The Devil's Temptation!

Chapter 83

83 A Soothing Touch

When the portal opened up, Roshan found themselves in an entirely different environment and worst of all, they were heading straight for an ocean below.

“Damn it!” He cursed as something alarming popped in his head.

He quickly turned, making sure Anna was above him while he remained below and the next minute.


He already expected the painful impact since he wasn’t in the right position to enter the water, heck! They fell from a very high place as well.

Ignoring the stinging pain in his back, he swam up while holding onto Anna and only after bringing their heads out of the water did he realize she had passed out.

The look in his eyes widened into one of concern as he tapped her cheeks lightly while keeping her close, trying his best to revive her.


She didn’t respond, if she passed out from the drug or from fear, he couldn’t tell. He sighed and just held her close before surveying the area they were in, trying to see if there was any land closeby. He has to get her out of the water.


This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Successfully making it to the shore, Roshan relaxed the unconscious Anna, resting her back against a tree. He held her wrist and closed his eyes to concentrate on whatever energy was left in him.

At that moment, his body glowed in a soft golden light and those lights were smoothly transferred into Anna’s body.

He fully concentrated his energy into leaving his body and escaping from his hand. They connected from her wrist he held and Anna’s body relaxed a little when she subconsciously felt her energy return.

While concentrating, a glacial pang of pain stabbed Roshan’s chest and he spat out blood before stopping the energy transfusion. At first it had left him shocked cause didn’t expect it, not until a realization dawned on him and the look on his face softened.

Right, his body hasn’t fully recovered yet and he was being punished for overusing his powers again. He wiped the blood from his lips and stared at the face of the young lady who was peacefully resting and a look of relief flashed in his Hazel-green eyes, seeing she was alright.

He knew the risk of transferring whatever little energy he had to her but he had to make sure she was safe.

Leaning his back against another tree as he felt terribly weak, the pain along his right shoulder blade hadn’t dissipated and he knew why. Gosh, so many things he’s doing for this woman. He’d have to experience pain just so she doesn’t.

Letting out a weak sigh, his tired eyes finally shifted to where he had brought them to and he only started to realize they were in a forest.

“Where is this place?” His eyes scanned the area they were in and he sensed no danger nearby. But the forest alone had left him quite taken aback.

The unfamiliar forest was incredibly stunning at night, his eyes followed the moon that sneakily came out from behind the clouds, only to show itself in its silvery light glory. In between the trees, the moon beams entered the forest, giving way to the fireflies that rested upon flowers and the sight was oddly comforting.

The light emitting from the moon shines onto the tree trunk, making them illumined in the night and it gives the forest an enchanting glow.

“What is this place?” There was a hint of hidden curiosity laced in his tone, he would have stood up to take a look around but his body felt weak and his wound hadn’t healed yet.

How did they even show up here in the first place? Who created the portal??

He really wanted to figure it out but then, he felt tired, his joints were aching and he relaxed himself even more against one of the tree trunks.

‘I should build my energy up first.’ he thoughtfully convinced himself before closing his tired eyes and falling into a slumber.

The next day, Roshan’s eyes slowly fluttered open, but instead of feeling the night fatigue take over him, a soft caress along his shoulder instantaneously relaxed his body and his eyes involuntarily dropped to a close. Just feeling the soft caress of someone’s hand on his back made his system gain an unexplainable comfort and the peaceful look on his face was enough to show for it.

At least to a certain point until the thought of who was touching him invaded his head.

‘Why do I feel exposed?’ The question came to his mind and his eyes immediately flew open. He quickly turned around and swifty grabbed the hand that kept touching him non-stop, only to meet the surprised stare of Annalise.

“You’re awake.” The worried look on her face was replaced with one of great relief and a ‘phew!’ sound left her lips.

“What are you doing?” He questioned, and it turns out she had shifted his shirt a bit, revealing his bare back, which explains why he felt exposed.

“Your wound,” she began, “when I woke up I saw you were hurt, so I went to find herbs that I could use in treating it. How do you feel now?” She genuinely asked out of concern and his gaze shifted to the greenish substance in her fingers. He could feel something creamy along his wounded back as well.

She was applying herbal ointment to his wound. That explains the rubbing.

He finally released her hand after she was done explaining the situation to him.

“I’m fine.” He neutrally responded and truly he was, he felt ten times better after waking up and just reminiscing about her hands on him made his body tense a little, thankfully she didn’t notice.

He quickly adjusted his shirt back like some shy girl who was afraid of opening up her body to the gaze of her husband on their first night. He frowned with a soft shade of pink slowly creeping onto his face after noticing Anna was still staring at him with her doe-brown eyes.

“Do you mind?”

His gorgeous eyes narrowed into a slit and it took a few seconds before Anna understood what he meant, leaving her own face flushing with embarrassment.

“Oh... right, sorry.” She quickly turned around and to think she was staring at him all through nearly made her facepalm with shame and the air felt uncomfortable.

She was never like this.

Meanwhile Roshan was equally dealing with his own feelings, it wasn’t the first time he’s exposed himself before her gaze but today, all of a sudden he felt unnecessarily... shy!!

She made him shy? He was never the shy type, so what happened to him??

“Are you.... done?” Anna’s voice broke him off his trance and he looked at her to see she still had her back against him.


She turned around to look at him and when their gazes met, everything around them seemed to stop as well and her heart uncontrollably sped up. The sound of it invaded Roshan’s ears and when he refused to break eye contact, Anna couldn’t keep up and instantly averted her stare before she thought of something stupid, returning it back to her surrounding as her arms anxiously swinged at her side.

“So uhm... What is this place?” She asked, trying to get rid of the sudden heat in the air and Roshan’s attention was equally brought back to his surroundings.

“I don’t know.” He responded before getting up to his feet, “but I think we’re in some enchanted Forest.”

The sun had risen high above them, giving a clearer view of the forest and Anna hummed to herself.

“Come on.” She said but Roshan remained where he was, arching a brow at her.

“To where?”

“Let’s see if we can find people nearby, since we have no idea where we are, they might be able to help us.” She walked out after that, leaving Roshan with no other choice but to follow her.

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