The Devil's Temptation!

Chapter 93

93 Stay Hidden



The door was instantly closed shut by Roshan after stepping in, only to rest his back on it in an attempt to catch his breath. The whole room was spinning before his eyes as he surveyed it and he felt unusually dizzy, making his head ache painfully in return. He wasn’t even sure if he stepped into the right room and that was one of his least worries.

He forced his eyes to search for the direction of the bed and he spotted it laying in the middle of the huge room. There were two beds laying farther apart from each other and he went for the one that was the closest to where he stood.

He dragged his feet to move so he could get to the bed, but after taking one step forward and pushing his body weight away from the door, an unpleasing strain tugged at his chest which made him stop, like the vibration of a rope that was drawn too fast and It left a torturing effect circulating around his system, causing him to feel unbreakably tied down.

His legs nearly gave in as what affected the heart tends to affect the whole body but he restrained himself from falling. Of course, it was impossible to avoid the consequences no matter how much he fought it and he should have sensed it sooner.

He faced it regardless and unsteadily headed for the bed, falling on top of it but that didn’t help his predicament as his breathing changed rapidly.

Losing his energy meant giving his Demon’s the opportunity to take control of him, take control of his entire being and he felt something crawl under his skin. He felt their presence like a dark cloud hanging above his head.

A presence he didn’t want to feel or even know exists, because if he ever gave them the chance, not only will his identity be exposed, but he would cause unforgivable disasters for the second time.


The memories of Euphrasia during the war, how he gave in to his demons and the chaos that followed after it, he couldn’t let such repeat itself. Even if they triggered him, he couldn’t let his Demons gain the upper hand again, what if Anna walks in? What if he hurts her??

“Get away from me!” He raged in a voice that barely sounded like his and his grasp tightened on the bed. It sounded more demonic and inhuman, giving way to the dreading energy that slowly consumed him except he didn’t want it. His Hazel-green eyes turned a crimson red in anger, the air around him went still and his aura spoke volumes.

The more he tried to keep them in, the more pain he felt within himself to the extent it brought tears to his eyes.

“Blood.” He whispered the moment those crimson eyes gazed at the ceiling. Her blood, he needed it to stabilize himself but not like this, not when his Demon’s were going rampant inside of him and craving for bloodshed. If Anna dared to walk in....

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

He closed his eyes and let out a groan, the vases in the room broke due to his powers going abnormal, followed by a heavy wind that blew the cottons open. He possessed too many powers that it became difficult to control, he was able to cause destructive chaos like his father and that gave him the name half-devil.

‘Don’t fight it.’ his father would warn, but accepting it was way more worse. When did he become so weak??

His fangs grew and when he turned to the side, he ended up falling from the bed and grabbing the edge of the duvet, dragging it along with him.

He remained on the ground, staring at the ceiling above him as blood trickled from his lips to his chin and onto the tiled floor. Everything looked hazy and the ceiling looked unclear in his demonic eyes.

His eyelids grew heavy, he couldn’t move a muscle and when he tried to speak, he couldn’t even say the words that plagued his mind.

Giving up on fighting it any further, he closed his eyes and let the darkness welcome him in.


Like every other normal morning, the sun was out and the sky was clear blue. It was meant to be a peaceful morning but the stern voices of men drew Anna’s attention to the window.

She peeped through the curtains and watched as the guards of Ark Ville slayed a soulless demon, she heard it make an ugly shriek of pain but they didn’t stop and continuously kept thrusting their swords into the Demon’s chest, arm, leg as though they had a goal to decapitate it.

Anna barely knew how she got the strength to watch something so horrific, but a large beast wolf ended up showing up at the scene and tearing the demon in half with its extremely sharp teeth, that’s when Anna’s hand nervously tightened against the curtain.

What if Roshan’s identity is discovered? what if??!

“Soulless are pretty easy to get rid of.” The deep tired voice that suddenly spoke brought Anna’s mind back to the present and she turned around to find the glacier awake.

“Roshan!” A look of relief washed over her earlier worried face and she left the window, hurrying over to the edge of his bed.

The glacier was sitting up, his back against the headboard as he met her pleasing stare.

“You’re awake.” As happy as she was, she was still surprised. His situation last night looked so critical that she found herself lost on what to do, so she got him to bed and made some medicinal tea she recalled reading from the old physician’s book.

“How are you feeling now?”

Instead of answering, he moved the duvet away and wanted to get up from bed, only to be stopped by Anna.

“What are you doing?” She asked, leaving Roshan to pause in his movement as she blocked his path.

“Shouldn’t I be asking you?”

“You aren’t allowed to leave the bed until I say so.” She stated, but the glacier didn’t have the strength to start an argument with her so early in the morning.

“Anna, who is the master between the two of us?”

Anna shook her head, “the answer to that is obvious, if I don’t take care of you before we go back to Viscarrian, I’ll die in the hands of your family so stay still.”

He wasn’t fully healed yet and she was smart enough to notice it, he looked exhausted and he was restraining himself again. His energy was low, extremely low and he wouldn’t give her a response as to how it came to this.

“Plus, Ark Ville are not a fan of Demons, you should stay hidden most times since it might be a lot risky, they have powers and they’re magical, your aura can be sensed if you make a slip.” She reasoned, but the glacier got to his feet regardless and strode towards the window.

The body of the soulless was left decapitated on the ground and his Hazel-green eyes remained fixed on it.

“Gather this filth and burn it to ashes!” Came the stern voice of Nicholas who was also present in the scene. Just watching it all brought disturbing memories to Roshan and Anna noticed the look in his eyes lost a bit of its colors.

“I_I don’t think you should be worried about any of this.” Anna quietly intervened, gaining Roshan’s attention back but he didn’t look at her.

“Who said I was worried?” He let out a soft chuckle and the little light that was gone immediately returned. How was someone so good at hiding their emotions??

“It deserved to die anyway, it’s never a good thing to hurt the innocent without a reason.” He added before averting his gaze from the window but when he turned, Anna was standing before him.

“Are you bothered about something?” Even if he didn’t respond, she could see it in his eyes that he wanted to say something.


“You know I won’t listen unless you push me out of the way.” She made it clear to him, “we’re in Ark Ville together, so whatever happens involves us both no matter how much we disapprove of it, so tell me, what’s bothering you?”

Roshan, whose gaze was fixated elsewhere, returned to look at Anna, he could see she wouldn’t leave the way and she remained true to her words. He wasn’t the type who knew how to receive comfort, he never knew how to receive one but just looking at her, a strange feeling curled into his chest, as though telling him he could freely pour out whatever he wanted to say to her.

“Your blood.” He began, “I need your blood again.”

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