The Devil's Temptation!

Chapter 162

162 Are You Coming With Me Or......

Quietly exiting the courtyard and leaving unnoticed, Anna instantly took to her heels without giving it a second thought, running through the hallway like a mischievous child who was fully aware of what she had done, and deliberately escaping the consequences of her actions.

Anna didn’t need anyone to tell her she’d be blamed for everything that happened in there, most especially by Roseline and Lady Odette, so it was best to flee from the scene while she had the chance.

Well, to be fair she had planned on it but it seems like they were already destined to encounter the bridge even before she could commence her actual plan.

Stifling her laugh as she ran through the decorated hallway, a small yelp left her lips when someone unceremoniously grabbed her arm, dragging her into a secluded corner that’d make it impossible for anyone to notice their presence and before she knew it, she felt her back against the cold wall, staring into the hazel-green eyes of a certain glacier.

All she heard was a quick gasp that uncontrollably escaped her.

Her eyes had widened in alarm as she wasn’t expecting such action but after realizing it was no one else but Roshan, her chest heaved in relief and she nearly hit him for scaring the wits out of her like that.

“Looking for me?” He asked with a foxy smile, but Anna lovingly pulled at his cheeks before shaking her head to his disappointment.

“Not at all your highness, I was hiding from Lady Roseline and the rest.” She giggled lightly while stealing a peek at the hallway, just to make sure no one was coming before returning her gaze to Roshan.

“I see..” he hummed, “did you take my words too seriously, young woman?” He had suspected those demoness wouldn’t crowd themselves against an unsteady bridge like that, unless a particular someone had done something to ruin their elegance.


And to prove his words correct, he caught her snickering in the background after that.

“Anna.” As expected, she could hear Becca call out to her, but before she got a chance to respond, Roshan suddenly placed a finger to his lips, indicating she shouldn’t say a word and knowing what the naughty demon was capable of doing if she disobeyed, Anna obediently remained quiet.

“Anna.” Becca’s footfalls could be heard as she walked through the hallway, searching for Annalise and it got to a point when she finally stopped with a look of confusion etching her face.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

She placed her hands on her hips, as the human maid was nowhere to be seen.

“Where did she go?”

Anna could hear her say but there was no time to respond, Roshan didn’t let her and instead, she felt his hand slide around her waist, pulling her close till her hands landed on his chest and she could feel it against her palm.

His racing heartbeat pulsed through her palms as he refused to shift gaze and just held it like he was staring into the most precious jewel he’s ever laid eyes on.

It made her heart race in return as she shyly avoided his stare.

“I should check her chambers first.” Becca suggested to herself before going up the stairs. When her footfalls could no longer be heard, Anna tried to escape from the clutches of the young man who had her trapped with him, but his hand around her waist didn’t give her that chance.

“Why are you here?” She whispered while meeting his intense stare, “If someone sees you here then we’ll both be in trouble, go now.” She tried to drive him away before some nosy maid makes her way in, but Roshan was adamant on staying as he grabbed the hand she was using to push him away.

“I came here to steal you away from them, I can’t leave if you refuse to come with me.” He made it clear in a firm whisper, giving her a choice that it’s either she leaves with him, or gets caught in the act with him.

But the truth was, he didn’t mind getting caught with her. He doesn’t fully remember the memories of Aveline but he could see her face, that pretty delicate of Anna in his head, her smile and many other memories relating to Aveline and he just wanted to kiss her, hug her, shower her with all the love he couldn’t possibly give to her back then, before she died but he would make sure that she stays alive in this life, even if it meant him dying.

From today, he would make sure she experiences only happiness, even if he wasn’t capable of giving one, he would try his best to make sure she stayed happy.

“Are you coming with me or....” His other free hand suddenly reached to loosen the lace that held her cloth from her bosom to the belt around her waist, and Anna felt her heart would burst from her chest if she didn’t stop him.

When she didn’t respond to his question, he loosened the first row of lace, snapping her eyes open to the reality that would befall on her if she remained quiet.

“Wait!” She squeaked, leaving the glacier to lift his sexy gaze from the lace he was slowly undoing to meet her flushed face. She looked like an innocent creature that he couldn’t wait to corrupt.

“I’ll come with you.” She breathed, feeling her heart drum rapidly against her own ears and only then did she feel his hand let go of the lace in her dress.

“Good choice.” He pecked the corner of her lips, leaving her heart to jump in excitement and he was the first to step out from the corner they currently hid themselves in, surveying the area to make sure no one was nearby before beckoning Anna over.

Holding her hand, they quietly left the palace, exiting through the main door like some young lovers who were being extra careful not to be caught by the elders roaming the household.

Successfully making it out of the palace, Anna spotted a black horse waiting at the front yard. They stopped before the horse and Anna’s brow knitted into puzzlement.

“Are we going somewhere?”

He nodded while giving the horse a pat and rubbing its head to calm it down, “Are you familiar with riding a horse?”

Anna nodded her head in response, but then her eyes suddenly glinted in amusement, “and I did ride Nicholas in his animal form,” she smiled heartily at the recollection, unaware of the fact her response had left Roshan’s brow furrowed in half displeasure, his eyes narrowed, almost accusingly that it wiped the smile of Anna’s lips.

“What?” She asked, blinking cluelessly.

“And when did this happen?” The jealousy in his tone wasn’t hidden to Anna’s surprise, more like he didn’t even try to hide it as he took a step forward, leaving Anna to retreat back.

“I was tired and he offered me a ride out to kindness.” She explained, not particularly sure why she was even proving her loyalty to him but no sooner had she taken a step back did he grab hold of the lace in her dress again, leaving her eyes to google and daring her to take another step away from him.

“Roshan!” She warned, but her tone came out in a feeble manner, yet he was unfazed while his gaze silently challenged her.

“Be a good girl and come here.” He tilted his head at her, knowing she couldn’t refuse and if she dared to take a step back, the lace of her dress would come off.

He wasn’t evil enough to undress her here, he was just testing his luck to see if she’d fall into his trap and not distance herself from him.

One thing he hates after demons is her absence whenever she isn’t around him.


To be honest Anna really felt like breaking the authority he had over her. He was playing such a dangerous game with her and sounding so neutral about it that she was tempted to disobey him. But looking at the sole of her dress, disobeying him also brought its consequences as her lace would be stripped off her.

Grimacing inwardly at her lack of courage, Anna couldn’t risk letting herself be exposed and she did as he told her to, obediently reaching for him and wanting to free the ropey lace from his grip.

Why did she even wear a dress like this today??

“Let go!” She made an attempt to bite his hand but he lifted her chin up with his other hand, making her meet his stare and capturing her lips without thinking twice about it.

Anna’s heart exploded the moment he kissed her, she could still feel his hands on the ropey lace and as he mischievously pulled it backwards, it drew Anna closer to him to the point she felt his thumb rubbing against the flesh of her bosoms.

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