The Devil's Temptation!

Chapter 137

137 Fading Scar

Roshan stood before the dressing mirror, studying the scar in his chest and to his disbelief, it was starting to fade with no signs of a new one appearing. He could barely see the signs of the scar and his skin was back to being flawless, that was if he’s seeing clearly and the early morning sleepiness weren’t blinding his vision.

Normally, when the scar fades, a new one appears as his punishment, making it difficult for the scar to be completely gone and he has to live with it for many years. His father had placed this harsh punishment on him when he refused to kill that rabbit in his childhood.

He still remembered the painful stab in his chest, the sword his father had used wasn’t any normal sword, he couldn’t heal after being stabbed directly at his heart region, that’s how he lost it and killed his father without any ounce of mercy, and he’s been living with the scar ever since.

But today, it was actually fading and there was no new scar appearing.

“But how is this... even possible?”

When it didn’t make any sort of sense, his mind instantly diverted to last night when Anna lovingly kissed him there and a soft shade of pink colored his ears.

He recalled vividly their whole escapades last night and it was one of the best nights he had. They didn’t do anything too extreme, but what she made him feel last night was....

He looked into the mirror and saw he was smiling to himself which was very unusual for him.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

It couldn’t be she was healing him, could it??


He turned to look at the woman who was still sound asleep on the bed, her brown hair spilled on the pillow in waves and she looked so demure under the covers of the bed sheet. Roshan’s gaze was filled with warmth after hearing her steady heartbeat and normal breathing.

Reaching for her bedside, he watched her face for a few seconds. The sun rays seeping in through the window casted a luminescent glow on her smooth, harmless face, her eyes were closed and her scanty long lashes rested peacefully on her cheeks, her pink lips were luscious and swollen from last night and he couldn’t help but bite his bottom lip, recollecting the blissful moment they shared.

Fighting the urge to steal a kiss from her, his eyes inadvertently landed on the locket on the table and he picked it. Opening it, he stared intently at the locket before shifting his gaze to the sleeping beauty.

“Aveline..” when he whispered the name, a vague memory of him putting the same locket on someone’s neck played in his head, followed by a giggling that sounded just like Anna as she turned around to hug him. Normally, the recollection would give his scarred heart a heartache, but now, it only made his heart beat in a pleasing way and just staring at Anna increased the pace.

“I guess we have met before.”


“Yes you heard me correctly, Roshan is back!” Lady Odette candidly said to the terrified Gretta who trembled inside her cell, slowly grinding her teeth to keep her rage intact and her fingers curled themselves against the iron cells, leaving her skin to burn but she didn’t mind.

Her hair was a mess on her head and her clothes were covered in dirt and sand, her eyes were red from excess crying and she looked no different from a helpless maid who was suffering in the hands of her lord.

“I don’t care anymore.” Gretta admitted while swatting Lady Odette’s word away, releasing her fingers when it was starting to burn her skin a little deeper, “so what if he’s back, I’m already being punished aren’t I?”

Lady Odette let out a mocking scoff, feeling sad for her niece as she might not know how worse things can get, “you speak like you have no idea who Roshan is, this is the heavens punishment, not Roshan’s.” She critically reminded.

“I don’t care Aunt!” She yelled out her frustration, “the family ball is approaching and I’m here, in a cell, I mean just look at me!” She stretched out her arm, wanting her Aunt to see how bad her condition is, “I look like an old haggard woman when other ladies of my status are busy visiting expensive stalls and paying a visit to the seamstress, just to get a good dress!”

Lady Odette really felt like slapping some sense into Gretta after hearing her speak rubbish, “you’re talking about a family ball when your life is at stake?”

*It’s better to die than not attend, father won’t even care if he finds out about my condition,” she grimaced, “everyone will be here, I mean what if they show up and ask for Gretta, then they’ll here she’s in a dungeon, facing hard labor, Azazel won’t hesitate to embarrass me and he’ll ruin my reputation.” Gretta really felt like crying and looked at her Aunt with pleading eyes.

“Get me out of here, this place is making me lose my glamorous reputation, I’m a beautiful woman from a respectable home, this can’t be happening to me.”

“Silly brat! What were you thinking going after Anna’s life in the first place?” Lady Odette half-scolded her and it made Gretta’s face fall in displeasure.

“It wasn’t my intention to kill her I promise, Azazel is being cruel to me and Roshan might be ten-times worse when he finds out. Don’t leave me here Aunt, get me out.”

Sighing to herself after seeing Gretta’s innocent pleading face, she finally crouched before Gretta’s cell. A bit hopeful her Aunt would get her out, she tried to touch her but was instantly stopped mid-way.

“Not that I despise you, but you’re somewhat.... in fact very much dirty at the moment and I wouldn’t want to ruin my dress.” Lady Odette curtly pointed out, crushing Gretta’s heart and she quickly changed the subject.

“I have a plan, and the chance of it working is high, but the chance of you accepting it is pretty low.”

“Tell me Aunt, I’ll do anything!”

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