The Dragon King’s Harem System

Chapter 128. Marissa’s Bitter Emotions II

Chapter 128. Marissa’s Bitter Emotions II

Dragon King's Harem Chapter 128. Marissa's Bitter Emotions II

"Pray?" said Marissa in obvious confusion.

"You don't have to think about it. It was something that came to my mind as soon as I woke up." I decided to stop my explanation there.
"Rather than that. Can you give me more information about your father, the queen and the war plan?" That sounded more urgent to me.

She shook her head from side to side.
"I've explained what I found out in the forest earlier. As for the Queen and the war plan, my father wrote everything down in the letter. I only know a little about it," Marissa said in a gloomy tone. She didn't understand why her father had chosen to trust Argod more than her. Why did her father choose to give all the details to someone other than her family? When she only knew the outline?

"I see... I will check the letter after this." Although it sounded strange, I could already guess why her father chose to tell it to me instead of his own daughter. I bet the Duke of Dwarf tribe also got the same information as me. But since there had been no movement from the two tribes, I was sure they were preparing themselves. For sure, I was sure the Dwarf King didn't know this yet. If not he might have launched a massive attack on the Nymph. But if he did, then the Nymph's attack would be considered a counterattack. And according to the law, if a tribe was accidentally being wiped out during a counterattack, the attacker didn't commit a war crime but only self-defense.

As for why Marissa's father chose to do this, I believed it was because he wanted to protect his daughter. With this Marissa had no other choice but to wait and ask for my help, instead of committing the reckless act of trying to attack the Queen or the place where the poison was made.
"For now that's all that I want to ask you. Get some rest, I know you've been through hardships for the past few years. We'll meet again at dinner." Although I wanted to ask her about a lot of things, due to Prince Arter of the fox tribe's presence, I had to quickly change my clothes into a formal one.

But Marissa, who was too deep in thought, didn't answer. After a long wait, she had managed to meet the king. Then what? Waiting for Argod to settle this matter and return home? The house that no one had been in since The Queen had killed her parents and trusted servants? Even if she could take back what the Queen had taken from her, she didn't have anyone anymore. Somehow it left a bitter feeling in her heart since she knew... Even if she could get her revenge one day. What she got was just an empty victory.

Realizing her blank stare, I decided to ask again.
"Marissa, are you okay? Do you want to say something else?"

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Finally, she lifted her head and forced herself to smile. Once again she shook her head side to side.
"Nothing, Your Majesty," she said in the same gloomy tone. Many things bothered her mind and tickled her feelings. There was sadness, happiness, relief, curiosity and pain... But after years of living alone in that forest in fear, she didn't know how to express it.

My eyes took a closer look at Marissa's face and began to notice the many differences after our last meeting. Not just status. But her body looked much thinner. Her face looked much paler. Her cheerful expression that usually adorned her face was replaced with the gloomy one. Something she never showed me.
'Ah, how can I be so insensitive...' I thought. This escape not only exhausted her physically but also mentally. Not to mention she lost her family and lived in the forest alone for many years.

"Fine. Let's cut the formalities for now," I said. I had welcomed her as the Dragon King and that was enough. This time I wanted to welcome her as something else.

I descended from my throne and approached her. While she bowed as she thought I wanted to leave the hall. But unexpectedly, I hugged her tightly. My hand was behind her head and pressed it on my chest due to our height difference.

She was shocked by my sudden movement. But she didn't push me away.

"Y-Your Majesty?" she asked in confusion. But within that confusion, another strange feeling emerged from within her heart. Something foreign and she had never felt when she was with Argod before.

"I told you to cut the formalities. Just think of me as your acquaintance. Not the dragon king. You've tried hard and endured all this by yourself. You have done well," I said sincerely.

It was a simple compliment. Surprisingly, it managed to make her tears start to roll down her eyes.
"Your Majesty... You changed..." she whispered in a trembling voice. She realized the previous Argod wouldn't be able to do this to her. Even though she knew he was a good king, he was usually cold to her and everyone. A compliment for a petty reason like this would never come out of his mouth, let alone a hug.

"I am... But haven't you also changed? You're not smiling at me like you used to," I pointed out what I meant.
"It's okay to cry, Marissa," I added before she misinterpreted my words.

A soft chuckle came out of her mouth.
"What are you talking about, Your Majesty? I don't want to cry." Yet the pain that bit her heart and the tears that dripped from her eyes said otherwise. Still, she desperately denied it. She had promised to be strong and endure everything. So she wouldn't cry.

"Tears are not a sign that you are weak, Marissa. It's just a form of emotion. Even the strongest warrior can cry when he loses a lot of things in his life. It was what he did next that determined whether he was a strong person or not..." I whispered. It was too clear from her face, but she denied it since she had contained it for too long.

My words broke through her last line of defense. So instead of answering me with a proper reply, she answered me with a tight hug and a loud sob as she poured out all her emotions on me.

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