The Devil's Sweetheart

Chapter 436 - Virtual Entry

The stubborn she was, Nick couldn't persuade Leena to drop the Russia trip plan. Devin would surely disagree with this idea. Nick wondered how Leena was going to convince him if she desperately wanted to meet Morvena. ''Enger is keeping an eye on you.'' He stated the fact. ''I bet Devin will not agree.'' 

''Hence we are not telling the truth to Devin. We are going to Japan. I have a friend in Japan whom I studied with in college. He is a very influential man there. I helped him during our project when we were studying, so he owes me a favor. I will call him and inform our visit right away.'' Leena said tactfully.

''You had a guy friend in your college?'' That was a surprise to Nick. Except for Reese, Jane, and occasionally some girl's names, he had never heard about guy friends from her mouth.

''Hilarious joke.'' She used to interact with guys as long as they were within limits until that night of Ethan's torture. Past is past, she doesn't want to dwell on it anymore. Coming back to the present, Leena said. ''You and I will go on a business trip to Japan. We will meet my friend, spend a little time with him, and thereafter we will start to Russia secretly.''

''Wow.'' Nick appreciated, giving a big thumbs up to Leena. ''But..what if Devin investigates?''

''Unpossible,'' Leena stressed the word like it's impossible to impossible. ''We are traveling to Russia with the forged identities. My friend will manage that. To Devin, we are in Japan, but only we know the truth. How is our plan?''

'Master of evil,' Nick spoke in an undertone. The urge to praise Leena was at the tip of his tongue but bit his lips. She would start another drama. As a matter of praise, Nick gave another thumbs-up, agreeing with her statement. ''Since this is settled, can we go to the movie now?'' It's been a month since he had seen a horror movie.

''No way.'' Leena sternly said. She doesn't want to have a nightmare watching those fleshless creatures. Sticking to cartoons is the best. ''Let's go home and re-watch 'The secret life of pets. Snowball rabbit is insanely cute.''

''Cute? I hate his buck teeth.'' Nick mimicked Snowball by protruding his front tooth on his lower lip. Leena laughed hard till tears started to tear her eyes. ''You look like a bunny, Nick. Let's shop for a rabbit outfit after we come back from Russia.''

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''Along with that, let's buy a carrot outfit for you.''

''Why?'' Curiously, Leena asked.

''Because rabbits feed on carrots.'' Nick stuck his tongue out for this hilarious win. 

''It's not even fun.'' Leena rolled her eyes. By the time the chit-chat ended, they had reached home. Leena waited for Devin as she planned the strategies in her mind to safely inform him about their trip to Japan without planting a seed of doubt.


At the office, Devin concentrated on his work, brushing the thoughts of his memories. He has decided to tell Leena the truth by taking her on a romantic date though it will depend on how she accepts. Devin knows she will call him crazy for coming up with such a bizarre thought. ''How do I explain_'' Devin stopped his thoughts when his mobile buzzed. He glanced at the contact name without any expression. It was Walter. ''Hello,'' Devin answered, picking up the call.

''Can we meet up, Devin? I need to talk with you.''

''Regarding?'' Flipping the page of the file, Devin questioned. ''Is it my..'' He paused, focusing his complete attention on the call. ''Did you?''

''It is. But I can't tell you about that in the call.'' Came Walter's reply from the other end. ''I will text you an address. Please come to the location.''

''Alright.'' The call ended, pushing Devin into a pool of thoughts. His hopes raised again, but he never knew when it would crumble again.

Devin checked his calendar, and there was no scheduled meeting from now. He made sure meetings were kept minimal on Fridays.

He drove to the defined address. Walter arrived at the location and guided him to a house, more like it looked like a workshop. A couple of men, a woman, and a boy merely of eighteen years, were conversing until Walter called them.

''Guys,'' Walter called, bringing their attention. All the four smiled at Devin, and one particular boy waved his hand, laughed, showing all his front teeth.

''Who are they?'' Devin turned to Walter.

''Let me introduce them first.'' Before explaining the situation, Walter introduced them to Devin. He pointed his finger to the tall red shirt guy. ''Bella, my best friend, a chemistry professor at Columbia University.'' 

''Hi, Devin.'' Bella waved her hand at Devin.

''Hello.'' Devin greeted her with a smile.

Walter then pointed his eyes to the man sitting left to Bella. ''Elias, again my best friend, a neuroscientist.'' 

After the brief greeting between Elias, and Devin, Walter moved to the other two guys. ''Theo, a professional con artist. The one with spikes is Nico, a professional fighter.''

Nico immediately shot up, extending his hands. ''I am a big fan of you, especially Leena. She is so cute and funny. Our college has_''

''Nico.'' Walter interrupted the boy. ''Later.''

Nico pouted and glared at Walter like he stole his favorite candy.

Devin stared at Walter in confusion, demanding an explanation. All the four people Walter addressed have a different professions. What is he trying to say?

''Let me explain on behalf of Walter.'' Elias stood up and smiled at Devin before starting. ''Two days back, Walter explained your condition. I have been researching for eight years, finding a way to know if the brain can lock the memories of a specific object or person, but we doctors had no conclusion. I was surprised when Walter informed your memory case. With the years of research, I have done, I have a plan to extract your memories safely.''

''How do you do that?'' 

''By entering into your brain virtually. The team will accompany with you."

'Virtually entering into his brain!' Devin froze as the meaning sank into his brain. He has foolishly allowed a woman to mess with his brain, and now these fools expect him to do the same? ''Are you insane?'' Devin shouted at Walter.


I informed the book will end by Sep, but Devin's memories are taking longer time than I expected. I have just completed writing about Devin's memories today for the last privilege chapter. The ending may take another two or three weeks. The recent chapter might looks like it's going slow. I am bringing things together to one place. Please be patient for a while. In another two chapters, you will get to learn many things....

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