The Dragon King’s Harem System

Chapter 131. The Fox Prince’s Request and The Fox King’s Answer II

Chapter 131. The Fox Prince’s Request and The Fox King’s Answer II

Dragon King's Harem Chapter 131. The Fox Prince's Request and The Fox King's Answer II

Arter and Jyne strode through the elegant corridor to the main hall following the servant who walked in front of them. Curiosity was evident in their expressions, but that was for a different reason. Jyne was curious about the contents of her father's letter. While Arter was curious about The Dragon King who could tame his sister in such a short time.

Their hearts pounded in anticipation as their feet continued to move. Thoughts and guesses flooded their heads. Arter imagined many things about the Dragon king who was always called the strongest being in Igixar. His presence, his power, his charisma, especially his appearance. His curiosity grew even more after Jyne said he could treat a lady well. While based on the rumors, the dragon king was cold towards women. Jyne also mentioned that she didn't want to be a fox among the snake tails. Which meant she was afraid of the Serpent tribe's appearance. Yet she wasn't afraid of Argod's appearance. Indeed, the dragon tribe had a much better humanoid appearance than the Serpent. But wasn't the dragon true form much scarier than the serpent?

The tail was much more terrifying and the skin was as strong as the best armor. Dragons were also equipped with sharp teeth that could tear their prey in one bite and their claws were referred to as the best weapon. Not to mention their body size which was much larger than a Serpent. On the other hand, he knew Jyne loved all beautiful things. So rather than power, she was more attracted to someone's appearance. So Dragon shouldn't be in her qualifications.

Meanwhile, Jyne thought about different things. Although she guessed that her father would agree to her request, she was sure that he had a secret plan. That was why her father only sent the letter to the dragon king.

"Your Highness," the guards greeted them as soon as they arrived in front of the main hall.

Arter replied to them with a nod. He stopped in front of the door. His hands moved to smooth his clothes and tail to make him look more presentable. Likewise with Jyne.

After Arter looked ready, the guard announced his arrival and opened the door.
"Prince Arter and Princess Jyne of the fox tribe have arrived."

As the door opened, Arter's eyes fell on the king who was sitting leisurely on his throne. His legs were folded. His elbow was on the armrest and his head rested on the back of his hand casually. His other hand was on the other armrest. His cold handsome face was clearly visible even though the throne was at the far end of the room. Not to mention his sharp gaze and his majestic aura.

'Ho... Not bad,' Arter thought.

Arter walked towards the throne without taking his eyes off the dragon king. His eyes inspected every detail on that king. The Dragon King's tail indeed looked terrifying and he didn't hesitate to show it. His body was not much different from him, the typical body of a fighter who relied more on speed. His majestic horns that adorned his head were his crown and his eyes looked like beautiful blue sapphire. Arter was starting to understand why Jyne was interested in this king. He had to admit Argod had an extraordinary mix of charisma and appearance. Which meant it was down to one more thing.

“Your Majesty.” Arter bowed and greeted him politely. So was Jyne.

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"Welcome to the Crimson Flame Palace, Prince Arter." I started our conversation.
"I hope you're not offended by my lateness."

"I'm not, Your Majesty. Instead, I apologize for my impatience. I'm so worried about my sister and want to see her immediately without thinking that you have other things to do. I also want to express my gratitude for finding my sister and taking care of her. I hope she doesn't bother you," said Arter.

"It's fine. Jyne is an energetic and cheerful girl. I'm happy to help her."

"Glad to hear it."

"Now tell me, what's your purpose for coming here? I don't think a letter is a good excuse that can make the king of the fox tribe send his best warrior here," I said straight to the point. I knew he had been observing me from the moment he stepped foot in this place, so I was sure he had other goals.

"I came to make sure my sister is okay. As for the rest..." Arter took out a letter from his blazer.
"It's in this letter."

Since Eir wasn't with me, I simply used my Telekinetic to take it. I flicked my fingers and an announcement appeared in front of me.

[A letter is in your control!]

Sensing a force envelope the letter, Arter let it go. His eyes stared at how the letter flew at the Dragon king.
'Telekinetic... I can't expect any less from a dragon king. This will be interesting...' Unconsciously, a smirk appeared on his lips. His excitement grew even bigger, but he was trying to contain himself. Still, his tails' gestures showed that clearly. It made Jyne frown in confusion, but she decided to hold her question upon Argod's presence.

As soon as the letter was in my hand, I opened it and read it.
'Interesting...' The Fox King didn't say yes, nor did he say no. Everything depended on me and Arter. Now, I understood why the Fox King sent Arter here.

As I lowered the letter, my eyes drifted to Arter. Even though he maintained his composure, I could see the excitement in his eyes.

"Tell me what you think, Jyne." Once again I used my Telekinetic on the letter and sent it to Jyne. From the obvious confusion on her face, I guessed she didn't know the contents.

Jyne took it and read it. Her eyes widened in shock.
"This must be a mistake," she said in a panic. In the letter, her father agreed to the marriage but he wanted the groom to have 3 things. Status, charisma and power. Argod had already proved the first two things, but the only way to prove the last was through a duel. That was the main reason why her father sent Arter here. He wanted Arter to test how strong Argod was.

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