The Devil's Temptation!

Chapter 193

193 Bring Her Back To Life


Two days heavily passed by and the Viscarrian palace remained as quiet as a graveyard, with not a single sound being made. Even the gossiping maidens who always had something to talk about, lost the interest to even speak and everyone surprisingly carried on with his/her own business.

In one of the chambers, Roshan remained seated on a chair that was beside the big mattress where Anna’s body was currently laid on. He had strictly ordered the maids to clean her up in the past two days, and even made them bandage her wounds neatly, also putting her into a neat clean dress that he got for her from Ark Ville, knowing how much she likes clothes from there.

He stared at her face while holding her hand in his, as though he was waiting for the miracle that would bring his Anna back to life, but then he had to accept the hard truth which was a difficult thing.

He doesn’t want to accept it and his heart would clench tightly at the reality he was forced to face.

“I couldn’t even get to say my thank you to her.” Levi, who was sitting at the edge of the bed, grimaced sadly as he stared at the lifeless body of Anna, still finding it shocking that the woman who risked it all to save his sister was now dead.

When he got informed last night, he cried like a baby because out of all the humans he’s crossed paths with in his lifetime, it was only Anna he happened to like alot.

He could remember the times when they had funny conversations, or any other interesting conversations relating to Roshan. Even in her past life she was a jovial person, but then again, she always had to come face to face with death, not in one but in two lifetimes.

What he couldn’t forget was how loving and sweet Anna was to his little sister. He got so comfortable with her appealing presence that he could leave the palace for weeks, without any worries as long as he knew that his sister was in Anna’s care, but now, she’s no more and it left him really heartbroken.


He didn’t even get the chance to thank her for saving his sister. It was this morning that he finally got the strength to come see her dead body, and it broke him in pieces to see that the information was indeed true.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

“You know...” he began with a faint smile, “I’ve always liked Anna since the first day I saw her,” he admitted to Roshan before realizing what had just spilled from his mouth, “I..I mean she was a really good friend.” He corrected himself before Roshan misinterprets his words.

“Although I’m sure I’m older than her, she treats me like the junior one among the two of us, but I didn’t bother because unlike you and Azazel, she always made me feel welcomed and she listens to everything I have to say.”

The smile on his lips slowly faded, giving him a somber expression as his eyes turned watery again, “but who do I complain to about the two of you if she’s gone?”

He looked at Roshan who barely averted his gaze from her face and he said, “you have to bring her back, she can’t leave us just yet, I don’t know about you but I want Anna to come back. She deserves happiness and life can’t treat her this unfairly in two lifetimes” He whined childishly cause he couldn’t let such a good person leave the world like that.

“And to think lady Odette is still alive....if only it was possible to switch lives.” He muttered to himself, but Roshan’s ears didn’t fail to grasp that, and only then did he slowly turn his head to the muttering Levi.

“Remember, she’s the Matriarch, don’t say such things cause I won’t help you when she skins you alive herself.”

“But I’m not wrong, the bad ones get to live longer while the good ones....”

“Levi..!!” Roshan growled, forcing the timid demon to seal his lips instantly and unknown to Levi, Roshan was actually considering that idea in his head.

‘Is it possible though?’

Roshan could still remember the first time Anna got hit with an arrow, and that time she had freed him from the torture of the seal door. The only difference was that he had enough energy to use in saving her back then, but at this current moment, even if he plans on giving her all his energy, it still wouldn’t be enough to bring her back, exempting the fact that her soul is no longer in her body.

He spent the whole two nights thinking of ways on how a soul can be retrieved, although something like that has never happened before, he’s heard stories of souls being retrieved in the past, and he also got to know from reading the books in the library.

He barely slept a wink these past days as his mind was entirely focused on how to bring his deceased mate. He wouldn’t let himself be the weak demon who ended up crying for his mate when she died, rather, he’d use that energy and time to think of a way to bring his Anna back to life.

So far, the results he’s gotten weren’t helping.

He couldn’t find any solutions in the books he checked from the library, he also tried to get a few info’s by indirectly asking Gravion who was of no help either.

Basically, retrieving souls has never been implemented and no one has ever tested it to know how true it is.

But that doesn’t mean he’s giving up yet, he’ll try his possible best to make sure he retrieves her soul back from where it is, no matter what it costs.

She was ‘his Anna’, his loving mate. He missed her sweet voice terribly and these few days without hearing her bicker with him, or complain about something made him realize how much he missed and longed for her badly.

He felt unexplainably lonely without her, his heart can’t deal with this separation and it became difficult to think clearly without having her by his side.

He loved her too much to let her go, and if she thinks she can leave him like this then she made a big mistake by making him fall hard for her, cause that won’t happen.

Showing up in the chamber, Azazel stood behind the glacier who seemed to be in deep thoughts. He looked at Levi who shook his head, signaling he had no idea what the devil’s incarnate was thinking.

Letting out a deep sigh, Azazel could only hope that he doesn’t lose his senses for the second time.

“What do you plan on doing?” Azazel’s voice broke the glacier from his trance, but he didn’t bother to look at Azazel and just proceeded to plant a kiss at the back of Anna’s palm, before keeping her hand at her side and relaxing on the chair he sat on.

“We won’t be burying her.” He stated to Azazel whose brows creased in confusion.

“We won’t?”

“No.” He tapped his beautiful long fingers against the arm of the chair, “we won’t be burying her cause I’m going to bring her back to life.”


Hello Readers!

Here’s an extra chap to show my appreciation on the gifts! PS as well as the GT! Thank you for the support and love you’ve been showering on TDD. I’ll be having exams starting from next week so I’ll try my best to still keep up with my daily one/two update!

Happy reading! <3333

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