The Devil's Temptation!

Chapter 46

46 Related

“Who are you?”

The uniformly dressed guard at the gate cautiously demanded after spotting two unknown strangers standing just outside the gate of his Lord’s premises, but Roshan only folded his arms with ease, his expression neutral while exuding the aura of a true general that would leave one bowing at his sight.

“I wonder how the great count would feel if he knew you kept the general he was expecting at the gate.” He tsked in pity, “how sorry I’d feel for the one who dared to question me in the first place.”

The warning was clearly hinted at the guard and as though he had been whipped behind the back by Roshan’s death gaze, he instantly left his post station within a few seconds, hurrying to go open the gate as he knew the count was receiving some important visitors today.

“Forgive me general Hendrick...” he quickly apologized with a nervous smile adorning his lips, “I didn’t see your carriage... so I mistook you for the lowly disturbance..... come in.”

He politely made way for the two visitors to step in.

Anna, who was surprised at first by the guards quick change of attitude instantly regained her firm demeanor as she wouldn’t want to be the one who’d ruin Roshan’s plan at the end of it all.

She didn’t actually blame the guard for being fearful and alarmed, the authority laced to Roshan’s tone was frighteningly compelling, she would have done worse if she was in the place of the guard.

Together, they stepped into the mansion and were immediately led towards the threshold by the post guard who politely bowed before them.


It was the first time Annalise ever received a bow from anyone and it made her feel a little different for once, like she was seen as someone special.

Striding across the beautiful wide hallway, Roshan could feel a tinge of pain starting to tear at his chest in a subsequential manner, as though a knife was being mercilessly pierced into his heart and he nearly stopped walking when it stung him deep.

Letting out a soft sigh as he continued walking, It took him great effort not to react to the biting pain and keep his expression cold and serene. His scar....

Is it starting to ache now??

“Are.... you alright?” Anna’s soft voice brought him back to the present as he met her stare and the pain in his chest worsened. Earlier on, his fangs had been itching to come out and devour the life of many victims which wasn’t what he wanted at the moment.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

He had fought with himself not to let his Demon’s gain the upper hand but now, they were literally tearing at his chest and specifically at his heart region, demanding their release.

They were ferociously hurting him.

“I’m fine.” He coldly responded before averting his gaze from her as though she was bothering him with her irrelevant question.

His craving to see blood only heightened and the thought of killing was starting to occupy his senses.

No! Not now!!

As much as Anna wanted to accept his words and how final they sounded, something strange bugged her heart, yet she couldn’t tell what it was and continuously casted him a side glance.

She hoped whatever they came here for would end soon cause truth be told, she was internally freaking out due to the personality of the count, to the point she habitually hurt herself with her nails by pinching her skin.

She has never done anything like this before, playing to be someone she’s not and the guards don’t seem to even realize it themselves.

Could it be they haven’t met the actual general Hendrick and Lady Odette? But what if the actual people eventually show up?

Why haven’t they showed up? Has Roshan done something to them? The mere thought of how possible it could turn out to be made her shiver in fright as the aura surrounding him at this point made it clear he doesn’t want anyone interrupting his thoughts.

“Wait here, I’ll get him for you.” The butler politely motioned for the two completely lost beings to take a seat at the waiting room.

“Do you need some refreshments while you wait?” Asked the butler and they shook their heads in response.

“Alright then, I’ll be back.”

Heading up the stairs, Roshan and Annalise took their seats on the chair with a circular table in front of them, waiting for the count to make his presence and not too long, he approached the stairs, gaining Anna and Roshan’s attention as they glanced up to look at him.

Anna’s already terrified heart drummed frantically after noticing the seriousness in the man’s gaze and what he did to that lady replayed in her head.

Roshan’s demeanor remained intact and he barely had a look of hesitancy in his gaze.

He didn’t even want to show what was happening inside of him cause a lot of people would die.

“I never expected to see you here so early Hendrick.” The man spoke with utter curiosity while Roshan gingerly got to his feet. Seeing as he did so, Anna proceeded to do the same.

“Greetings Sir Steve.” She greeted, causing the man’s attention to divert towards her and at that point, Anna seemed to regret speaking as his eyes uncannily narrowed at her.

“You.... You look familiar.”

That word alone nearly sent Anna into a quick panic as her eyes slightly enlarged itself and the next thing she felt like doing was running from this place with what energy was left in her, but remembering Roshan’s warning not to mess this up, she held herself together and kept her expression warm.

“But I’m seeing you for the first time.” Her soft pleasing voice was enough to mess with sir Steve’s head a little and an amused expression played on his facial looks.

“Really...” his gaze still looked somewhat doubtful, not until Roshan finally chose to step in.

“She’s from the main kingdom of Euphrasia,” Roshan said. “If you’ve been to the palace, then it’s quite normal that she looks familiar to your gaze.”

“Well....” Sir Steve straightened up, “...that is true.” He finally averted his gaze from her, “have your seats.”

They quietly sat down back, sir Steve sitting opposite next to them.

“So what do I owe this visit?”

“We’re here on behalf of the neighboring towns.” Roshan professionally began, ” as you know, Demon’s have been causing a lot of mishaps lately and the people of Euphrasia are filled with great terror about what’s going to happen next, they’re curious to know if the seal has been broken or not.”

“I see...” the look in sir Steve’s eyes showed that he had expected something like this, resting his hand on the table as he clutched his fingers against each other.

On the other hand, Anna was finding it quite strange that Roshan would ask about something like that.

“It’s being worked on at the moment, I paid a visit to the dark forest but going in is not in my power. If the demon was actually freed, the darkness of the clouds should have been gone which should serve as a warning, but the forest is still covered in darkness.”

“So you’re saying the demon might not have been freed?” Anna finally spoke up while Sir Steve relaxed against his seat.

“Trapping him in there was the only way possible to seal him and after that was done, the darkness soon enveloped it and not everyone could escape it. Those who did claim after he got locked, anyone who tried to open the sealing door would be faced with dire consequences.”

Roshan’s brow arched a little, “so no one is aware if the Demon has escaped or not?”

“In my opinion, I call it a fifty fifty.”

Roshan secretly casted a side glance at Anna’s direction, suspicion filled his piercing Hazel eyes and that made Anna gulp in consternation.

‘why’s he staring at me?’ thought Annalise.

The discussion went on for almost an hour and through each passing time, Anna caught a glimpse of the man’s strange eyes on her. Ever since the conversation began, he had been stealing a few glances at her direction which she took notice of.

She couldn’t wait for everything to be done with and escape from here.

“....I’ll be holding a little mask celebration by the weekend, do attend with the lovely Lady Odette.” He handed Roshan the invitation card and just like that, Roshan got his triumph card.

“Of course Sir Steve, you’ve been more than kind.”

“But before you leave, can I have a word with the young miss?” He requested.

Anna’s eyes unknowingly widened at his sudden request while Roshan went mute for a few seconds. He turned his head to look at Anna who equally met his stare with a nervous look.

She was hoping he’d understand her fears at the moment and refuse Sir Steve’s request but instead, the glacier turned his head back to the man and nodded.

“Sure, it’s not a problem.”

Anna felt her heart drop as Roshan willingly agreed to let her stay behind, she wanted to speak, but to her quick dismay, Roshan just stood up and exited the main hall.

He really left her alone here? With this disgusting man!? This is betrayal!

“You’re lady Odette, right?” The man suddenly questioned, gaining her attention back and she could do nothing more at this point but nod relentlessly as she had no idea what to do or say, instead she carried a smile to hide her nervousness.

“Do you know why I asked you to stay?”

“How can I possibly know if you don’t tell me?” Her warm smile was still intact and it took every strength in her system to stop her voice from cracking.

“I’ve never been to the palace before, I just thought you knew about the wife of late sir Mateo cause you look really familiar to her.”

Anna’s expression remained firm, but her heart was drumming against her ribcage.

“What?” She breathed out instead, it felt as though she was being squeezed in a very small, tight rubber tube that she even lost the energy to speak properly.

“Are you related to her in some way?”

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