The Devil's Temptation!

Chapter 164

164 A Silent Wish

Getting on the back of his horse, Roshan settled himself properly behind the flushed woman who sat at the front. He didn’t need to see her face to know it was blooming like a flower, and the crazy part was that he was too flustered to even tease her.

The horse suddenly let out a soft grunt as it took a step back, leading Anna to instinctively hold onto the reins, but to her quick surprise, Roshan’s hand enveloped hers, securing it properly as they both held the reins together.

Looking over her shoulder to see the man who made her heart race, he met her stare almost immediately and Anna reflexively turned her head away from him, feeling her heart accelerate at the mere sight of his gorgeous eyes.


She nodded with an anticipated smile and together, they flapped the reins, earning a neighing sound from the horse as it stood with the back of its legs, its front legs raised high in the air that it gave out a clear picture of a romantic horse ride.


The horse took to its heels as it galloped towards the big iron double door gate. Anna watched as the gate gradually split open with a groaning sound, making way for the horse to exit the front yard and alas! They were out of the palace.

Annalise could feel the cold wind slap at her face as the horse galloped through the lit up paths, the air felt cold but she didn’t mind as she was more than excited to be riding a horse with Roshan, and plus the fact he was naturally warm so she could lean onto him if she felt colder.

Annalise’s heart continuously fluttered as she lifted her gaze to see Viscarrian itself.


The town’s were more developed than that of Euphrasia, the houses were beautifully built in rows and to her surprise, not everyone was asleep as she watched little children chase themselves with water balloons, and some of them were even climbing trees and purchasing things from a neighboring stall.

“Get down from there!” She heard a woman yell to her son who had equally climbed a tree.

All the houses were vibrantly lit up, and everyone seemed to be occupied with one thing or the other, like it was a normal routine and they all looked just like humans, no horns or anything to physically differentiate them.

Except for the children who excitedly played with their powers and got themselves into little tournaments. Someone even teleported right before Anna’s eyes and she watched with adoration like someone who had landed in a fantasy world, just like the story books she always read.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

She could see unfamiliar blank gazes darting towards their direction as the horse rode by, and Anna finally understood why Roshan had given her a cloak. He was equally wearing one himself and if she wasn’t wrong, he was trying to hide their identity under the cloak, so no one would recognize them.

“Focus Anna.” Roshan’s magnetic voice broke her from her thoughts and Anna quickly fixed her gaze to the path ahead. Unbeknownst to her, Roshan had noticed her every reaction as they rode through town, leaving a satisfying smile to adorn his lips.

Taking a left turn, Anna figured he was no longer following the town’s path which left her a bit disappointed, cause she wanted to know why everyone was so awake and why every home was beautifully lit up, as though there was some celebration going on.

“Where are we going?” She asked through the wind that swallowed most of the high notes of her voice, but Roshan kept quiet as he directed the horse on which part it should take, his hands still securing Anna’s hands on the reigns, making it look they were riding the horse together.

When the path was starting to get lit by golden fireflies resting on flowers, it magically encompassed either side of the earthly path and thousands of those fireflies scattered like specks of dust when the horse galloped by.

Anna’s eyes widened in reverie, her mouth hung agape, seeing the uncountable fireflies that lit up the path as they rode by on the horse, it was so magical that pure adoration painted the face of Anna.

No sooner did they get past the fireflies, Roshan finally made the horse come to a stop. He got down first, before assisting the happy Anna down as well.

She couldn’t explain how much she enjoyed the sweet fun ride, and she was ready to fill his ears with everything when her gaze traveled to where he had suddenly brought her.

“What is this place?” Anna asked in wonder, but Roshan held her hand in his, pleasantly interlacing their fingers together and he led her through a hidden path in some thick green bushes.

As they kept walking, Anna’s gaze carefully scrutinized the area. It sort of felt familiar as the sound of crunched leaves reminded Anna of the wistful, shredded tapestry of autumn. She wanted to throw more questions at him but shook away the idea. He hasn’t even responded to all the questions she’s been asking him on their way here, so it’s best she remains quiet and see where he’s taking her to.

Successfully making it past the thick bushes, they finally came across an open area as he led Anna in. To his gratification, her eyes widened in reverence as she moved forward and it was nothing more than the beautiful sight of Viscarrian.

The houses were scattered below and brightly lit, looking like ant hills with colorful lightings. Based on the fact they stood at the highest peak, the houses below looked so small that Anna felt she could grab one with just her hands.

The stars twinkled brightly in the dark blue sky, adding to the beauty of the scenery and the grasses felt cool to Anna’s feet, to the point she couldn’t resist the temptation of sinking into it.

“This is beautiful.” She breathed in wonders, obviously marveled by the breathtaking view in front of her, she could hear a stream running somewhere and the sweet chirping of birds as they flew from one tree to the other.

Roshan sat beside her on the grass and Anna turned her blooming face to the glacier who stared at the beautiful city below.

“How do you know so many beautiful places?” She asked and Roshan just relaxed himself, resting his back on the grass and his hands serving as a pillow behind his head.

He softly began, “the people of Viscarrian celebrate mid-winter fest every year. Once it’s nearing winter, the people of Viscarrian would light up their homes and bask in the warmth that came with it. It’s a time when families remain indoor to enjoy the winter coming. I normally come here during such festivals, to watch the lit city when I was pretty much younger.”

Anna smiled at the new info and returned her gaze to the city below, “the people of Viscarrian aren’t really harmless,” she honestly commented, “I guess we’ve been hearing the wrong stories all along.”

Roshan just shrugged it off before sitting up, he candidly added, “not hundred percent wrong, just like humans, there are equally the good and the bad in this world. During the years of human slavery and the heated war between kingdoms, my father ruled as an autocratic leader and he made sure to silence his people while he did as he pleased, abducting humans and forcing them to work for him.”

He sighed at the uncomfortable memories, “Azazel was meant to lead after our father passed away, but then he got chosen to keep an eye on the limbo, leaving the responsibility I never wanted to fall on me. My family was divided and it still is, but there’s nothing that can be done to build it back, so rather than keeping it divided, why not destroy it?”

Anna shook her head in disagreement, “you don’t need to destroy anything Roshan,” she opposed softly, “a family’s bond is the strongest bond out there, so I won’t advise you to break it up due to the division your father caused.”

“Rather, it’d be better if you fix up the damages your father had caused, take the role Roshan and become king.” She advised, “I’m sure you’ll make things right and succeed in bringing your people closer to the life of the palace, hiding away from it won’t fix things and I’m sure you know this better than I.” She placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

“You don’t understand,” emotions flashed across his face as he stared blankly at what was ahead of him, “if I become ruler, I’ll have to go by the rules, and my father was smart enough to implement it in ways that can never be changed, even if I have all the powers I can get.”

“That’s because you see it that way, if you look at it more clearly, you’re more challenging and the Roshan I know is capable of accomplishing anything as long as he sets his mind to it. Nothing is impossible as long as you’re ready to face it head on.”

She rested her head on his shoulder, “I don’t want to force you, but I need you to think hard and clear about all I’ve just said, and then make up your mind.” She looked at the city below, “your people need a leader, and don’t you think they’ve been deprived of your leadership for a little too long now.”

She met Roshan’s stare with a teasing smile, and he was tempted to look at the lit-up city below, not completely sure of what to make of it.

“I see.”

“I know you’ll be a good leader, but you need to see yourself as one first, and I know I’m nothing more than a silly human who makes mistakes, but I’ll be here to support you as best as I can.”

The look in his eyes wavered at her sweet reassuring words and he couldn’t stop himself from kissing the top of her forehead, “you know, I was starting to wonder where my life had gone wrong, but I just realized that I was waiting for you to make things right.”

Anna smiled, but at that moment, a shooting star flashed by, leading Anna’s eyes to widen in marvel at the sight.

“Roshan, a shooting star, let’s make a wish.” She excitedly dragged him forward, making them kneel before the shooting star and Anna cupped her hands excitedly, closing her eyes as she silently made a wish from the depths of her heart.

Seeing her cute gesture, Roshan proceeded to do the same as he closed his eyes, making a wish just like the annoying woman had asked him to.

At this point Anna could feel it, that maybe things were just starting to get better for the both of them.

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