The Dragon King’s Harem System

Chapter 150. Am I The Same? II

Chapter 150. Am I The Same? II

Dragon King's Harem Chapter 150. Am I The Same? II

I told them my plan and how important Marissa's Poison Resistance's effectiveness was.

"That way we can expose her plans and dethrone the queen without creating sentiments for her tribe," I closed my explanation.

"If this happened to another kingdom, it would work. But we are talking about that stupid Dwarf king. Sela is not sure he will let the Nymph tribe go," Sela said worriedly.

"I can bind him with an agreement. He owes me anyway. It will taint his honor if he doesn't pay." And no king wanted to lose his honor.
"The most important thing is, you have to make my order. We need a lot of eyewitnesses so both the Nymph Queen and the Dwarf King can't do anything about it," I said.

"But which royal family is neutral enough for that?" asked Marissa.

"I already have two candidates," I said in a casual tone.

"Who?" asked Sela.

"The King of the Healer tribe and The King of Fox tribe." Since their daughters were members of my harem, they should have taken to my side. Besides, it was also obvious from how they make decisions.

"They are indeed qualified to be witnesses," Marissa muttered.

I turned to Sela.
"I also need you to meet the Duke of the Dwarf."

"Are you going to corporate with him?" Sela guessed.

"Yes. He is our important key to this plan. You don't mind, right?" I asked.

Sela took a deep breath to dispel the tension in her heart since it meant she had to face her past again.
"Sela doesn't mind it..." she said. Her voice sounded a little gloomy.

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"Good." I noticed her expression but I couldn't do anything since Sela and the Duke of Dwarf Tribe were one of the keys to this plan.

"Is there anything else you need to ask?" I decided to close our conversation and continue my work.

"That's all Your Majesty," said Marissa.

"We'll excuse ourselves," Sela added, realizing how much my work was.

After I answered with a nod, they turned around and headed for the exit. But when I was about to use my Telekinetic skill again, I remembered one thing.

They both stopped their steps and turned to me.

"About your father's last request. Have you made your decision?" I asked.

Her expression turned a bit grim upon it.

'I shouldn't ask her now...' I regretted it. This created a dilemma for me since forced marriage wasn't my thing.

"I need more time to answer, Your Majesty," she replied.

"Okay. I'll be waiting for your answer tomorrow night," I said.

After she answered with a nod, they walked out of my office.

As soon as the door closed, a long exhale came out of my mouth. My eyes were fixed on the door.
"Am I the same as the club lady now?" I muttered.

It saddened me since even though I did it to protect her and fulfill her father's wishes, the fact that Marissa didn't want this was undeniable. It was the same as what the club lady did to me. Although her purpose was to train my mentality and my determination before I started my job as a stripper and gigolo, what she did had traumatized me and scarred me for a lifetime. And I had to do the same with Marissa. Wasn't that ironic?

I shifted my gaze to my palm on my gloomy face.
"In the end, it's all the same. The weak must follow the strong to survive."

As my mind was deep in thought, another knocking sound came.
accompanied by a voice from outside coming.
"Your Majesty, Lady Evelina, Sir Eiron, and Almeric are requesting an audience with you."

Just like before I flicked my finger and used my Telekinetic to open the door.
"Come in," I said.

They came in and bowed at me.
"Your Majesty." Which I replied with a node.

"We're ready, Your Majesty," said Eir.

"Have you finished preparing for tomorrow's duel's preparation?" I asked.

"It's all done, Your Majesty," replied Eir.

"Good." Then I turned to Al.
"So, what's your report?" The ones that would be going to Vermillion Mountain were I, Eir, and Evelina. So I assumed Al came because he wanted to report something to me.

But Al replied to me with a nervous grin.
"Uh... You know... I'm a little bored here. So I thought you could take me with you."

I replied with a flat stare.
"No," I answered simply.

"Ehhh??? Why?" Al whined like a little kid.

While Evelina and Eir sighed and turned their eyes in another direction. They had told Al beforehand that he couldn't come, but he insisted.

"I need someone to look after the palace," I said.

"But, but Chancellor Allan is here and we're only going out for a bit," he whined again.

"No buts," I said.

"Please... I want to gather some ingredients for my potion," he begged with puppy-like eyes.

"What ingredients? Didn't I already provide all of your needs?"

"It's for my Elemental Changer Potion. Vermilion Mountain is the hottest mountain on Igixar. I'm sure I can find some ingredients that can increase the potion's effectiveness," Al begged.

'This guy...' I thought in annoyance. Even though I didn't want to take him, what he said made sense. I couldn't deny that there were some interesting ingredients there. Some fire element stones that would never be anywhere else. Some monsters had rare fire skills. Some even could melt rocks in one blast. So I had no other choice but to take him.

I exhaled a long breath.

"Yay!" he shouted happily. Somehow I felt like an old man who brought his annoying kid to the theme park.

I got up from my seat and opened my portal to Vermillion Mountain.
"Let's go." Then I entered it followed by them.

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