The Devil's Sweetheart

Chapter 454 - Frog Swallowed By A Snake

Before Morvena shut down from Leena's thoughts, she informed Leena. 'Keep in mind. An angel never touched by fear will disappear by a breath of fresh air.'

'What do you mean?'

There was no reply.

'Morvena, are you there?'

Leena gathered Morvena was off from her thoughts. Disappear by a breath of fresh air? What does it mean? Although Morvena speaks in puzzles, there lies a hidden meaning behind her words. She predicted the future and shared information about Devin's secret house, which helped her find his location. For now, Leena brushed the puzzle and concentrated on the mission she had to accomplish at night.

The plan was impressive, but the execution? It's not the idea but the implementation that counts. Getting off the bed, Leena went out to tour the house to have a clear picture.. 'My room is on the first floor. It took me one minute to reach the second floor. I walk at a normal pace, not to hint at the guards. When the lights turn off, I can walk at a speed of 1.5x. So, the relative speed would be...' Her brain stopped there. ''I am terrible at physics.''

''You are terrible in handwriting as well.''

Lips pursed, Leena turned around and found Enger staring at her with a goofy smile on his face. She humiliates him every chance she gets, but he comes back to her like the accusations didnot matter to him.

''Looks like you need a guide.'' Enger smiled at her. 

''No thank...actually, yes.'' She never got a chance to look into inside corners. Let's make this psycho the partner of her crime for today's mission.

''Follow me.'' There was a sense of excitement within Enger. When he compared her to the first day, Enger felt a drastic change in Leena. She is slowly opening up to him. It's only a matter of time she will forget Devin.

'Dunderhead.' She muttered under her breath.

At first, Enger took her to the lab on the top floor via a lift. The smell caused her nauseous until she couldn't stand for a second. Speculating that it would create suspicion on him, she told him to take her to the next floor.

Enger guided her to the third floor, which was shut, unlike other floors. ''This is the restricted floor. Only I use it. But there is no constraint for you. You can freely roam wherever you want.'' Enger stood in front of the safe and placed his thumb on the keypad. 

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''Does the scan runs on electricity?'' If it runs on power, she can never break into this floor with these CCTV cameras

''No. Wireless scanner. It is directly connected to my computer through Bluetooth. It's a way I keep safe from hackers.''

A smile curved on Leena's lips for a second before it disappeared. 'If I can prompt Enger and get the access to this floor, half my job is done.'

The door slid to the left, allowing them inside. A magnificent circular living hall greeted Leena with the indoor swimming pool in the center. To its left, an open spa, and to its right was a garden. Leena felt like she had entered into a fantasy city.

Enger could practically see Leena's eyes twinkling in admiration. ''Do you like it?''

''It's beautiful.'' It was so overwhelming that she didnot know how else to react.

''I am glad you liked it.'' Enger chuckled. ''You can come and relax whenever you feel like.''



''I mean..without access to this floor, I cannot enter.'' What a spontaneous question, Leena. The mouse has entered right into the den.

''Ah! That. Come with me.'' He guided her to his bedroom to activate her thumb recognition.

''That's it! Done. Your thumb is imprinted.''

If there were no Enger here, Leena would have jumped in happiness.

''Thank you. I Am hungry. Can we go back?''

''Sure.'' He smiled.

'Turn off that smile, psycho. You look like a bat blinded by the sun.' Leena cursed. After the little tour, Leena made lunch for herself, ate it, and went back to her room to sketch a plan for tonight.

Night arrived, and her eyes were glued to the ticking clock. ''It's already 8 O clock. When are you_''

Suddenly, she heard a booming noise, and the lights blinked once twice before turning the room to darkness. ''Did she do that for real? She is so cool.'' With immediate effect, Leena went out, only to get stopped by the guard. Damn these road blockers. ''Madam, please stay inside. There is a short circuit in the house. We are fixing the_

Before he completed his words, lightning followed by a screeching sound reverbarated. This time, it came from the direction of Leena's room. ''Is something wrong here?''

 ''Please stay inside. It's just a short circuit. I will send a maid for your aid to accompany you.'

''Alright.'' Leena closed the door shut.

The moment she heard the guard's footsteps trailing off, Leena opened the door and peeked to the left and then to her right. ''You can do it, Leena!'' Taking a deep breath, she said in a determined tone before turning her footsteps in the direction of the third floor.

Meanwhile, Enger kicked the door on the top floor and screamed until his voice turned hoarse. Two of the guards stood outisde, trying to open it, but the door was stuck like some energy was forced upon it. 

Enger would have assumed it was Morvena's work had he knew she was sound and doing well. Her body is brutally injured to the point that she doesn't have the energy to lift her finger.

 In a fit, Enger grabbed the mobile from the table and called Steven. ''What the hell is happening here? What about Leena_''

''Leena madam is safe. The guard confirmed she was in her room. It's just a short circuit. We will fix it in another ten minutes, sir.''

Enger breathed in relief hearing Leena was safe. ''Do it fast.''


At the other end, Wilbur stared at Devin and exhaled a deep sigh. Within five days, Devin lost a charm in his face. His stubble has grown into a beard, but he is not bothered.

Persuading this stubborn friend to eat was a waste of his energy, but Wilbur still repeated the same dialogue he had been doing for five days. ''Drink this banana juice at least.'' He used the last straw. Leena's favorite, but it looks like he has to change his plan.

''Leena doesn't like you starving,'' Andrew added. Reese, Jane sat on the floor, holding Heather's arms on either side for support.

''Devin.'' Fredrick, and Evenly patted his shoulder. ''You have been starving for five days. You need energy, son.''

''Did you find her location?'' Devin struggled weakly, voicing a faint mutter. In his distress, he failed to notice that his mobile blinked twice.

''Five days, we couldn't find her location.'' She was gone when he returned from the office. There was no trace of her. Carrot's whimpers, Nick's bloodied body, and unconscious Aunt Jalapeno welcomed him on that wretched night.

Francis's pulse was beating in his ears, but he let his fear aside. He can't let his work with all those emotions. Five days it has been since he saw or heard his baby's voice. 

Adney repeatedly watched the CCTV footage but found no clue. 

Kurt, on the other hand, was speaking to the higher authorities. His laptop blinked for a moment before a pop-up occurred. It was Elysian. Despite the situation, the name caused his body to shake in rage. 

[Elysian: Track this system's IP address, and find me. I don't have much time. Reply to this message fast if you see this.]

In due time, Adney's laptop also blinked with an incoming message. [Track this system's IP address and find me. I don't have much time. Reply to this message fast if you see this]

''Why is darling suddenly asking me to track the location? He always maintains secrecy.'' 

On the other hand, Francis's mobile vibrated, and he immediately unlocked his mobile when he received a text message. It was a messaging platform that was of no use. He was about to ignore it, but then the context stopped his tracks. [Track this IP address and find me here. I don't have much time. Reply to this message fast]

''Is it my baby?'' He mumbled.

''The nerve of this bastard!'' Kurt screamed, unable to hold back his frustration. ''He dares to hack into my laptop again and ordering me to track his IP address when I am on an important mission? What is he thinking of me?''

''Are you talking about this message?'' Francis showed his mobile with uncertainty.

Kurt's eyes went wide. ''It''s_''

''It's Leena. Find the location!'' Francis screamed. ''She sent the message to all of us so that at least one will respond.''

Hope was raised like a miracle in everybody's hearts.

'''s Leena.'' Hearing Francis's words, like his energy, bolted up, Devin fast rushed to Kurt's laptop. Indeed, there was the message. He quickly texted her. [I am here, Sweetheart]

[Elysian: Fianlly, you responded. I will cut this short, Devin because I don't have much time. Enger kidnapped me. He is planning to announce himself as the face of Leius labs soon. His company is manufacturing illegal drugs, and morvena's mother knows it. She has hidden the evidence somewhere in her home. Find them soon]

[First, I need to bring you back from there. We can talk about the evidence later.]

[Elysian: I challenged him I would destroy him before I come back to you. I still fear Morvena doesn't have the energy to hold the electricity, but she is holding it. I am still afraid Enger will find me before I go back to my room, but I am still risking. We struggled, letting our barriers, just to contact you, and you are simply telling me that you want to bring me back secretly as he did? Give me the honor I deserve.] 

With that, the inbox pop-up disappeared.

Adney, who was still in the state of digesting that his darling Elysian is his sister-in-law, woke up with a start when he heard a beep sound. He gazed at the screen. [Elysian: I don't know when I will be available again on the laptop, but I need your help. Brush the theories I taught you in the past. We are going to do something real deal. Don't leak this conversation to any of the family, not even Devin. It's between you and me]

Adney's fingers trembled as he typed the message, but before he hit the enter button, Elysian went offline.

Meanwhile, Kurt gazed at his laptop screen, as daze as a frog about to be swallowed by the snake. ''Elysian is Leena?''

Author's update: Sorry for posting the chapters three days later. I was writing the last chapters of the book. I wanted to give my best The book is officially ended. Two chapters will be automatically released everyday.

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