The Devil's Temptation!

Chapter 144

144 Faint Ringing Of A Bell

Studying the Grimoire in his bedroom chamber, Roshan still found it difficult to access the mysteries behind the Grimoire. Most especially the missing letters.

It’s quite unusual for a Grimoire to lose letters without any notice. If the words were fading, he would have understood but every other word was still visible on the damn scroll.

His lips twitched to the side, if he doesn’t figure this out soon, he might as well be saying his last goodbyes to Anna and that was the last thing he wanted. She doesn’t deserve such a harsh punishment all because her soul chose to leave some Limbo. He wasn’t familiar with the rules of the limbo like Azazel was but if there was one thing he came to know about the limbo, is that a soul doesn’t just leave without having some motive.

He got to understand that after reading through the books in Ark Ville.

Sighing dejectedly as his brain was already giving up on the stupid Grimoire, he fell back on his bed with his right hand resting on his forehead. His eyes were sealed shut as he tried to calm his fired brain, stopping himself from overthinking and getting worked up but then, something clicked at the last minute.

His eyes instantly snapped open as a significant concept spread through his brains and he sat up once again. His gaze traced the empty space below the Grimoire, where the solutions were meant to be written. Despite it being plain, something told him it wasn’t.

The missing letters..... what if the words didn’t fade, what if the words weren’t erased like they said, what if they were hidden?

The probability of it being possible was a clear 50/50 and he was willing to risk it all. To save the one woman who showed him genuine care and affection, he doesn’t mind risking his life as well cause in the end, he knew everything would be worth it.

A knock on the door broke him from his train of thoughts and the one person he guessed to be at the door was Annalise.


Keeping the Grimoire under his pillow, he adjusted his night robe and brushed his fingers through his messy hair, making sure he looked good enough before clearing his throat and relaxing on the bed.

“Come in.”

The door opened as expected, but the bright face that popped in wasn’t the face of Anna, but it was the face of Levi as the enchanted being smiled his way, letting it spread across his features till it reached his eyes.

“Brother, I’m no lady but that doesn’t mean this innocent man can’t fall into your temptation, you know.” He joked and Roshan only rolled his eyes in response. The disappointment was obviously visible on his face, giving Levi a hint that this brother of his was probably expecting someone else.

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“Go away, I’m not in the mood to be disturbed by the likes of you.”

“I never see you chase Azazel away all the time.” He low-key mumbled. He was used to being chased away though but he was someone with feelings too, he’s bound to get jealous seeing Roshan hang around with Azazel most of the time, but not with him.

Still lingering at the door, Roshan’s right brow rose in Levi’s direction, silently asking what he was waiting for.

“Be remorseful for once and invite me in.” He was half-scolding the glacier who was really oblivious to the fact his feelings were hurt.

“Levi..” Roshan really has no idea what to do with this clingy demon. He only wished Anna was this clingy.

“Fine, fine.” He raised both his hands in clear surrender, “we’ll have it your way.”

“Good, you’re going to dress up and do a horse race with me. This is a family ball and we shall be bonded in the right way.” He made it very clear to the glacier, “I’ll get Azazel as well, for once we need to hang out as brothers, and this is the perfect time.”

“What do you mean perfect time?”

“Some of the family members arrived this morning, not sure if you’re aware but skip that part, I made a challenge with them, a very harmless horse racing challenge.”


“Before you yell at me,” he quickly interjected, “it’s a challenge for guys only, the ladies can watch if they’re interested but I’m more interested in hanging with my two brothers, so get out of that bed and stop staring at me like that. See you downstairs”

Without waiting for Roshan to vent his incoming frustration on him, he quickly stepped out of his chamber, leaving the glacier alone to himself.

He hasn’t even gone to see any of them, but could feel a terrible headache starting to strike his head just at the mere thought of it. Sadly, he couldn’t avoid it, sooner or later he’s bound to run into them.

And pick a mate?? He scoffed before getting out of bed.


At the dining.....

“Thank you for helping me clear the table” Becca gratefully thanked Anna who followed her to the kitchen to drop the used plates and cup in the sink.

Anna shook her head with a smile before responding, “it’s nothing, just glad I could render you some helpful service.”

“I really appreciate it, with the family ball approaching, we’re going to have our hands full in these three days.” She informed with a whisper while reaching to wash the plates on the sink.

“I hate to agree,” Anna nodded in agreement while helping her rinse, “more guests showed up this morning and lady Odette made me attend to almost all of them.” Anna didn’t hide her exhaustion. She was eager to greet Roshan this morning, but got stopped by lady Odette who asked for her help in attending to the guests.

“That was me last night,” Becca understood her point, “yours is actually far better than mine, those hot-looking demon guys didn’t seem to demand too much, the young demoness I attended to yesterday, I think her name was Roseline, she’s a true demoness, she had issues with almost everything I did yesterday, if I had my way, I would have kicked her back to wherever she came from.”

Anna giggled at Becca’s displeased reaction, “specs on being a maid, you get to see new characters everyday.”

“Tell me about it.”

They laughed together before continuing their conversation.

“It’s saddening we’ll have to attend to the female guests from now on.”

“Female guests?” Anna didn’t quite grab that.

“The males will be separated from the females, a time for the males to hang out more and the females to know one another better.”

Hearing her speak, Anna’s heart dropped in her chest. “That means we’ll also be separated from the male demons?”

“Correct, we might be sent to work for the demoness instead, our days of working have just begun.”

Anna tried not to let her uneasiness display, she won’t be able to see Roshan for a whole three days??

But if they’re separated, how is he going to pick a mate if he doesn’t even spend time with them? Not that she fancied the idea but it felt more appropriate if he was meant to pick one.


Before she got a chance to voice out her words, Gemma ran into the kitchen, tugging at Anna’s dress to gain her attention.

It startled both Becca and Annalise who weren’t expecting her sudden presence, and in the kitchen too.

Looking at the cute demoness who playfully tugged at her dress, Anna finally crouched to her level, wondering what brought her here.

“Is there something you want? Do you need some juice?”

Gemma shook her head before bringing out the pretty golden bell from inside her sleeve, she showed it to the confused Anna with a mesmerizing glint in her eyes.

“A bell?”

Anna took it from her small hands since the little one was offering it to her and when she wriggled it from side to side so it’d ring, it was as stiff as a rock.

“It’s not ringing.”

Gemma made a love sign with her hands and pointed at the bell.

“A heart?”

She shook her head again and made the love sign, leaving Anna to shake her head with a knowing smile.

“We can play a game of charades later, right now Becca and I are busy and......”

She shook her head once again, making the love sign with her hands and wanting Anna to guess the word.

Seeing the little demoness was being persistent, Anna could do nothing more but agree to her wishes.

“Okay, uhm is it love?” As far as she knows, if it wasn’t a heart, then surely it had to be a love sign.

As expected, Gemma nodded and suddenly pointed at the bell, leading Anna’s gaze to fall directly on it.

“Love bell?”

Her smile broadened and she nodded, Anna stared at the golden bell that had a red knot tied to its stem.

“What does it do?”

At that moment, Roshan made it to the top of the stairs, waiting for Levi to show up when he indubitably locked gaze with Anna who met his stare from the downstairs kitchen.

Suddenly, the bell rang faintly in the ears of Anna.

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