The Devil's Sweetheart

Chapter 382 - Destroy

Hearing the familiar name after two decades triggered the crude memories of his past. If his memory serves correct, Francis was sure Ruth Vaughan, her husband, and his son died in the firehouse. But why did Enzo tell Ruth is still alive?

''Do you know Enger?'' Devin demanded Francis with question after question. ''Who is this woman Ruth Vaughan? What relationship do you have with her?''

The room fell into complete silence. Arnold and Fredrick were as shocked as Francis, for they knew the ruckus the woman created in the past. Completely clueless were Devin and Kurt, exchanging looks at each other.

''It's time you should spill it, Francis.'' Enzo provoked.

Francis's eyes met Devin's eager eyes. Taking a deep breath, he started. ''Ruth Vaughan went to the same University of Heather and Evelyn.''

Nearly two decades ago....

Being the youngest son in the family, Francis was spoiled by his father and brother. While his elder brother was serving in the military, his father took care of the business, leaving Francis to enjoy himself. Except for enjoying partying with his friends, and nagging Heather, Francis had nothing to care for. His elder brother alone shouldered the company's responsibility after the devasting death of his father.

When Heather started attending University to study Medicine, visiting her once a week had become routine to Francis. He would hear whispers and stares from the campus girls when he and Heather were together. Although Heather didnot mind them, Francis didnot want to make her life harder, so he dragged Fredrick along with him. Fredrick cursed his friend for the first two weeks. Later he didnot had the reason because Evelyn happened to him.

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One fine Sunday, sitting alone on the campus park bench, Francis patiently waited for Heather, throwing glances at Heather's dormitory occasionally. All of a sudden, his vision was blocked. An unknown woman stood, smiling at him. He frowned at the woman suspiciously. She was eyeing him like he was a candy brought from the store. ''What?'' His tone, sharp and cold. Francis briefly looked at the woman before he returned his eyes to the direction Heather would walk in. But he couldn't handle the woman's brooding stares.

 ''My name is Ruth.'' She introduced herself and settled at the edge of the bench. ''What's yours?''

''What would you like it to be?'' He said with mock severity. It was a clear sign that this woman is hitting on him. Before Heather would see and misunderstand, he decided to escape.

''Whatever your name is, I don't mind.'' She said. ''But one thing is sure. The moment I saw you, I fell in love with you.''

Her sudden confession jarred Francis. He has got several confessions, but something about this woman raised a red flag. He got up to find a new place to sit when he heard her voice again.

''Whoever you are, I Ruth Vaughan will make you mine.''

Francis turned back sharply to reprimand her, but she was already gone, leaving the traces of footmarks for his evidence that it was not a dream. ''Psycho.'' He muttered. Momentarily, Francis forgot about her when he saw Heather waving at him from a distance. At that time, Francis didnot know the name Ruth Vaughan would create a hurricane in his life.

And it started ten days later.

Francis got a letter from an unknown person. A confession letter addressing him, and it didnot stop with one. Everywhere he goes, he felt someone was watching, stalking. In his investigation, he found it was the woman from Heather's University. At first, Francis ignored her and the letters, but Ruth started targeting Heather when Francis didnot reciprocate his feelings for her.

The day before Heather's exams, her books began vanishing. On the dormitory walls, Heather found evil symbols the moment she gets up in the morning.

It significantly took a toll on Heather's mental health, and Francis couldn't stand that woman anymore. At first, he gave her a warning, but she didnot heed to it. With no choice, Francis took a decision. A decision that was bound to create ripples in his life. He called Ruth Vaughan's father.

''Mr. H_ayes, you called me for?'' A man spoke up. His voice cracked in terror.

Wordlessly, Francis placed an envelope on the table and stared at his assistant.

''Your daughter, Ruth Vaughan's termination letter from riverside University. He expects her to leave the institution as soon as possible.'' The assistant zipped open the file case and handed another envelope to the man. ''My Boss being in an excellent mood, had arranged a groom for your daughter. He expects you to complete the wedding ceremony by the end of this week.''

''D_id she create any trouble? I will reprimand her_''

''You are barking up the wrong tree, Mr. Vaughan.'' The assistant spoke up, cutting him off. ''Perhaps, your daughter can answer your questions. I hope you understand the situation and act as a wise man unless you care for your job and family.''

Mr. Vaughan swallowed hard at the mention of his job. He nodded, took the envelope, and left.

Three days passed, Francis learned Ruth left the University, yet he didnot hear the wedding news. While Francis was chilling, having a happy time chatting with his mother, a woman entered his house before the security guards could stop her. 

''Sir..'' The bodyguard uttered. ''We couldn't stop her...''

''Leave,'' Francis commanded. On his order, the guards left them alone and stood outside. Francis looked at her finger and smirked. ''Congratulations on your wedding. I hope it went all well?''

''Was it you? My marriage alliance with that bastard. Was it your doing?'' Ruth barked like a raged dog. Her father tricked her into marrying a womanizer she loathed the most. She knows her father was forced into this, but he wouldn't reveal the person's name. Finally, the truth came out today. It was all Francis doing.

''What's happening here, Francis? Who is this woman?'' Margaret asked, clueless.

''Your son is the crudest man I had ever seen, Madam Hayes.'' She shot at Margaret.

''Had you not bothered Heather, I wouldn't have gone this extent,'' Francis called the guards back. ''Throw this garbage out of the house.'' 

Ruth screamed, wailed, as the bodyguards dragged her. ''Mark my words, Francis. My love for you left me with the revenge. I will destroy you. I will destroy the people you care about the most.''

'Francis chuckled. ''Good luck with that..'' The door was closed shut on her face.

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