The Devil's Temptation!

Chapter 79

79 The Voices

Ever since the night she kissed him in her drunken state, the thought of kissing her again fogged his entire mindset and he couldn’t sleep properly because of it.

Each time he closed his eyes even for a few minutes to gather himself, he recalled the way she kissed him and his body would automatically tense at the lingering feeling.

It’s not the first time he’s kissed a woman before, he’s done worse actually, but there was always a different feeling that emerged from within him each time he was closer to the human and it left him restless_restless to the point she invaded his thoughts whenever she pleased.

He wanted more.....No. he was hungry for more. His Demons were eagerly waiting to get their hands on his accidental mate but it was something he had to resist no matter how much he wanted it.

He thought he could handle it, but seeing her at the moment, under the moonlight in his courtyard made his chest ache in ways he hadn’t felt before.

There was definitely more to this than meets the eye, he just couldn’t wrap his finger around it.

“Anna.” He said her name, meeting the surprise look in her big doe-brown eyes and like a spellbound whim, her lips parted at his silent command.

She didn’t even realize this herself until he claimed her lips, kissing her passionately like someone who had been thirsty for days, only to be served the water he craved for at his near end.

Her eyes flew wide open in bewilderment. Her heart jumped to her throat when she felt his tongue deftly slide into her mouth, hot and welcoming. It sent a quick fervent shiver running down her spine.


This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Her hands rested on his chest and her first intent was to push him away for his indecency towards her, but she was trapped in a web of utmost curiosity as his tongue hungrily explored the inside of her mouth.

‘It’s.... Not actually that bad.’ thought Annalise in surprise as he appealingly tasted fresh and surprisingly...sweet!

Her eyes fluttered to a close as the being took the kiss even deeper, conquering her breath and she felt the hands wrapping her waist pull her even closer till her small frame collided with his.

The first time he kissed her, she had been overpowered by anger to even feel anything, but now, as much as it didn’t make sense, him kissing her felt right in a strange way.

She agreed to this for the antidote, but a part of her wanted this even if she countlessly denied it.

Instead of feeling ashamed, her own lips finally moved, responding to his sensual kisses and he noticed, it only encouraged him to take it even deeper and feeling her warm body on his was messing with his head to reason properly.

He found it difficult to understand why kissing her wasn’t enough, he wanted to get rid of the feeling by succumbing to it but instead, he found himself wanting more and the desires heightening like steps on a ladder.

Kissing her like this somewhat gave him comfort, it was a kiss he never knew he needed until now and when the aching in his chest increased, Vagued images displayed in his head again, images that weren’t clear but the emotions and strange voices caught up with him like a quick bolt to his senses.

The world went still before him and a deep silence encompassed the environment, that was until he heard a familiar voice call out his name.

“Roshan!” His eyes slightly widened as the voice grew even more familiar in his head, it was Anna’s voice! He couldn’t see the images displaying in his head but the voice...

Through the vague images, he witnessed a flash of powerful lightning strike the ground before him, separating the two figures he couldn’t see properly and the area they were in; it looked familiar, like he’d been there before.

The sky was even gloomier than that of a storm cloud and it made Roshan’s forehead wrinkle with doubt, smokes and fire could be seen and he could tell a serious battle took place here..... but the two figures, who were they??

A dreading voice suddenly spoke in the background as the ground viscously split in two, giving the two vague figures no chance of getting to each other.

“You stole the sacred sword of the heavenly kingdoms!” The voice heartlessly accused, “Accept your punishment for the one who dared to weiled it shall face the doors of death!!”

A soft gasp left Roshan’s lips as he listened to the voice more carefully, he’s heard that voice before, but where?

“I didn’t steal it! Face me instead but spare him, he had nothing to do with this” Came the angry cry from the feminine voice who dropped to her knees on the ground in defeat.

The voices kept plaguing his mind as well as the unclear images, it felt as though he was recalling something tragic, but it wasn’t clear enough for him to understand it better.

That voice... Why did it sound like Anna’s, what’s happening?

He pulled back from the kiss when his head was beginning to spin, a blinding headache struck his brain, causing him to stagger backwards and Anna didn’t fail to notice it.


She reached to hold his outstretched hand before he fell to the ground but she ended up falling on top of him instead.

His vision was blurry but when he forced his eyes to see who was on top of him, Anna’s worried face came into sight and several images flashed in his head again, an image that showed a vivid picture of Anna’s face and one word escaped his lips.


Anna stared at him in bafflement the moment he mentioned a woman’s name, time seemed to slow down for a few seconds before Anna opened her mouth to speak.


A sad look of emotion flashed before his Misty eyes, leaving Anna speechless and before she knew what else to do, he passed out on the ground.

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