The Devil's Sweetheart

Chapter 354 - VinquAero

The bright stars brought a glow to the terrace that stretched to infinity. Devin sat in a chair without uttering a word but nodding his head occasionally as Leena lectured him for his negligence. Savny was enjoying the show eating her evening snacks. He thought Leena's roasting would stop with the phone calls when he was in Russia, but it continued after returning home. Devin is applying the golden rules his dad enlightened him with on the day of his marriage. Wife is always right, and now he understood the true meaning of the statement.

''Eeena,'' Cutie suspended Leena's thoughts, causing Leena to look in her direction. 


''I am hungly.'' Cutie showed the empty bowl she just finished eating.

''You are always hungry.'' She snapped.

'As if you are not.' Cutie internally muttered but didnot voice her thoughts. Otherwise, her lectures would shift on her instead of Devin.

Giving a deathly stare to Devin, Leena held Cutie's hand to leave. Cutie looked back in Devin's direction and grinned, hoping that he would thank her for becoming his saving grace, but all she received was a cold stare from him. She scowled at Devin defiantly. He has no courtesy at all.

An hour passed since Leena started roasting Devin, and he didnot miss Cutie's smile as if she was enjoying the show, and at last, when Leena went hoarse, she has come to his saving grace. And he has to appreciate her! 

''At least, she left me now.'' Devin also made his way inside to have dinner.

With dinner ended, Devin sent Cutie to Nick's room and asked him to take care of her. When he stepped into the bedroom, he saw Leena leaning her back on the headboard, working seriously, with her laptop on the lap ''What are you doing, my Kitty cat?'' In a coaxing honeyed tone, Devin asked.

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''Updating my blog.'' She replied in a flat tone, concealing her smile about to break. Kitty cat? That's a cute name! A brownie point awarded for you, babylicious!

''What is the topic?'' He climbed onto the bed, moved closed to Leena, and intimately sheathed his hand around her waist. Her freshly showered scent is arousing him already.

''Look for yourself.'' Replied Leena and looked away to distract the wild thoughts he was putting on her mind. 

''How to deal with the careless husband.'' He read it out. ''You are still mad at me? '' With a shrieking yell, he threw the laptop aside, and in a swift motion, he thrust Leena on the bed. 

''A million times, yes...owww...'' She cried when she felt a sharp pain in her ear. ''Don't bite my ear, idiot.''

''It's not biting, darling. I am writing loving notes in the flesh.'' In a whisper, he rubbed his face against hers, the dark stubble of his, leaving a tingling sensation on her body, and when his hand reached for her shoulders to discard the dress, her desire eventually heightened, but Leena held his hand. She looked past the closed door and said. ''Savny might come.'' Her eyes lingered on the door, scared that Cutie would barge in. She doesn't want a kid to see these underrated scenes.

''Eyes on me, Sweetheart.'' With his index finger, he turned her face to him. ''Nick will take care of Savny.'' Not even an Earthquake will disturb his time with Leena for tonight. With that, he crammed onto her lips into a hungry kiss, and both dominated for the entrance. Without tearing his eyes away from her, he discarded her dress to feel the nakedness of her fire. Leena held onto his arms feeling his strong muscles beneath his shirt. 

''Devin....don't delay...please..put it inside.'' She was craving to feel him deep inside her, but Leena knew he would not give her readily until he tortures her. But still, she tried to unbutton his shirt, which was stopped  by a hand, which was not a surprise to her. ''Not so easy, darling. You have to wait for it.'' 

His licked her sensitive spot on the neck slowly and sensually. She pulled him down to her bosom, but he didnot needed any direction from her. Within seconds, his mouth latched onto her right bud, which was standing erect for him to devour. She squirmed underneath, her toes curled, as he continued his lascivious ministrations. For a second, he stopped, and lifted his head, and looked into her eyes filled with desire. ''Tell me exactly what you remember when we first had sex.''

He started again! Leena breathlessly muttered. Not a day goes by without his dirty talks. But she knew it's Devin's signature way to make her beg for more. She has experienced it several times. She has no choice except to surrender him. ''I_I was a bit was my first time...'' A deep moan traveled instead of her words when he slid his finger into her wet entrance.

''And then..what I did?'' He twisted her folds with his fingers to further drive her crazy. A groan escaped from the back of his throat, with the heat pulsating around his finger.

''And then..You came closer to me..'' She screamed when his fingers ran in and out of her entrance like a boar.  ''and you whispered...don't worry, Sweetheart.. I will be gentle.'' Is he taking revenge for the lectures she gave today? He was silent all the time when he was lecturing him, and she should have knows. Leena can't help but admit that her mind and the body responds to his dirty talks so strongly.

''Was I gentle, Sweetheart?'' Her sexy voice and her erotic moans are driving him crazy. He wanted to tease her more.

At first, Leena nodded her head, but then she shook. ''When you entered so hard, I experienced Heaven and hell at the same time.''

A smile appeared on his face watching her enjoy his best physical attributes. Satisfied with her answer, he replaced his fingers with his tongue and lapped onto the heights of heaven. When Leena gripped the bedspread to stay put underneath him, Devin loosened them and entwined her hands with his. He wants her to experience the complete pleasure he gave to her and not shift it anywhere else.

He flicked her deep wet folds and licked the juices that were sprouting from her entrance graciously. Hearing her unusual breathing, he knows Leena is near, very near, and in another three flicks, she will come. And he stopped without giving her what she wanted. 

''W_hat now!'' Leena breathlessly asked. ''I already told I experienced heaven_''

''Where do you follow your beloved photographer? What's his name?'' Devin wanted something more. He is waiting for this opportunity, and did she think he will let her go without knowing about that person?

''You shameless idiot!'' Leena screamed at the top of her lungs. ''You told me not to use unethical means, and you are the one to break them.''

''Unethical applies to only you, Sweetheart. I didnot let myself into the deal,'' He said. ''Now be a good girl, and tell me.''

Leena arched her back when his thumb grazed on her bud sensually. The pleasure he was giving her made her shudder and close her eyes. She surrendered and knew until he gets the answer, he will torture her. ''I_I follow on Instagram..Name..VinqueAero.''

Devin at first nodded his head, but when he recalled the name, he was welcomed by a sudden onset of revelation. ''What was the name?'' He asked again.

''It's VinqueAero. Happy now?'' She screamed. It's happening again. At first, her first kiss, and now her favorite photographer. Is there a limit to his jealousy?

VinqueAero! The moment Leena confirmed the name, Devin climbed out of bed, grabbed his mobile from the table, and turned towards the door.

Leena : '' ''

''Devin! Where are you going! '' She looked at her sides for any object, and she found her laptop lying on the end of the bed. She can't throw this on him. In the end, she grabbed the pillow and hurled it towards the door. It hit his head, but it didnot bother him.

  ''At least wash your hands, idiot!'' She yelled at the retreating figure.

''How can he leave me in the middle?'' Leena pulled the blanket upon her and knocked her head in frustration. How can he do this! In the middle of their intimate session, he fled away as if he was not bothered.

Meanwhile, Devin's happiness knew no bounds. ''That's my Instagram ID. Leena's beloved photographer is me! Have I been jealous of myself until now?'' He opened the account to find Leena's ID, and the actual problem started. With three million followers, how to search for Leena here? 

He went back to the room and heard running water sounds from the bathroom. ''Leena must be in taking a shower.'' Devin's gaze shifted on her mobile. That's it! Leena doesn't put any lock.. If he can look into her Instagram ID,  he will know the name. 

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