The Devil's Temptation!

Chapter 157

157 Do You Like Me?

If Roshan had to be honest, the palace wasn’t even meant to be his destination. He had training to handle outside the palace but was tempted to steal a peek at that annoying woman’s face before he leaves, cause he won’t possibly see her until when he returns tonight.

But little did he know that his choice would end up saving his woman from a dangerous fall, witnessing how she was maltreated by one of the demoness he was meant to pick as a mate and the look in his eyes darkened.

Anna on the other hand, stared at Roshan in a daze, a bit shocked and surprised to find him lingering in the palace, but he wasn’t looking at her, his gaze was fixated on the woman who dared to hurt her in the first place.

Several gasps could be heard from the background as no one expected Roshan to show up, most especially Roseline whose face had paled, making her look no different from a ghost.

Wasn’t his highness meant to be in training? What is he doing here???

Roseline was very much aware of the death rays beaming in her direction. Swallowing her inexistent saliva, she replaced her nervousness with a smile.

“Uhm... Roshan...I mean your highness...this girl actually....” She wasn’t even given the chance to explain herself when Roshan rudely turned his back against her, obviously not interested in her hearing her silly excuse cause he witnessed it all himself.

With Anna protectively secured in his arm, the glacier slowly bent to pick up her shoe for her, and when Annalise wanted to retaliate and stop him from doing it, his deep commanding tone made her freeze against him.

“Be still.”


Anna couldn’t help but blink in puzzlement, from his icy tone alone, she could detect he was bottling up his rage, but was he mad at her, or the lady Roseline?

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

And knowing how Roshan gets when upset, Anna obediently listened and just held on to him like he wanted her to.

He picked her shoe from the ground and ignoring everyone else around as though they weren’t even there, he took Annalise out of the courtyard and up the stairs, in his arms, in front of the maids and demoness whose mouths were left hanging agape.

Roseline couldn’t believe the scene in front of her, she was so close to getting her revenge on that woman, but once again, Roshan stepped in to save her, and completely ignored her presence like she was a pile of trash he couldn’t bear to look at.

All for a maid???

Her hands balled into fist and she instinctively yelled at Roshan who was taking the lady up the stairs, pointing a finger at them.

“You can’t just act like you never saw me here!” She said, making sure he gets aware of how much his ignorant attitude had hurt her feelings, for goodness sake she would be his future mate, she could feel it but that doesn’t mean she’ll stand for this attitude of his as well.

“Forgive my manners,” Roshan responded without turning back to look at her, “but I don’t give things that hold no importance to me too much attention, cause they don’t interest me.”

“So you mean that thing in your arms matters more than me?!” To say her heart had been stung deeply was an understatement. How can he possibly say such a thing to her??

She’s heard about how arrogant his highness can actually prove himself to be, but never did she know that his heartlessness could reach the point he doesn’t care about her feelings in the slightest.

He was embarrassing her in front of everyone!

“If you’re curious to find out how much she means to me, then I dare you to call her a thing in my presence again.” The darkness in his tone came and faded like a wreath of mist at eve, leaving Roseline to uncontrollably shudder at his words and as expected, she didn’t dare to test his patience.

Meanwhile Anna was left to blink simultaneously at the man who had her in his arms, dumbstruck to see Roshan speaking to one of the demoness in that tone. He really made it clear that he cared more about a maid than a high-class demoness, even overlooking the fact that the demoness was more prettier than her and might end up being chosen as his mate.

As shocked as she was, her heart fluttered like they were butterflies tickling her on the inside. It made her wonder if his emotions relate to the fact she was Aveline as well.

Finally shutting the demoness, Roshan headed up the stairs and Roseline, who had solidly been rooted to her spot, heard someone snicker and when she looked up the stairs, it was the rest of the demoness.

“Oh my, I have to say out of all the dramas you enjoy causing, this was one of the best, Weldon!” Her sister, Melrose, clapped for her with a taunting look and Roseline felt like sinking to the ground right now.

Showing up in Anna’s chamber, Roshan finally made her sit on her bed. Anna wanted to say something but she stopped when she noticed him crouching on one knee, wanting to help her with her shoes and she took her leg back before he got a chance to wear it for her.

“No, you don’t have to do that, I can put it on myself.” Anna quickly suggested, unwilling to let him help her this far since he’s helped her enough already but the glacier didn’t even act like he heard a word she said, grabbing her right foot and holding it in place.

“Don’t shy away, it’s not the first time I’m helping you put on your shoes, silly woman.” And with that, he slipped her shoe right in. It was a perfect fit, just like when the prince was putting on the shoe for Cinderella and smiling at how perfect it was.

That was exactly how Anna envisioned their moment right now to be and her cheeks flushed.

There really was a time when they couldn’t even stand each other, not like that has completely changed but it had reduced to a tolerable rate, leaving her head ringing with a question and Roshan let go of her feet.

“Uhm Roshan.”

He lifted his gaze to look at the woman who instantly looked to her left, avoiding to meet his eyes and he understood why, noticing the visible blush on her cheeks. He wanted to tease her for being so cute, but realized he has to head back before everyone starts looking for him.


“I...I want to ask you something.”

“Then hurry up, I need to be somewhere at the moment.”

“Do you like me?”

At that question, Roshan’s head went blank.

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