The Devil's Sweetheart

Chapter 325 - Lose Your Tail

With Aunt Jalapeno's entry, Leena was in total happiness that she would have good company in the future with her. On the other hand, Nick was in complete distress when Devin informed Aunt Jalapeno would be staying with them here onwards. Aunt Jalapeno has a weird habit of squeezing butts to check if a person had gained or lost weight. That's the alibi she would come up with if some ask why she is fond of butts, especially Kurt.

If Kurt comes to know about Aunt Jalapeno, he would never step a foot in this home. Wise words Nick said to himself were: To stay away from Aunt Jalapeno and save his butt.

''Please come. I will show you the room.'' Leena led Aunt Jalapeno through the hallway to a room that was adjacent to the indoor stairs.

''Woah! This house is undeniably sleek,'' Aunt Jalapeno commented, with mouth opened as big as a stark, and closed when she realized. A replica of the human backbone indoor staircase design was not what she expected in her dreams even.

Leena smiled without commenting, letting Aunt Jalapeno explore the room. She was in the same state as Aunt Jalapeno when she first came to this house. Heacis mansion and the Wang mansion are comparatively sizeable, but this house's design and architecture are in no way comparable to any which she had seen until now. 

''I am done exploring my room.'' Aunt Jalapeno glanced at Leena and smiled. ''Lead me to the kitchen. I will make dinner.''

''Umm.. aren't you tired? You have just arrived.'' Leena hastily said. ''We don't treat you as an employee, aunty. You are our guest also. Take rest, I will take care of dinner today_''

''No formalitiea.'' Aunt Jalapeno waved her finger. ''I like cooking..''She paused. ''As much as squeezing butts.'' Aunt Jalapeno winked. It was difficult for Leena to refrain from laughing hearing Aunt Jalapeno's comedy.

After a pause, Leena led Aunt Jalapeno to the kitchen. She stayed with her, watching the knife in the hands of an expert chef. A while ago, Leena didnot observe Aunt Jalapeno's looks, but now that she noticed her features, Leena realized Aunt Jalapeno is beautiful with her curly curtain bangs and her sleek dressing style. Why did her husband cheat on such a wonderful woman? The lovely Devil was poking her shoulder to ask about it, but the Ugly angel jabbed her other shoulder to keep silent. Leena shoved them away harshly from her shoulders, and this time around, Leena listened to the Ugly angel. She will hold this secret for some other day. It's a bad habit to ask about personal affairs on the first day. 


After dinner, Leena, Aunt Jalapeno, and Nick had a walk in the garden. 

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Once the two went to their rooms, Leena went into the open terrace and settled on a poly rattan sofa. Surrounded by the trees, the light breeze from the swaying trees was a bliss she would love to enjoy with Devin.

''Beautiful view, isn't it?'' She felt a pair of familiar hands wrapped around her waist.

''I am in love with this place.'' Resting her head on his shoulder, Leena hooked her hands into Devin's elbows. ''I can watch the beautiful sunset with you from here.''

''Hmmm...'' He smiled, kissing the top of her head. ''I missed you a lot when I was in Norway.'' He continued. ''I would watch the sunset every day and wished you were there, next to me.''

''Even I missed you a lot during the whole week. I had a hard time sleeping without you.'' Leena's thoughts went back to the accident for a split second, but she forcefully replaced them with another. ''I am throwing a housewarming party this weekend. If you have any urgent work, postpone it. It's an order.''

''Yes, madam.'' He smiled, rubbing her nose. ''Who are all you have invited?''

''Oh yeah! Thanks for reminding me. I forgot to invite my friends,'' At first, Leena made a group video call. Jane, Reese, Harley, and Leah, all four, entered the picture.

Assuming that the call would go for hours, Devin went inside. He wondered what kind of stuff they will have to talk about for hours. If Devin calls his friends, he will wrap it up in one to two minutes.

Two hours later, Leena ended the call after discussing the plan for the party. ''Reese will bring banners and balloons. Leah and Jane will help Aunt Jalapeno with cooking. Who will help me in decorating the whole house?'' She muttered to herself. ''I can't stress Devin. He is still a patient. I at least need two to three people along with Nick.''

''Andrew Austin, my brother? How did I forget them?'' With a triumphant smile, Leena called Andrew, and the latter was ready to help her decorate the house provided that Reese should accompany him all the time. Leena granted the permission readily. The job must be done at the end of the day.

 Following after, she dialed Jasper, and that fellow denied the offer. ''Andrew can enjoy with Reese.'' Leena giggled.

''Did I forget anyone from Devin's friends?'' She pondered and suddenly remembered two important people. She immediately called up Kurt. ''What?'' Leena heard Kurt's voice from the other end.

''I am throwing a house warming party. I expect you at my home on Sunday.''

''I never knew you would know to speak politely,'' Kurt yawned, ready to go to bed. 

''I was taught to be polite from my childhood,'' 

''Whatever.'' Kurt scoffed. Housewarming party? I will get lots of delicious food. Why would I miss the chance? ''Since you are requesting, I will make myself free on that day.''

''Make sure you come in the morning itself. You can lose your tail from your boring cases.'' Leena's offer made Kurt thought for a while. His schedule is always busy with fieldwork and catching criminals. A day without them is going to be a great relaxation. ''Sure, I will arrive in the morning. You want me to bring things to decor the home?''

''You are too formal, Mr. Weller. Your presence alone is enough.''

Kurt coughed at Leena's words. Why is it hard to understand her behavior? Is it her, or is every girl the same? ''I_I will be there on Sunday.'' Having said that, Kurt ended the call.

''As if I will let you enjoy here.'' Leena burst into laughter and dialed one more important person, Kyle.

''Did I disturb you?'' Leena asked as soon as she heard Kyle's voice.

''No, no, nothing like that. How are you?''

''Good,'' replied Leena with a smile and informed her about the event over the call. Kyle readily agreed since she was free on Sunday. Tiredly, Leena made her way into the house. She still had people to invite, but that can be done tomorrow.


Kyle's heart was filled with happiness when Leena called her up to invite her. Leena must be considering her as an important friend.

''Who were you talking to?'' Kyle jumped at the sudden intrusion. Her gaze fell on Landon, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

''Did I scare you?'' Landon asked, sitting next to her. 

''When did you come?'' Kyle asked instead of answering his question.

''When you were talking over the phone. ''Who was it?'' Landon probed, taking her hand into his.

''My friend, Leena. She has invited me to a housewarming party.''

''Leena?'' Landon asked suspiciously. The name felt familiar in his tongue. Where did he hear? ''What's her full name?''

''Leena Hayes. You must be knowing Devin_''

''How do you know them?'' Landon's question was quick, like a thunderbolt causing Kyle to startle.

''I_I because Devin and I studied in the same school,'' Kyle answered dubiously. She wondered why did Landon rile up at her all of a sudden.

''Why didn't you tell me?'' Landon calmly questioned, but a heated turmoil was going inside him. He never thought the Sawyer family would send an illegitimate daughter to such a prestigious school.

''Because you never asked,'' Kyle answered honestly.

''Fine. It was my mistake.'' Landon sighed. ''Are you close to her? How often you talk with her?''

''Why do you ask_''

 ''Keep a distance from her, Kyle.'' Landon interrupted sharply. ''Call her immediately, and inform her that you are not coming to the party.''


''Just do it.''

''I Can't listen to your every word, Landon. She is my friend, and I am going to the party. '' She shot a furious glare at him and got up to leave, but the man pulled her back.

''Calm down, babe.'' Landon grabbed her hand and brushed it fondly. ''I wanted to spend time with you. Alone. Was it more to ask from my girlfriend?''

Kyle hesitantly shook her head

Landon leaned forward, trying for a kiss, but Kyle backed off shyly. ''Not here. People are watching.'' She wants her first kiss to be special and romantic, not on the hospital lawn. Maybe under the sea, with aquatic animals around. 

''Alright.'' He chuckled, bringing Kyle back from her fantasy. ''Can you message your friend and tell her that you are not coming?''

Kyle hesitated for a moment, fidgeting over her fingers. Why is Landon hell-bent on prohibiting her from meeting with Leena? Does Leena have a rivalry with him? She has to find out. ''I will call her later,'' Kyle replied.

''Kyle, I told_.''

''I promise. I will not go to the party.''

''Alright. I trust in you, babe.'' He smiled sweetly at her. He has to keep a tight watch on Kyle. He likes Kyle genuinely, but he can't let her ruin his life. Kurt is Devin's best friend. One thing Landon was happy that Kurt still doesn't know that Kyle is his girlfriend.. If that man gets a slight hint, he would use Kyle for his mission purpose and bring his doom.

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