The Devil's Sweetheart

Chapter 389 - New Life

As Merl's love began to hearten, so were her fears. Before Nick finds about her identity through another source, she wished to tell him the truth, but the moment her lips parted to utter a word, they would automatically close in fright. 

Days passed. Nick was as caring as he was to her. On one day, while having breakfast, Merl spoke up.

''Nick, I wanted to tell you something important.'' 

''What is it, sweety?'' His gaze from the food shifted to her face.

Merl shyly smiled at his honey-coated words. She was contemplating telling him the truth about her identity, but in the end, she said. ''I have resigned from my job. In another week, I will complete my notice period as well.''

''What!'' Merl's sudden statement perplexed Nick. ''Why did you resign?''

''I am not feeling comfortable over there.'' Replied Merl, digging deep into her plate like crazy.

''Why? Is Leena not treating you well?'' Nick questioned in a whisper. It was the only thought that occurred in his mind. It was a known fact to him that Leena hates Merl.

Merl hesitantly nodded her head. ''Leena believes I was the reason for a fight between you and her. I don't understand why she thinks in that way.''

When Nick didnot counter back, Merl knew it's time to grab the opportunity to shred Leena and Nick's relationship completely. She feared one day, Leena would know her identity and expose it to Nick. She can't let that happen.

She walked up to Nick's chair. Pushing his plate aside, she slid into his embrace. ''You deserve best in the world, Nick. You graduated from a top university, and you are not supposed to be sitting inside the four walls, guarding someone. Leena and Devin only treat you as a mere guard. You are nothing to them. Don't you agree?'' 

A slow, wry smile surfaced on her face as Nick nodded his head. ''I feel the same.''

''Leena will keep trying to separate us if we stay close to her,'' Merl said. ''Let's go far away. We will start a new life. We will get married and have kids.''

Merl glanced at Nick in hopes that he would agree. To her surprise, Nick lifted his eyes and cupped her face. ''Let's start a new life then, sweety.''

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''Thank you, Nick.'' Merl hugged him tightly. ''Is NewZealand fine with you? I love that country.''

''As long as it is you, I am ready to go anywhere.''

Merl giggled in response. She knows she is taking a risk, but if her love for Nick comes with a price, she is willing to take the gamble.

Three days later, Merl came up to Nick and informed him about her new job in New Zealand. She even booked tickets without telling Nick, which he didnot mind because they had already discussed. 

At last, Merl completed her one-month notice period in Bliss. She called her boss and informed him that she is moving to New Zealand forever. So, she cannot take up secret missions in the future. Since she succeeded in the last mission, Enger didnot find a threat, so he agreed without a second thought.

For the first time, Merl was extremely happy in her life. Everything was going according to her plan. The day before she has to leave for New Zealand, she decided to erase the last threat of her life.

Merl drove to the city's far end and stopped the car at a small, worn-out house covered with cobwebs. Upon knocking on the door, a man entered her sight. ''Woah! Finally, my dear friend remembers me?''

''Scram with your jokes, Lam,'' Merl chuckled. ''How is she?''

''She is a cry baby,'' The man named Lam complained. ''When am I going to get rid of this babysitting job?'' Swallowing hard, he glanced at the house walls in disgust. ''I can't stand these spiders, you know. If not you had paid the hefty amount, I wouldn't have agreed.''

''Well, I am here to free you today.'' Merl chuckled as she handed an amber-colored bottle to Lam.

Lam stared at the bottle for a few seconds. ''What is this?'' 

''Iocaine powder.''

''A what!'' He screamed in horror. ''You want to kill her?''

''Stop shouting, Lam'' Merl hushed her friend by knocking his shoulder hard. ''Mix it in the food, and bring it to the girl's room. I am going to feed her personally.''

''What's wrong with you, A? You are supposed to release her once your mission ends.''

''I know, but things changed.'' Merl sighed. ''Give her_.''

''No.'' He denied taking the bottle. ''Tell me everything.''

''Ah! You are as stubborn as a mule.'' Merl sighed before she explained everything to her friend.

Lam's face bewildered the more he heard. ''So, you fell in love with that man so hard that you wanted to abandon your identity and take up actual Merl's identity?''

Merl nodded, a smile on her face. Never she thought she would fall in love, but Nick has swayed her thoroughly.

''What if your boyfriend knows the truth? Sooner or later, he will find_''

''He will not,'' Merl said, her voice determined. ''That's the reason we are going to a faraway place.''

 ''What about the girl's parents then?'' He questioned again. ''If we don't return her daughter to the old man, I am pretty sure he will file a complaint. By then, we will be screwed.''

''I know you are worried about me.'' Merl chuckled. ''But don't worry. I have discarded the number already and erased the traces.''

Lan shook his head. ''You have sure gone crazy for him, A.'' 

''I am.'' She grinned sheepishly.

''Alright. Bring the food.'' Having said that, she covered her face with a mask, unlocked the adjacent room, and stepped in. The moment she switched on the lights, a girl who was curled up like a ball squinted her eyes to adjust to the brightness.

''Hi. We meet again.'' Merl bent to a squat.

''H'_i.'' The girl stuttered in fright. ''W_hen am I seeing my parents?'' 

''Today.'' Merl watched the girl's face lit up in sheer amusement. ''Aren't you happy?''

The girl rapidly nodded her head. Tears rolled out of her eyes in happiness.

''Her lunch.'' Lam came over with a plate.

''Your father is on the way to pick you up,'' Merl placed the food plate in front of her. ''Eat the food.''

''Is he really coming?''

Merl nodded.

Without further inquest, the girl began to gobble up the food. She is going to see her father finally. 

Merl felt terrible watching the girl's state, but she had no choice. It is the destiny of the weak to be devoured by the strong. Only the fittest will survive in the world. 

As Merl watched the girl eat in pure delight, she heard disturbing whispers from a distance. At first, she ignored it, but the sound gradually turned compelling. Has someone followed her? Merl sharply turned to Lam. ''Lam, close the main door_''

''You can permanently close the door after I handover you to the cops, Ms. Alfie Halane.'' A voice cut inside, as cruel as a new wife.

''Leena! No.'' Merl muttered, her voice trembled as she turned around. She was hoping her ears were playing a trick, but no. How did Leena know her real name?

Leena's gaze shifted to the girl on the ground who was looking at her innocently. ''How much did you eat?''


Just in time, a man came inside with a bottle. ''Leena Madam, it's poison.''

''She has consumed half the food. Take her to the hospital. Fast.'' Commanded Leena.

The man nodded and signaled the other guard to take care of Leena, madam. He then carried the girl away.

 ''How worse can you become?'' Leena spat at Merl. ''Nick is a fool to realize your true self.''

''So, you knew.'' Merl unlocked her mobile to text her boss, but her luck lay at the far shore because Leena was swift to snatch the mobile from her hands. 

Leena chuckled. ''You don't need to worry. I will take care of your boss.''

''Lam,'' Merl shouted. ''Run. Inform the boss.''

The bodyguard ran after Lam at Leena's command leaving Leena, and Merl alone. He wanted to stay to protect Leena, but she was too stubborn to send him after the man.

''I am warning you one last time,'' Leena commanded. ''Breakup with Nick, and leave him. I will pretend you have never existed.''

''Of course, I am leaving. But not alone.'' Merl's laugh was insidious. ''Didn't Nick tell you? Ah...I forgot that you are not on talking terms.''

''Let me enlighten you,'' Merl added on. ''Tonight, we are moving to New Zealand permanently. I will make sure to erase you people from his life.''

Leena's eyes went wide in shock. Is he going to New Zealand without telling me?

''What did you do to him?'' In seconds Leena grabbed Merl's throat, squeezing her breath with no escape.

''Le_ave me.'' Merl struggled to free herself. When she did, with her exceptional training skills, she threw Leena's body on the ground; her body created a loud thud. Leena winced in pain.

''He cares for none except me. You are not even a qualified stranger in his life,'' Merl added on with a delighted smile. ''Why do you care about_"

''You have got a nerve to harm my sister!'' A voice echoed in the empty room like a rising storm, cutting Merl's thoughts. Before Merl processes her thoughts, her body was thrown onto the ground with a resounding plop.

Merl was surprised.. But Leena was utterly surprised to hear the familiar voice at her support.

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