The Devil's Temptation!

Chapter 141

141 Teasing Gone Wrong

The discombobulated Annalise found it difficult to decipher what just happened in there. She really wanted to know what all that was about but how could she even speak when Roshan kept dragging her through the hallway, barely minding if the guards and maids were watching them.

“Roshan...” She tried to get his attention but his grip that was like claws against her tiny wrist tightened. Azazel who was getting ready to leave for duty caught a glimpse of Roshan taking the human girl up the stairs, the look on his face showed he was displeased about something and that made Azazel shake his head helplessly.

Taking her up the stairs and coming to a halt when they reached the empty corridor, he let go of her wrist and when Anna closed her ears with her palm like she knew a scolding would be next thing she receives, the glacier didn’t say a word as he looked at her.

She opened an eye to see he was staring at her, but he wasn’t scolding her. It made her even more nervous because if he wasn’t scolding her, then surely she’s bound to expect something even more treacherous.


“Go to your chambers.” Was a response she never really expected and when she tried to speak, he turned and walked away, leaving the dumbfounded Annalise to stand all by herself in the corridor.

He’s leaving just like that?

“Wait.” She took quick steps to his side, blocking him from leaving and he met her stare with a raised brow, silently asking why the annoying woman had stopped him.

Anna didn’t need him to say anything for her to know he was mad at her, his facial expression was enough to convince her but why wasn’t he scolding her? That’s what bothered her most.


This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

“Why are you upset with me? What did I do wrong this time?” To be honest, she still doesn’t have a clue on what she did that has gotten him this upset and Roshan really couldn’t believe she was asking him an obvious question.

“What did you do wrong?” He clicked his tongue and really wanted to say something to the annoying woman who looked lost in all of this, but restrained himself from speaking as he might hurt her feelings in the process.

“You did nothing wrong.”

“You’re lying to me, if you want to lie at least make sure to get it right.” Came her remark and his way of talking to her somewhat changed because he was sounding more formal than usual.

“Why won’t you tell me?”

“Why should I bother when nothing I say is hardly taken seriously by you.” He responded in a not so quiet tone, “I told you to stay with Gemma and Levi cause they’re the only ones I trust with your safety. Not everyone here has a good motive Anna and I wonder when you’ll come to realize that those two are but green snakes in green grass!”

He wasn’t hiding his anger this time around and it baffled Anna to see him react like this.

“What could I possibly have done?” She countered back, finding the situation to not be her fault in the slightest, “she asked for me and I can’t just turn her down after knowing her position in your family. it’d be completely rude of me to ignore, whether or not I mind the fact that she doesn’t appreciate my presence, I’m a maid.”

“Exactly,” he didn’t deny it and pointed at himself while looking straight into her eyes, “my maid, not hers or anyone else out there, it’s not compulsory for you to listen.”

“You’re scolding me like I’m the one in the wrong and it’s not fair!” At first his actions had left her taken aback but he was making everything sound like she was the careless one in all of this and she wasn’t going to take it. She was only being respectful and she couldn’t understand why it had him riled up like this.

Besides, they didn’t even touch her.

Roshan wanted to say something else but after seeing her hurtful expression like his words had really affected her, he remained silent and this was why he didn’t want to say anything in the first place, but he made no attempt to comfort her.

She needs to understand that staying with those two will only bring her trouble and he was only scolding her for it because he’s genuinely worried about her safety. If they did something to her he wouldn’t have been able to handle it but then, she doesn’t seem to understand that side of him, neither is he ready to explain himself or his feelings to her.

She had the right to assume whatever she felt like.

“Forget it, I’m done with this.” He uttered in a low tone before walking past her and not even turning around to look at her as he made it down the stairs.

Anna’s heart clenched in sadness and she swallowed the uncomfortable lump that was starting to fill her throat, leaving her chest to ache as she watched him leave.

Must he always be so hard on her??

The day slowly went by with the two of them not bothering to cross paths after their argument, Roshan kept himself occupied with matters of the palace and he barely paid attention to his uncle that brought up the discussion about the barrier that was slowly starting to break, thus, leaving them open to any attack from their rivalries.

Anna on the other hand spent her time with Becca and Gemma as they indulge themselves in exciting conversations that successfully distracted her mind from the issue with Roshan, except, it didn’t last long like she hoped it would.

She did everything and even spent time with Levi who accompanied her through their palace garden and he was also another fun demon to be with, a cute one too who wasn’t as hot-headed like the glacier himself.

Great, now she’s comparing!!

When the days finally darkened, Anna decided to pay the demon a visit, knowing his temper would have calmed by now.

She made it to his chambers on the third floor and gathered enough courage before knocking on the door. Apparently, he had sent a maid to get him juice, giving Anna the opportunity to use this as an excuse to see him.

As always, he didn’t respond whenever she knocked on the door and she nibbled her lower lip, wondering if he knew she was at the door or not.

‘He couldn’t have stepped out so quickly again, could he?’ she inwardly thought to herself before opening the door and taking her head in.

Thankfully, one of the chandeliers hanging above the ceiling bathed the room in a warm blue light, aiding her sight to a tolerable extent and when she studied the chamber further, she caught sight of a figure, resting on the couch at the corner of the room, his hand helped in supporting his head as he seemed to be asleep?

Coming in and closing the door as quietly as she could, she walked up to the being who appeared to be asleep, but she wasn’t completely sure since his hair was covering his face.

Going on her knees and dropping the tray of juice on the table, she tried to see his face clearly as she tilted her head to the side, wanting to be sure if he was asleep but he barely shifted or reacted to the presence of someone in his chamber.

“Is he really asleep?” Before she knew it, her hands had already reached for his face, gently moving his hair to the side and tucking it behind his ear, leaving his gorgeous face to be even more visible before her eyes.

His eyes were sealed shut, leaving those dark feminine long lashes she grew jealous of to rest comfortably on his cheek, his expression looked soft, especially under the blue light of the chandelier and Anna hadn’t even realized that she was starting to admire him. It’s still somehow hard to believe that this same man had kissed her and made her experience things she never really knew of or felt until that night.

“You look even more handsome in your sleep, Roshan.” She whispered before playfully poking his cheek with her finger and thankfully, he didn’t respond.

“Are you really asleep? Huh? You scold me and then decide to sleep? Are you that heartless?” She poked his cheeks again while holding back a giggle, currently enjoying how she teased him.

“You’re so lucky I can’t find a paintbrush, if I did, you won’t be able to recognize yourself tomorrow morning.” She poked his cheeks again except this time, he unfailingly caught her wrist, startling Annalise as she gasped in accordance to her startlement.

Roshan’s eyes flickered open and she found herself staring right into those beautiful hazel-green eyes that appeared tired, yet carried a silent warning that made her gulp in fear.

Roshan stared into her shock-filled eyes as she wasn’t expecting him to wake up from a mere touch and he raised a taunting brow at her.

“You were saying.” His voice brought her back, as though asking her to repeat her statement and a nervous laughter left Anna’s lips as she shook her head in denial.

“Oh me? I...I wasn’t saying anything, his highness was asleep, I was only complimenting how handsome his highness looked while sleeping. Ever heard of cherry blossom flowers? That’s what I think about whenever I see your face. Your parents must be such beautiful people to have birthed you. There’s really no one like his highness in the entire–”

“Shut up.”

And Anna instantly kept quiet, already aware of the fact she was rambling rubbish and a feeling of embarrassment took over her as she avoided his gaze. She didn’t need anyone to tell her she was in huge trouble now.

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