The Devil's Sweetheart

Chapter 80 - Hokey Pokey

One hour before.

Keying in the passcode which he received from Leah, Devin entered into the house and straight away started the search from the rooms which were lodged upstairs. He sought after the closets, drawers but he found no evidence in any of the rooms. While he was rummaging, unconsciously Devin's eyes flickered to the decorative paper bag which he spotted on the table. He swiftly strode towards the table, unwrapped it, and examined the name written on it.

"It must be a gift for the Maestro creation's CEO he is going to meet and he would have forgotten to take it while leaving. There is a high possibility that he may come back again." Devin was glad that he didn't allow the stubborn girl to enter into the house. He could not imagine his wreck if something happens to her. Also, Devin only permitted Drew to tag along with him so that he could safeguard his sweetheart in the car until he could go back with the evidence.

Without waiting further, he went downstairs and combed all the rooms but he could not find any sort of hard copies there.

He then went into Bernard's study room and checked all the drawers, but there was no such sort of hard copies.

"Was he bluffing or was he a real smart to hide the secret where no one could see?" With a long sigh, Devin marched into one last room, his kitchen. Even though he knew there is the least chance to find anything there but he didn't want to leave the least possibility. He did not want to lament over the fact that he has left out one room.

When Devin was scouring over the kitchen, his footsteps sensed a hollow beat between the planks on the ground at only a specific point. Devin would have knocked off the thought assuming it would be pretty normal to sense hollowness in the wooden floor but there was something questionable when a rug was put in there covering only the little part.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Instantly, he removed the rug, and there he found a tea-stained wooden oak floor. But what surprised him was, it was very strange to find a large hatch that is cut into planks which were secured by a decorative rope that was pinned to the wall. When one sees it, they speculate, it must be a kind of decorative piece. But who can fool Devin? He was sure it is a kind of secret passage

When he pulled the racket, he was amazed to see a wooden staircase that was leading to the basement.

"Did the scum watch Harry Potter way too many times?"

The moment he entered the basement, he swiftly scanned the surroundings and in no time he found an electronic safe at the corner of the room.

That's it. He must have hidden it in the safe.

Even though Devin doesn't know the passcode of it, he knows many ways to open such things. Since childhood, he has played with the machines and devices. He could have taken Leena to hack the electronic safe, but her safety is way more important. But Devin did not know she is fighting already with the scum. Had Devin been in the house, there is a chance that he could hear the noise but the basement is soundproofed to get any sounds to pass through.

"I have to get out of this mess before the scumbag is back. I have no mood to fight." Whispering, he pulled out a magnet from his pocket, Hokey Pokey.

A very rare dangerous magnet available on the earth and it's way hard to find it in this era. It was a gift from his grandfather on Devin's twelfth birthday and since then he has secured this charm with him and carried wherever he went. Hokey Pokey can cause huge damage to a person when beaten with it. It's a very destructive weapon that could open up most of the hotel locks, electronic safes, and any apartment buildings.

Putting the magnet into a small sack, Devin attached it onto the electronic safe. Just in three seconds, he unlocked the safe without causing any actual damage to it and pulled out all the documents. He scanned briefly which exactly looked the same he reviewed yesterday.

Seizing the documents, Devin swiftly walked out of the secret room and the moment he entered out of the secret safe, he heard a big clang of something falling onto the floor.

Initially, he didn't worry about it and walked out of the house but when he saw Drew wandering around like a lost puppy, strange feelings began to creep in.

Why the hell is he here?

"What the hell are you doing here, Drew? Didn't I tell you not to get down from the car until I come back?" Devin's voice roared like thunder, fury churned inside of him. His rage came out faster than lava in a destructive way.

An involuntary shudder ran down on Drew's spine. He could not come up with an explanation. He has searched the entire house to drag her to the car before Devin would come back, but that escaping idiot was nowhere to be found. So, he thought of trying his luck to search outside the house until he saw the devil.

"Vincy, I_I_actually she_"

"Did you let her out of the car!" Devin demanded.

When Devin did not receive any response, he abruptly pushed him against the wall. Drew squeaked in pain but it was nothing in front of the flaring beast. His aura of power, command, Drew was something which he wasn't prepared to face. Even if he does any mistakes, Devin would forgive but right at the moment, he looked like a beast ready to swoop anyone. His rage was building like deep water currents.

"Tell.Me." He enunciated each word with animosity.

"S_he entered into the house. To search_"

Devin shoved him even before Drew could complete his words and rushed into the house. The noise I heard earlier must be her. She has signaled him that she is with the scum.

Just when he reached into the house, Devin could hear the loud whimpers from the upstairs.

"Bastard, if you lay a finger on her, I will show you what hell feels like!

He was in a mess, but he didn't mind. All he cared right now was her. He rushed towards the room where he received the sounds. Devin tried to unfasten the lock but it was hooked from the inside.

"Damn it!" He banged the door in fury.. Devin only wished she would be safe and protect herself until he comes to her rescue.

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