The Devil's Temptation!

Chapter 50

50 Punishment vs Choice

To say he wasn’t the least shocked was a blatant lie, even Levi couldn’t refuse his orders the moment he said them but then.... this human had briskly dared to ignore him.

He was infuriated and didn’t even realize when he left his chambers only to end up in hers, that was something no one has ever made him do.

He always made them come to him but this human made him come to her.

What charm did she use to fog his mind???

Her chocolate brown eyes looked clear and glistened with fear when he stared into them, yet he couldn’t ignore how adorable she looked at the moment, her wet hair which had stopped dropping water plunged against her back and some locks ended up being stuck to her face.

“Did you lose your tongue? Weren’t you always sharp mouthed?” The resolve in his tone barely broke and he still held her in place.

He watched her irises constrict in response and her lips trembled. His gaze finally shifted to those blushy pink lips of hers and he recalled what kissing her had done to his body.

They were a red flag that signaled a warning in his head, as tempting as they looked, he wouldn’t make the same mistake of ever kissing the human before him again.

His gaze instantly averted from there and his cold demeanor returned.


“What punishment do you think is befitting for your actions?” He asked, “maybe a night in the dungeon will do..... no food for a whole day seems fair enough..... or..” he nonchalantly guessed with interest but those punishments were even more horrible than Anna had expected them to eventually be.

No food for a whole day? She rather sleeps in the dungeon.

“Maids tend to make mistakes...” Anna’s soft dulcet voice echoed into his ears and he met her innocent stare.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

“You can choose to give me a second chance instead and....”

“I don’t do ‘second chance'” he heartlessly clarified, “what I say goes.”

Anna was left speechless, how can a man so handsome be this cold-hearted?? She only learned to despise him even more as she was forced to keep herself together.

“But...” his unexpected ‘but’ suddenly grabbed her attention and his eyes instantly sparkled with mischief.

“In order to change my mind baby girl, you have to.....” he met her stare, looking drop dead gorgeous as a devilish smirk enchanted his features.

“Please me.” He said them.

“W_what?” Anna didn’t even realize she was out of breath until she decided to speak.

P_please him?? That word rang in her head for a couple of seconds before the meaning finally sank in.

Her eyes widened in disbelief, how could he ask her to do something as unthinkable as that? This man really has no shame, whatsoever!!

“You immoral man!!” She couldn’t hold it in and tried to push herself away from him but his grip on her arm hadn’t loosened and he pulled her back onto the bed.

“Hmm.. I tried to be generous and this is the best I get.” He tsked before meeting her glaring gaze.

Stubborn woman!!

“I’ll never.....”

“I admit I’m immoral.” He casually agreed while cutting her words short, “and I’m unethical, I lack ‘moral rectitude’ but being in the den of an immoral man makes you nonetheless.”

“I’m nothing like you!!”

“I never wanted you to be like me, like they say; opposites attract even better.”

Anna really felt like stabbing him at this point, she was angry he said such unacceptable words to her, yet was more than angry with herself as her heart fluttered against his every word.

Her gaze reflexively shifted to his sensual pink colored lips and the kiss they shared still haunted her memories, she didn’t need a mirror to know her face must have reddened like that of a lobster.

Roshan could sense her anger, her fear, the thundering sound of her heartbeat, the heat escaping from her body since he had her close against him, yet he found them even more alluring than the most beautiful seductress in his palace.

She smelled of sweet lavender, did this woman really prepare to entice him tonight??

His eyes traveled her smooth skin once again and her pale swan neck caught his attention, he had the urge to take a bite out of it, his fangs were already itching to come out in accordance to his words.

He was basically falling into the trap, but found it too irresistible to walk away from.

She was a threat to his mind and body.

This was never the reason why he wanted to see her, he had a much more important reason for wanting to see her tonight but his mind was getting fogged again as his eyes traced her beguiling shoulders, only to stop at her cleavages which were exposed a bit and he felt himself swallow what he couldn’t really tell it was.

Self control?

His gaze returned back to meet her stare and as much as she tried to hide it herself, he saw through her and could tell her mind was just as foggy as his.

The connection was unlike any he’s ever felt, but couldn’t understand why he sensed this much spark between the two of them.

Clearly they both needed this but the hatred attached to it was something difficult to get rid of.

He couldn’t stand her yet she seemed to have more control over his body.

They were enemies for goodness sake!!

“Your choice, miss Anna.” He broke the silence, “what will it be?”

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