Our CEO in love! It would be the most sensational news to the world if their CEO is in love, for he never had a history of dating a woman.

Is Devin really in love? She mused. If what she has heard is not some kind of joke, then the sun would have definitely risen in the west today. He is so high of himself, he has not even heeded to any woman's attention in his entire life. Even when the world's most famous supermodel has asked for his hand in marriage, he has come up with an excuse that he has vowed abstinence for his entire life embarrassing her. Celibate my ass? Can't he at least come up with some other reason? And that was not the single time, each time he would come with the funniest excuses to embarrass them. Harley was wondering which woman's beauty can bow him down.

But for Devin, he was never captivated by the external beauty. He was surrounded by umpteen women at an early age of fourteen from the start of his modeling career. Every day, even now, he would receive countless proposals in some or the other way, but he was never shaken by any. It's normal to like him when he is handsome in an understated way and he respected their choices. He was not a man to use violence just because someone has expressed their interest.

He respects women and he never wanted to date or use them for carnal desires. He solely wanted to give his soul and body to only one woman, the one who would make his heartbeat rise just by her mere presence and he has already found his crazy idiot. As for rejecting women in the funniest way, he wants everything to be unique and those are just his signatures to embarrass them. But he had never gone overboard that humiliates them.

With an exciting mood to get the bottom of his imaginary love life, Harley knocked on the door.

"Come in." A clear voice was heard from inside.

Harley pushed opened the door and stepped in with a cup of coffee and the stack of files her employees have dumped on her to get it signed.

She gazed at the man working on the files diligently. His shirt sleeves rolled to the elbows revealing his strong arms, the jutting veins when he moved his hands were relinquishing a different appeal that can attract any woman.

"What a waste of his looks. If I was him, I would be dating different woman on an hourly basis." She mumbled to herself.

"Are you gawking at my body again?" He heaved his head and the moment he looked at the woman the earlier happiness he had died down with the intrusion of this idiotic monkey.

"Beauty must be admired. God must be regretting putting such a sadist in the eloquent body." She scoffed.

"Even if he regrets, I am just born that way." He lazily retorted and went back to his work.

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"But you are still single." She snapped.

"I am not single. I am still on reserve for the one who deserves my heart." He gravely retorted.

"Forget about that one. I am sure you will die as a virgin in this life." She was expecting a counter-attack for taunting him, for this self-love man would never back of especially in arguing with her. She frowned when there was no counter-strike from the other end.

"An argument with a fool only proves there are two." Virgin? He doesn't need to disagree with her statement now that he found his little kit!

"Are you calling me a fool." She yelled.

"Well, you yourself have accepted now." He grinned looking at her crumpled face.

"Why you_"

"Have some etiquettes in the workplace. It's not a home. Did you forget you are my secretary here?" He stopped his work and crossed his arms reprimanding her.

"I need the signatures on these files." Just because he is an elder by two years, she was always being scolded by him. I will get back to him later. She placed the files that were her top priority now and the brewed coffee on his table.

"You make the worst blend of coffee." Sometimes Devin really wondered she is deliberately doing this to annoy him.

"But you still drink it every day." She snapped.

"I don't have a choice." For some reason, he did not want to drink coffee today. He was craving for something more.

"Well, I knew that." She said. Even if she deliberately blends the worst, he doesn't have an option.

"Drink by yourself. Get banana smoothie for me." He smiled thinking about it and thoughts again flew back to her. What is she doing now? She must be scolding him for yesterday's event again right?

"What!" Harley exclaimed. Is it my imagination or is he really asking for it?

"You still have a loud voice, Harley."

"You hate bananas right!" She ignored his comments and questioned again. As far as she remembered, he hated them. He would not even eat a banana forget about a smoothie.

"Well, I love them now."

"Are you_"

"And I Forgot something. Make sure it is not fully blended." He added. That is how she likes it right.

" "

When Harley was about to leave, he called her again.

"Ask them to add cinnamon to it." How did he know these things? She wondered. In a confused state, Harley went to the cafeteria to get a special blend he requested. By the time, she arrived, Devin has already finished signing all the files.

"Are you really going to drink this?" Placing the smoothie on his desk, she asked hesitantly. Devin Ignored her remarks and sipped his juice savoring its content.

"It doesn't taste bad." My darling sure has a very good taste.

"Make sure you put it on my table every day." Devin grabbed his suit jacket before finishing the smoothie to attend a meeting with the shareholders.

Everyday? Did that Drew do something to him? He is the only one obsessed with banana smoothies.

"Aren't you coming?" He asked the still dazed Harley. She weakly nodded her head and followed him to the elevator. Is he really in love as the employees said? He is behaving abnormally. Should I ask him?

"I heard the most interesting topic about you today. That you are in love." She asked entering into the elevator.

"Can't I be in Love? FYI, I have dated a woman in the past." He wondered how they go to know about it. Was he that obvious?

"Dated a woman?" Harley grinned and wanted to tease him more." How many days was it? two or one? That poor girl still complains how you pressed your lips tightly when she was about to kiss_"

"Devin!" She yelled. "Why did you hit my head?"

"Don't you have any other thing to gossip?" He never regretted eluding that kiss. Even though he accepted to date her on a whim during his university days, he broke up on the first day itself. He did not want to give hope to the other person by continuing when his heart knew she is not the one. From then on he has put a goodbye to his dating life.

"That is the only thing I can tease you with." She chuckled.

"I was just not compatible with her," Devin remarked.

"That's why I told you, you will die as a virgin waiting for that one person."

Devin did not want to argue with her again. He wondered what would be their reaction, once he introduced his little kit to everyone. Little did he knew, he would get the most shock of his life.


After the finished meeting, Devin was working on the drafted proposal when Daniel suddenly knocked on the door and entered into his office to deliver the information he has received today. Never he has expected, he would be hearing a rejection offer to partner with WD. God knows how Devin would react when he never accepts failures in the first place.

"Hello, Devin." Daniel smiled and settled in his chair.

"Morning Uncle Daniel." He smiled and greeted him in his high spirits. "Did you contact the person we were looking for?"

"That's what I am here for." He sighed. "She has rejected the offer."

"Reason?" He looked up when he suddenly heard about rejection after a long time. Modeling for WD is a dream for many and she has rejected it outrightly. She sure has guts.

"She is not interested in_" They were interrupted by a sudden knock and Harley walked into the room again.

"You got a package from Drew. He is busy with a case and cannot visit you right now. I know you are in an important discussion, but he was adamant about delivering this case right now." What is it in this parcel? When Harley was about to open the seal, Devin jumped and grabbed the file before she can see it inside.

"It's personal. Can you both go out?" If not for his fast reflexes, this monkey would have seen everything inside.

"He is behaving very oddly, right Danny?" She looked at him suspiciously.

"Are you under weather?" Daniel went near to check the temperature but Devin cut him off.

"For god's sake, I am fine. Will you please go out and give some personal space." Do they least understand what personal space is? He should arrange some ethics training for these two. After finally convincing and shooing them away, he gazed at the file. For some reason, His heart was beating at an abnormal speed.

Without waiting for a second, he grabbed a penknife and hurriedly opened the file of Serene hotel. His patience was running out when he was flipping pages continuously but the one people face was not even turning up. Don't they have any work at home? Seems like the whole New York city is in that resort itself.

When he was turned to another page, his eyes instantly fell on a particular face. He gazed at the photo for a time and warmly smiled at her. She is so cute in this angle. Did I forget anything? Her name! The moment he looked at her, he has thrown everything out of the window.. When he finally noticed the name written In parallel with the photo he was shocked to the core. Her name!

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