The Devil's Sweetheart

Chapter 371 - Puppet

Days passed in a blink of an eye. It's been three weeks; Merl began working in the company, and Nick has turned into a complete love-sick fool by now. Sitting on the terrace, Nick was enjoying the evening summer weather, chatting with Merl.

''Nicky boy!'' Aunt Jalapeno screamed, approaching him. ''I heard you are in love with a woman with all your butt. How can you forget telling this to your aunt Jalapeno? Aren't we one family?''

''Here she goes with butts again,'' Nick muttered, scowling at her. No wonder her husband ran away from her.

''Nicky boy's bums are no more yours, Aunt Jalapeno,'' Leena merrily laughed, peeking into Nick's mobile. ''You look damn good without make-up...Buttercup...Woah! What is this! I smell cheese.''

''Leena!'' Nick locked his mobile instantly, turning red in mortification. ''Don't you know what privacy is? You are the most shameless creature in the world.''

''Are you talking about me?'' Aunt Jalapeno butted in, twinkling her eyes.

''That was a nice one, Aunt Jalapeno.'' Leena high-fived her.

Nick wanted to bang his head on the wall. He can't deny the fact that both are shameless creatures.

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''Did you ask her out?'' Leena questioned, averting her eyes at him.

''Not yet.'' Nick sheepishly replied. ''I am taking her to dinner'' He scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment. ''Will she accept me?''

''Trust me.'' Leena smiled, patting his shoulder like an elder sister. ''Nobody can reject my nickelodeon brother.''

''Thank you.'' His voice choked, eyes watered hearing Leena address him as his brother.

''You made a good choice choosing Merl,'' Leena affirmed, ''I quite like her.''

''Is it because she brings you banana smoothies every day?'' Nick teased

''A part of it.'' She shrugged. Since the day Merl started working, she brings banana smoothies without fail. 

Just then, Nick received a call from Merl informing him that she is starting from her home. His heart began racing at the speed of a lightning bolt. ''I am going.''

''I hope your proposal goes as nice as your butt.'' Aunt Jalapeno wished him good luck with a serious face. Nick's face looked like a crumpled newspaper hearing her nasty comparison. He will take care of these two bullies when he comes back home. 

Nick drove to the hotel, all the while thinking of Merl. He approached the table reserved for the two, cursing inside in ancient Greek when he spotted Merl. 'Ma Dia!' 

Diva! She was looking beautiful yet divine. Donned in a red dress, he felt short of words to describe her beauty. Next time when he thinks of beautiful things, he will never forget to count herself in.

''Hey..'' He greeted, sitting opposite to her. ''When did you come?'' 

''Five minutes back.'' Merl smiled, and in her smile, Nick felt he had seen something beautiful than the stars. 

Control, Nick! To ease his nervousness, Nick ordered food, all according to her taste. He tried to bring the topic, but he would flinch back anxiously every time he opened his mouth. In the end, he volunteered to drop her at home to try his luck over there.

''Nick, are you alright?'' Merl asked as he halted the car at home. ''Do you want to say something?''

''I_I..'' Taking a deep breath, he started. ''Don't laugh at me..but would you like to go movies, hiking, cliff diving forever with me?'' He mentally prepared himself to propose to her in a cheesy way like the girl's usually love, but everything went blank at the sight of her. Nick waited for Merl's response. One second, two seconds passed. He didnot hear a word from her. His mood dropped an octave. ''Forget it.'' He said. ''Think that I never asked..''

''When do you plan to take me to a movie?'' Merl spoke out, at last, coming in eye contact with him.

Nick's mood brightened in moments. ''Are you telling..''

Merl unlocked the car door and ran into her house as fast as she can.

 ''I will take that as a yes,'' Nick screamed at the retreating figure. Before closing the door, she looked at him, a shy smile on her face, and that was all he needed for the confirmation. ''She is so cute.''

He immediately called Leena to share his happiness. The whole night he didnot sleep thinking of his future with his love.

The following day Nick got up to have a beautiful morning with his girlfriend, but all he got was work. He cursed Devin for assigning crucial work on the first day of his dating life. He sent a text message to Merl that he would be a little late to the office. She was sad, and he could feel it by the way she addressed him in one syllable. All thanks to certain someone. He reluctantly got up to get ready.


''Your usual banana smoothie, Leena.'' Merl put it on the table, along with the report of a client, for review.

''Thank you.'' Leena took a sip, and before Merl went back, Leena called her. ''I heard you both are dating.''

Merl timidly nodded her head. She talked for a while with Leena regarding Nick and went out, only to bump into the man. ''When did you come?''

''Just now. I did finish the work to meet you.'' Peeking at the employees, Nick dragged her into the office room. ''I missed you.'' 

 ''T_his is office.'' Merl stuttered, pushing him away at an arm's length. ''Leena strictly prohibited office romance.''

What kind of rule is that? There is not even a male species in the office except him. 

''Nick, can I ask you something?'' Merl's question brought him out of his thoughts.

''Anything for you.''

''Can you bring me blueberry muffins from Flavoroso.'' She asked. ''I am craving to eat them.''

''Sure..'' This is the first time Merl is acting spoiled around him. Although Flavoroso is a little far from the company, Nick didnot mind it since it's Merl.

''I will be back. Wait for me.'' He said, to which she eagerly nodded her head.

Moments later, Reese pushed Leena's office door. ''What are you doing?''

''Work,'' Leena replied monotonously, trying hard to concentrate on the report.

''Okay,'' Reese said. ''I am going out for a while. Rew wants to meet me urgently.''


Why is she suddenly speaking like a cold CEO? It is Leena. So, anything is possible. Reese muttered before going out.

Leena closed the file shut as if she was pushed into a concussion. The things around her felt dizzy. She felt like her innards were being replaced by some black hole. Her face went as pale as her eyes. '' happening..'' Leena rose from the chair, and then again, her knees also felt week. Never she felt helpless. Nick hasn't come to the office, and Reese just went out. She didnot even had the voice to call for help.

Her breath felt heavy. With her shaky hands, she grabbed her mobile to ring Devin, but the weight of the tiny mobile felt like a giant rock in her hands. Moments later, the mobile crashed to the floor.. With one step backward, she crumpled like a puppet suddenly released of its strings.

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