The Devil's Sweetheart

Chapter 318 - Old Habits Die Hard

The message that he just received from Enger chilled Nash's blood. He doubted Morvena's purpose of coming to New York was of purely business. Nash couldn't grasp Enger's anxiety over Morvena's visit to New York, but he has a point to fear because, for the first time, he made a mistake without Enger's knowledge. If his friend knows, he can't imagine how painful his suffering would turn out.

A little relief was that Enger informed about Morvena beforehand. He can talk with her when he learns her purpose. Nash let the matter aside and laid down on the bed. From the day Leena investigated him, she is suffocating him, posing tight security around him. He doesn't know if he has to feel pity or fear for his friend. If Leena finds about the truth.... Nash held his cheek when the memory of her slaps resounded in his mind. He has to press the cold pack for two consecutive days. ''She is a riot,'' Nash muttered, twitching his face, but at the same time, he started to feel a soft corner for Leena when he understood her point of view. An assassination attempt on her husband would have devastated her obviously. One thing was clear, Leena loves Devin, and nothing is gonna ever change despite Enger's futile attempts to separate Leena and Devin.

He wanted Enger to stop this nonsense, but that man is hell-bent on getting Leena, and he is ready to pay any price. When will this end? Brushing the thoughts aside, Nash laid down on the bed to catch his sleep. He has to get up early in the morning to bring that Russian blondie and deliver her to him.


The following day, Nash sneaked out of the house from the backdoor. Disguising himself, he waited for Morvena at the airport. Soon, he spotted an opulent blondie stepping into a cab; her fascinating figure cloaked the rest of the crowd she mingled. Not before the car moved a far cry, a man stopped the car and stepped into the front seat. 

''Excuse me, who are you? This is a private cab I booked. Can you please step out!'' Her deep voice, in an obnoxious way, imposed into the front seat.

''Driver, please, ask him to step out.'' Seeming the dumb play of the driver, she was about to open the door when she heard the opposite end of the car door open, followed by a voice.

''There is no point of fighting, Morvena. Enger knows you are in New York.''

Morvena jarred at the mention of Enger's name. She then glanced at the man sitting next to her, not surprised to see him here. ''Doesn't your minion have any other work, except keeping an eye on me?'' She addressed Nash, her voice blended with a mockery. She didnot expect that monster to follow her every single move. She canceled her appointments at the last minute and boarded the plane without informing anyone, but still, she ended up in Enger's clutches. 

''Start the car.'' Nash addressed the driver instead and then turned to Morvena. Clearing his throat, he started. ''About_''

''Later.'' She whispered, wary of the bodyguards sitting in the front seat. She knows what he is trying to speak.

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Nash briefly nodded his head. Indeed, it's not time to talk with Morvena when the guards are around. The car reached the destination in utter silence. Morvena closed her mouth at the foul stinking smell as she walked down the path. With lights turned off, her degree of vision blurred, but she did notice a figure sitting in the center of the room when the wind fluttered, causing the swivel chair to sway. 

''What's the purpose of bringing me here?'' She demanded, getting straight to the point. This man should have born in the dark ages. Why does he keep scaring people from darkness?

''Curb your anger, sister-in-law. I am only here to welcome you. I hope you had a safe journey?'' The lights flicked instantly, and the bodyguards walked out, closing the door shut at Nash's cue.

''Our relationship ended the moment you killed my cousin,'' Morvena stated, looking into his eyes.

''Ah, you read the mail I sent?'' Enger chuckled and turned to face Nash. ''Leave us alone for a while.''

Nash nodded and left the room, closing the door behind him.

''Why are you here, Morvena?'' Enger's serious tone aimed at her. ''You promised not to return to this place after that incident. Why now?''

''Why did you do that?'' She questioned back; her hands trembled, and her mouth quivered when she spoke up.

''Which one?'' Enger slightly shrugged. ''Are you referring to your cousin's death or your man's assassination_''

''Winter.'' She cut him off, snubbing Enger inanity. Her heart still seared in pain when the memories of his pale face on the hospital bed flapped in front of her eyes, but she quickly concealed her emotions. Not in front of this monster. Everyone's life a child play for Enger, except that woman's. It was a close call. She was about to come to New York to bring his life back at any cost, but he survived. No one knows how happy she felt on that day.

''Unlike you, I have no control over death,'' Enger emphasized. ''Winter was destined to die at an early age_''

''Your past interfered with her destiny, and she ended up dying for your infatuation over that woman.'' She corrected him.

''You are right.'' Placing a cigarette at the corner of his mouth, his long fingers searched the pockets and finally emerged with a match. ''My theory is simple. Burn the past, turn the page, and move on. Winter is the weed in my beautiful garden that I had to get rid of.'' Enger uttered, and just when he lit the cigarette, Leena's words got over him. Immediately, he threw it on the floor, stubbing with the heel of his shoes. 

''Old habits die hard, isn't it?'' Enger snickered, glancing at Morvena's stiff face. ''You know..I had a severe obsession with smoke, and it was Winter who told Leena hates smokers. Quite useful she was for that. I had to try hard to get rid of this habit, but sometimes, people like you increase my anxiety and stress, and unknowingly, my old habits surface.''

She wondered if monsters are also capable of love. Why? An example is sitting in front of her. ''You are obsessed with her in a creepy way.'' Morvena snapped at him.

''So, are you for him, isn't it?'' Enger calmly asked. ''Perhaps, you don't know, or you ignored, I know everything that happened between you and him on that night.''

For a split second, Morvena was caught in a blow. How did he know about it? 

''Caught off guard?'' Enger predicted her reaction. ''Anyway, I don't have time to discuss your adult affairs.''

''Go back to Russia. Don't appear in front of him, and re-open the old wounds to examine their origins. Leave them healed.'' Enger commanded. ''The world will know what sort of mastery they got in their hands if I expose your truth. Do you want to end up like your mother?''

''Why are you doing this, Enger?'' Morvena dropped on her knees in a sobbing mess. ''You don't let me see him. You don't let me talk to him. Do you know how hard it was? Now, I lost Devin completely to her.''

''As I said, I will not let anyone he knows from the past intervene with his present, including you.''

''Was it any help to you?'' Morvena questioned. ''You lost Leena. She is with him, happily married.''

''His happiness will be short-lived. I know how to get my Leena back?"

''What if he recovers his memories?'' She questioned back.

''He will never get back his memories. You assured me, and you will pay for it if that happens.'' Enger rose from the seat and walked past the trembling woman. Before he opened the door, he glanced at her over his shoulders. ''Take the next flight to Russia. If I see you approaching him_''

''I am in New York for a purpose, and I will have to stay here for a month,'' Morvena said. ''I assure you, I will not make any attempt to approach him.''

''I don't trust you. For the safer side, my men will keep a tight watch over you.'' Enger said before he left.

Morvena crumpled on the ground, crying out. Why did it have to end like this? Morvena wiped her tears when she heard the approaching footsteps. She got up from the ground and turned around.

''Did something happen?'' Nash asked, studying her expressions. Morvena and Enger share a deep secret, and they end up fighting every time they meet up. What happened between them?

''No.'' She half-smiled at him to cover the lies. ''Tell me. You wanted to discuss something in the car.''

Bolting the door, Nash approached Morvena and asked in a hushed voice. ''About Winter_''

''She is recovering. Thanks for delivering her to me.. She was still breathing when I received her."

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